Alola, Rainbows and a Blonde

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Dawn's POV

We were all running towards the building with a windmill. I don't really know why but it feels like we are going to be too late.

The group started to run up the stairs on the hill. And soon followed the complaining.

May just won't stop complaining and it's getting really annoying. Anyone nearby can definitely tell by my face but I'm just going to power through.

(Insert fast air moving sound here)

We all looked up to see two figures flying through the air. The limited sunlight restricted our view but we all knew who it was.

"So now what do we do now?" I asked worried about any consequences.

"I really don't know," Brock replied.

We all looked ahead in the direction Ash was heading. Where would he run or I guess fly off to?

Bonnie's POV

"Ash what region is that?" I yelled over the wind while pointing at the lights below us.

"It's called Hoenn, isn't it on the map you're holding?" Ash yelled back at me. I never thought of that.

"I forgot I could look," I yelled while laughing. Dedenne woke up from all the yelling so I picked him up from the bag. "It looks so pretty doesn't it," I told Dedenne. We both had a certain sparkle in our eyes.

"Bonnie we probably should switch Pokémon to give Charizard and Pidgeot a break." Ash suggested. Did he forget we are flying? I give him a 'Your Crazy' look but he showed me how.

"Staraptor, Talonflame I choose you two," he said as he released the 2 from their ball capsules," Staraptor come fly next to Charizard."

Staraptor matched Charizard's speed so Ash could transfer over. Ash carefully jumped onto Staraptor and then motioned Talonflame to do the same thing. "Charizard return."

I watched Talonflame fly over next to Pidgeot. Here we go I thought. Dedenne jumped on my head while I held Pikachu. 3-2-1 jump. Thankfully Talonflame caught me and we continued our flight. I saw Ash return Pidgeot and thank him.

We were past Hoenn now and back into full darkness other than the lantern and chinchou. Then I looked up and saw a light in the shape of a bird. Ash must've seen it too because he was looking right at it with almost a nostalgic look.

"Pikachu does it look kind of familiar to you too?" Ash asked over the wind.

"Pika," Pikachu said while nodding.

The light was leaving a trail of sparkles behind it. Then it stopped and we caught up to it. The wings of the light flapped and I saw an object slowly come down to me.

It was a feather but the prettiest feather I've ever seen. It's mixture of the rainbow seemed to glow in my hands. I put it in my bag for safe keeping. Ash tried to talk to me but I was too tired to respond.

"You can go to sleep Bonnie, I'll stay up and watch you don't worry." Thank Arceus, I'm so tired it shouldn't be hard to fall asleep.

Ash's POV

I watched Bonnie make herself comfortable on Talonflame. She was laying along his body and was still relatively secure. Her face showed differently though. Probably just a bad dream.

Bonnie's Dream

We finally make it Alola but they don't have phones or Pokémon. My most special birthday and it's ruined. I was breaking down in front of everyone. Then I saw Ash leave me alone for the whole day. Whyyyyy I screamed out.

Bonnie suddenly started mumbling so I told Staraptor to fly closer to make sure she was okay. I was about a foot away and she woke up screaming whyyyyy. "Bonnie are you doing alright," I asked her worried.

"It was nothing," she replied.

I didn't believe her so I asked further, "Are you regretting coming with me?"

"No, no," she quickly replied,"it's just that my birthday is in 2 days." She trailed off at the end but I still heard her.

"I see the sun rising so does that mean it's tomorrow?" I asked surprised.

She nodded still looking ahead into the sunrise.

"Well it's going to be the best day ever," I exclaimed while throwing my fist in the air.

She wiped her tears and looks over to give me her biggest smile ever.

Well today is Saturday and I have an idea. "Bonnie this is the start to your birthday weekend and we will start by finding the first busy street we find and make an entrance."

"Are you sure that's smart?" She asked giggling.

"Gary said Alola is pretty cut off from the rest of the world and few people care about other regions so we should be okay." I stated knowing my details.

"Ash let's land on Melemele Island. It has a big city that seems to have everything," Bonnie suggested.

"Your the leader," I replied and we got ready to land.

???'s POV (You can probably guess)


I wake up suddenly to a loud noise. I climb out of my loft quickly only to see Professor Kukui dodging Rockruff's rock throws. The small rocks we're going everywhere and hitting everything. How did he become a professor? I shake my head and yell over the noise. "Professor what are doing up so early?"

He looked over at me and replied. "It's just one of those days when you feel great and don't want to waste a minute of it." Weird I thought, I wish I could wake up like that.(who agrees)

"Okay I'm heading into Hau'oli city for my weekly shopping trip." I told him."Is there anything you need me to get?"

"I have a parcel waiting for me at the Pokemon Center if you don't mind," he replied.

"I'm your assistant, it's the best I can do to repay you for everything," I reasoned.

"Professor Burnet And I would never leave a helpless girl on the beach shore," he was right I guess,"I'm surprised you still have your memories."

"Sometimes I wish I didn't have them," I mumbled.

Professor Kukui gave me a curious look but started to make breakfast. "Do you have a preference for today's breakfast?" He asked. I don't know why he's going to try and cook breakfast again.

"I just don't want it to taste like ash," I joked. He laughed it off.

"I know you like to go fast so just grab a malasada out of the oven," He was right, I have a lot to do today.

"Thanks," I yelled while running out of the lab with a nice warm malasada in my hand.

I climbed the ledge like a rebel so I didn't have to go through the tall grass. Ever since that battle we watched on TV I can't stand watching a battle.

Lille walked into Hau'oli city with her head held up high ready to do some shopping. What she didn't do was notice 2 flying figures off above the sea...

Bonnie's POV

"Bonnie do you think I can jump and land in a somersault right in front of the Pokémon Center?" He asked but who does he think he his? I might as well see how far he goes.

"Of course but can you do it with your eyes closed?"I asked smirking. He isn't dumb enough to lis—.

"Is that a challenge?" He questioned.

If I say yes he might get hurt but it will be funny. If I say no...I'm not saying no, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. "Yes Ash, yes it is."

I watched him close his eyes and stand up on Staraptor. Staraptor has to adjust to the weight shift and almost knocked Ash off. "

"Ash go in 5 seconds," I told him giving some help. He was getting ready but then I saw this blonde haired girl through the Pokémon Center window. She opened the door ready to go. I had to stop Ash.

"Ash," he was going so fast he couldn't hear me.

"Ash!" I yelled even louder. He gave a thumbs up and jumped.

Lillie's POV

I got the parcel for the Professor and now I can get my shopping started. I walk out of the Pokémon Center.

"Ash." I heard. I looked up seeing a boy that looked around my age jump off his Pokemon. I was surprised he actually got into the somersault at the perfect time.

Wait why isn't he stopping? Thud.

Bonnie's POV

I knew he was going to hit her. I facepalmed but something came to me though. I don't have to find keeper for Clemont anymore anymore. I looked at the two tangled laying on the ground semi-conscious. I deviously smiled at Pikachu in my arms and I could tell we were thinking the same thing.

Staraptor and Talonflame landed by Ash and I walked up to them. "Guys you can get off each other now." I told them smiling.

They both blushed and got away from each other pretty quick. Ash recovered and made sure she was okay. "I'm really sorry about that," He said while rubbing the back of his head."By the way, I'm Ash Ketchum." Ash shook her hand politely.

"You really shouldn't be so reckless Ash," I warned him. "I'm Bonnie his little sister." He gave me a look but decided to talk later.

"I agree but it did look cool before you hit me," she said laughing. "I'm Lillie." She greeted. Lillie and Ash began talking so I took the chance to talk to Pikachu.

"I can already tell we have a chance for this Pikachu," I whispered in his ear, he nodded. I looked at Lillie, she had a really nice white sundress and white shoes and high socks. She also had really big floppy hat which was white. They were talking to each other laughing occasionally but I don't like being left out.

"Lillie is going shopping Bonnie if you want to go." He told me."We could also use some new clothes."

"Yes I can't wait," I replied jumping up and down. Looks like Pikachu and I are getting to work early. I heard a rumble.

"Maybe we should eat first if that's okay Lillie," Ash suggested.

"Sure," she replied cheerily. She seems really happy to hang with us for some reason."I'll show you this great malasada shop."

"Malasada?" Ash said confused.

"Cmon I'll show you," Lillie cheered while grabbing our hands and running off.

I already like this girl...


I decided to finally add Lillie. Took me long enough but I hope the wait was worth it.

I had them meeting differently but I wanted to set sail to the Aurelia Ship early.

Who knows what could happen during a simple shopping trip?

Read the next chapter (once I write it) to find out.

Thanks for reading and see you next time.

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