Birthday Preperations

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Sorry about the accidental publishing that happened, those who saw got a sneak peek though.

Ash's POV

The three of us were now walking at a slower pace towards what looked like a cafe. "This is a malasada shop," Lillie told us. Pikachu and Dedenne stopping running around to look at the colourfully decorated store.

"Those look so good," I might have been drooling a little but who cares.

"Let's go eat," Bonnie said excitedly.

We entered the shop and went to the cashier. "What would you guys like?" The worker asked.

Bonnie and I looked at Lillie because we had no idea what to do. Lillie noticed and asked for 3 big malasadas.

"Are you guys paying separately?" The girl asked.

"I'll pay for everything," I told her. I kinda owe then both.

"Ash you don't have to." Lillie states.

"No it's fine, I kinda want to say sorry for rolling into you," I said laughing.

"Ash you can try out that new device Professor Oak gave you." Bonnie said to me.

"I can't pay with a Pokédex." I told her like she wasn't thinking.

"Do you remember what he told you?" But I was listening until he mentioned new Pokémon.

"I might have got side tracked." I said scratching my cheek.

"Seems like Bonnie takes cares of you Ash," Lillie said giggling.

"Bring it out Ash," Bonnie told me.

I pulled out the rectangular device and turned it on. A screen popped out and I could see many different options.(looks kinda like the Unova Pokédex)

"Right there," Bonnie pointed out a small money sign.

"Wait so you've never accessed your bank/wallet before?" Lillie asked curious.

"Nope, 8 years of travelling and I've never tried it." I said not thinking about what I just said.

"8 years!" Lillie exclaimed."You've must have a lot of places but how did you pay for stuff?"

"My Mom sent money every once in awhile." I replied.

My wallet balance said $0. There goes that plan. "It says I don't have any money." I told them.

"Let me see Ash," I gave the PokeCom to Lillie."I think you need to open these things to get the money."

I scrolled through all the messages, there must have been 200 things in there. I might as well open one.

"Bonnie since your birthday is tomorrow, you can pick what one to open,"

Lillie's POV

I watched him help her pick what one.
He's obviously really good with her but why would they fly to Alola with nothing?

"Let's open the Kalos league one," I heard Bonnie say. The Kalos league final was one of the only battles I've ever watched. It terrifies me how the trainer Ash——— I look at Ash and then try to remember what the Ash from TV looked like.

It's him?

The guy that lost somehow, the guy that would take pain just because of his Pokémon's bond with him.

"Lillie are you okay," Ash asked me. I snapped out of it and nodded. Maybe I should tell him.

"Here's your food," the lady said as she handed the tray to me.

"I should be able to pay with this," Ash told her as they figured out how it worked.

I walked with Bonnie to find a table, we got a nice one with a large window right beside it. I unwrapped each one and gave them out once Ash got here.

"Wow these are really good," Ash stated with stars in his eyes. He must really enjoy food.

"Super yummy," Bonnie licked the extra filling off her lips.

I wanted to agree but I can't stop thinking about how to tell Ash I saw his battle. "Lillie you can tell us if something is wrong." Bonnie said with a less energetic tone. How can they just meet me and be so nice.

"Ash...I watched your Kalos league battle." I told him looking at my barely touched malasada.

"Whoever told you water beats fire lied to you," he laughed. "Why are you sad about it though?"

"Because I remembered how much pain you and your Greninja were in at the end. You guys put in so much and got so little out of it" I said. "I don't really like watching battles anymore."

"Lillie, we might have lost, got hurt but none of that matters. We had fun and were so close we know we will win next time." Ash passionately said.

"And Ash got like $500 000 from ticket sales and prize money so he didn't get nothing," Bonnie said smiling.

"Seriously?!" I couldn't believe it. She had to be lying.

"Yep but I don't know what to do with it all." He said not really caring that he was kinda rich.

"You'll put it to good use I'm sure," I tried to help. He nodded.

"I have one question though," I started, "Why are you guys in Alola?" I saw them look at each other faces darker but Ash gave a nod to Bonnie.

"All of Ash's friends and Mom decided to blindside him and tell him to give up." She said with zero expression on her face. She then continued with a more detailed explanation.

Ash must be broken inside, how can he stand all that? He's more relatable to me than I thought. "So your birthday is tomorrow Bonnie," I tried to lighten up the mood.

Bonnie got a smile on her face and said," Yep and Ash said it's going to be the best." He smiled at her.

"And it starts with shopping for some new clothes," Ash said as he motioned for us to go.

I led the way thinking about everything. Ash mentioned he needed to find a local professor so I can help that way. I want to talk to Ash about Bonnie's birthday though. I looked back to see Ash pointing out every Alola Pokemon and Bonnie telling him to hurry up. I now know they aren't actually siblings though. Really hard to tell.

"Here we are guys," I stated as we walked into the clothes outlet. "Who are we finding clothes for first?"

"Ash is," Bonnie said while chasing Dedenne around the store.

"Bonnie are you going to help?" I yelled out trying to find her.

I heard a 'Coming' and we started searching. After many tries and laughs from everybody, mostly Bonnie and Pikachu. We found this outfit(look at picture)

(Sinnoh, just kidding it's Unova Outfit I Think)

He looked really good in it, stop thinking like that Lillie I told my self.

"Looks like Lillie like what she sees Pikachu," I heard Bonnie whisper. I don't think Ash heard but I was blushing bright red.

"Lillie are you sick?" I didn't know he was dense too. Kind of good though.

"No I'm fine Ash," I assured him.

"Time for me now," Bonnie cheered. I went with her while Ash went to pay for his new clothes.

After searching for a bit Ash finally found us. Bonnie just walked out of the change room in a really cute outfit. It was a black short-sleeved shirt with a bright yellow thunderbolt across the front. She also had on a bright yellow shirt with black shoes and short socks. She still had her old handbag and hair clip.

"I like the thunderbolt across the front Bonnie," I told the almost 10-year old.

"I want to be an electric-type trainer only so I thought I would look the part." She informed.

"I'm happy you know what you want Bonnie," Ash said. That helps with what to get her for her birthday.

"Do you want to come with us to the Pokémon Center for lunch Lillie?" Ash asked me.

"Why not a restaurant?" I asked back wondering.

"Because I have 66 Pokemon I need to feed and let them stretch their legs." Ash answered unfazed by the amount of Pokémon he has.

"Makes sense," I said giggling. "I would like to join you guys then." I can't wait to see all his Pokemon. I also have another request for him but it can wait.

The three of them walked to the Pokémon Center. They saw a few pikipek fly over but nothing crazy happened. Until they went near the really big bushes.

"Twerp wait right there," I heard a feminine voice. Pikachu got into a battle stance for some reason.

I saw Ash sigh and roll his eyes. "How did you guys know I came to Alola?"

Suddenly three figures jumped out in front of us. "We were on vacation and saw your grand entrance." A talking Meowth replied. I couldn't believe I was seeing a talking Pokémon.

"Vacation?" Ash looked confused. "I don't think Giovanni would like that."
I was lost at this point.

"We got a big pay day from the boss and we left Team Rocket." A periwinkle haired guy replied.

"We decided we liked saving people more than getting destroyed by people." They all looked at Pikachu at the end.

"Pi Pikachu," Pikachu laughed at them.

"Good for you guys but now what are you going to do?" Ash asked.

"Jessie and James are detectives for the police force here now," The two adults stood up a little straighter after Meowth answered.

"But your criminals," Bonnie told them not seeing how they could work for the police.

"They don't know that, we're hoping we can make up for it before it happens." James cleared up," And Ash was the most affected by us and you never took us in."

"I knew you were good guys who just needed money," Ash said. How can someone be so nice after getting their life turned upside down?

"Want to join us for lunch?" I asked them. I took the time to look at them, Jessie and James had navy shirts with black pants and navy shoes. They were pretty tall but not crazy tall.

"Sure," they replied.

We got a large outside table by the battle field. We ordered from the waiter and then Ash stood up. I watched him walk out a bit with his backpack in his hand.

"Ready to meet all my Pokemon guys?" he asked to Bonnie and I. The TRio as in calling them got really nervous. Pikachu just smirked and motioned for Bonnie and I to move away.

Ash looked at his bag trying to think of the best way to release them all. He decided to flip his bag over and let all of them fall out. "Come on out guys."
You could hear the assortment of sounds as all the Pokémon noticed Ash. I did notice some of his larger flying Pokémon looking kind of lethargic. I smiled as I watched Ash reunite with his Pokemon. He'd be a great dad, wait what?

Then I saw his Charizard look over at the TRio and growl really loud. In a second multiple attacks of all types were thrown in their direction. Ash got them all calmed down. He asked Pikachu to help explain but he was too busy rolling around laughing.

"We definitely deserved that," they croaked from the ground.

Pikachu and Dedenne went around explaining the situation. Ash noticed the 4 flying types and took them to get healed. Bonnie explained that those were the 4 they flew on to get to Alola.

Bonnie's POV

Ash has so many cute and powerful Pokémon. I can't wait until tomorrow to start my own team. I walked over to Lillie to see what she was doing.

"Hey Bonnie," she greeted me.

"Hi, have you seen Ash?" I asked her.

"I think he was calling someone." She replied.

"Let's go see him then," I grabbed her hand and ran off. "Pikachu your in charge," I yelled. I could hear Lillie giggling.

"Daddy," I yelled as soon as I saw who Ash was talking to through the phone. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Ash put something in his pocket.

"Hey Bonnie, are you having fun with Ash?" He asked me.

"You do know why we're here right?" I asked.

"Yes I do but I know I can trust Ash," Meyer told his daughter. "Ash is the girl behind you guys your girlfriend."

I saw Ash and Lillie look at each other bright red. I can't wait to tell Pikachu. "N-o," Ash stuttered, "Her name is Lillie and she's been a big help."

Meyer laughed at their reactions. "Well I have to go now, happy birthday Bonnie and I'll talk to you quickly now about something." Ash and Lillie went outside to give the two privacy. "You better get those two together right."

"I won't let you down," I stated giggling.

I ended the call and walked outside. I see Aah returning all his Pokemon and walking towards me with Lillie, Pikachu and Dedenne.

"Lillie and I are going to run some errands," Ash told me. I got sad but happy they are going to spend time together without my manipulation. "You can play with my Pokemon so they can get more exercise but only 6 at a time okay,"

"Yay, But you two don't have too much fun," I teased.

I could see a tint a red on Lillie's face but I don't think Ash understood. "Let's just go," I could hear Lillie mumble. I watched them leave.

They better get me some presents.

Kind of a filler chapter but it was a needed set up for next chapter. Hopefully I get a snow day tomorrow and can write a lot more.

I have to leave for basketball so I hope you enjoyed and can't wait for next chapter which may come out tonight.

Finally I'm going to put out a picture with the general plot line and different arcs.

I'm going to make an arc chart.(sorry)

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