Fighting Evil and Performing for a Flower

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Carol's POV

"This festival would have been so much easier to set up if Melody was here," I sigh as I put the three orbs on the pedestal.

"Even if she left the ocarina we wouldn't have needed to collect these," The old elder of the island said as people started circling around the pedestal.

"She sure is taking her time in Alola," I laugh. "What if she played Lugia's song now?"

"Theoretically it could summon Lugia because the song goes directly to Lugia when the orbs are in place," He answers.

"Oh," I respond and look over the cliff. I could stare at the ocean forever, I push my brown hair back up into its weird spiky shape.


Lillie's POV (right before the last two POVs)

"What do you mean?" I question as I start to freak out. Melody smirked and brought the ocarina to her mouth...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(I love this song)

I was stuck in a trance while I listened to the song. Meloetta started flying up subconsciously as the song deepened. How could something so beautiful be useful for evil?

As the song closed I noticed Meloetta duplicating. A white figure that looked like Meloetta emerged and filled the indent on the temple.

Suddenly the cave started rumbling so hard I was having trouble standing. Ash grabbed my arm and we started running towards the exit. I look back to see Harmony and Beat running after us.

But they're running in fear...

Carol's POV

"Lugia," I mutter as the flying and psychic legendary Pokémon appeared. It hovered in front of us and blew huge gusts of wind whenever it flapped it's wings to stay in the air.

"Luuuu," Another smaller Lugia flew over the other and landed on the edge of the cliff.

"We did not summon you," The island elder tells Lugia. Lugia shook his head like he doesn't believe us. "Maybe Melody played the ocarina for fun?"

"Not a chance," I sigh. "She never plays ur willingly. Is there any other uses for playing Lugia's song?"

The smaller Lugia flapped his wings and started yelling like crazy. "Lugia?" I ask. I blink and suddenly the two Lugias were flying south.

"This isn't good," The old man sighs. "The current Lugia is connected to our island. But assuming the smaller one is its offspring, that means it is connected to Alola."

"There's an Alolan Lugia legend?" I ask confused by this legend that came out of nowhere.

"Yes. Lugia's song can unlock the power and control over four guardian Pokémon," He recounts. "But since we had the orbs in place, Lugia was summoned here."

"So someone is trying to take over Alola?" I ask not liking where this is going.

"And the only person we know who can play the ocarina other than you," He sighs.

"Is my bratty sister Melody..."

Lillie's POV

"We made it out," I pant but the rumbling was getting louder. I turn around to see the ground breaking apart and shaking. Then the top of the golden temple could be soon with help from the moon light.

I can see Melody at the top while the temple becomes fully above ground. She was holding a glowing gold music note that looks like it came from the temple. "Melody this is a bad idea!" Harmony warns.

"You can't stop me nowww," She laughs evilly.

"Ash are w—"


Bonnie's POV

"We are going to rock this appeal," I say confidently to Star. My Alolan Raichu flew through the air happily and nodded her head.

"Now it's time for Bonnie Aether!" Professor Kukui's voice echoed from the loudspeakers. I walk onto the makeshift stage that was built in the middle of the well lit Fini stadium. The sun was slowly rising but not enough to rely on it.

"Thunder trail!" I command. Star immediately recognized the command and started flying through the air over the crowd. Once she got back she started reading electricity so a yellow trail crackled in the sky. Every so often she would stop the trail and do a few flips to make it seem like she's falling.

"Now use psychic," I order the surfing mouse Pokémon. Star moved under the collections of electricity that seemed to just be floating there. Well they kind of are I guess. Star shot her arms in the air and a bright blue energy outlined the trails.

The outline showed a faint representation of Alola. She did it perfectly. "Now bring it down." Star moved the electricity straight down and on top of her. The electricity sizzled and created a beautiful effect around Star. She bowed, as did I and we got a huge applause from the crowd.

"What a performance," Kukui complimented and I can hear the clapping over the speakers. "That wraps up the appeals and the judges will get to decide who will be battling it out for the Anthurium Flower.

I wonder how the battle versus Team Rhythm is going...

Lillie's POV

"Ash this is going to be full on hell," I scream over the sound the temple was making. It wasn't a tune or anything, just incoherent noise. He nods then looks back at the temple where the Tapus were closed in their shells and on top of each pillar respectively.

"You guys should go call for our backup," Ash yells back at my parents and Tierno. They nodded and ran back towards the safest part of the island. That might not be safe soon. The noise was starting to die down but not before Ash pressed a button on Suicune's pokeball. He is worried... And so am I.

"How can we help?" Beat yelled towards us. I was confused by the request but they seem genuinely scared of Melody's newfound power.

"Go south and meet with the others," Ash yelled. "You guys can be part of the back up."

Great. Now it's just us two against the crazy lady who has an unknown amount of power. Suddenly the noise stopped and the Tapus emerged once again from their shells. "Uh oh," I scream in fear.

The Tapus have red eyes now and are staring at us. It feels as if they can see through me and they don't look happy. "Greninja, Charizard let's go!" Ash yells. The two Pokémon came out of their confinements and they looked ready to battle.

"Pikachu, Umbreon," I say as the two Pokémon step up.

Any four of Ash's Pokemon can probably beat any trainer. Except they aren't fighting four random Pokémon... They're fighting four legendaries...

Bonnie's POV

"You can win this Bonnie!" I hear Emily cheer from the front row. I look over to see her waving but I couldn't help but notice her fiancée wasn't there beside her. I give her a smile and I turn back to  the battle.

"Don't get too comfortable down there Kayla and Bonnie," Kukui announced. "Because I believe it is time for a field change!" A huge wheel appeared an the big screen and it started spinning. There are so many different types it's hard to pick one. The spinning slowed down before landing on a blue tile...

"The water field!" Kukui announces. The standard field dropped and our new battleground popped up into place. It was a generic water field with a few platforms but not nearly enough to use a Pokémon that can't swim.

"Chinchou time to light this place up," I cheer and release my cute water and electric type. The small blue Pokémon gave a cute cheer as his two antenna glowed brightly.

"Brionne time to perform," Kayla cheers and let's out the water type.

"We're battling," I remind her.

"Oh ya," She laughs nervously.

"Battle begin," The referee that no one cares about announces.

"Chinchou light up the water with shock wave," I command. Chinchou went under water and sent a bright yellow wave of Electricty throughout the water.

"Jump onto a platform and use disarming voice," Kayla ordered. Well, there goes that plan.

The fairy type attack weakened in the water but Chinchou was still pushed deeper under water by it. I need to get Brionne in the water somehow...

"Get above the water," I yell towards my angler Pokémon. Chinchou surfaces right in front of Brionne. "Confuse Ray."

Kayla eyes were now wide open as the small ghostly orb travelled the close distance. Brionne was frozen but the she suddenly had trouble standing up and she fell flat on the platform. The pop star Pokémon got up shakily.

"Chinchou use discharge," I smirk.

"Brionne hydro pump," Kayla says.

Chinchou fired the burst of electricity but was pushed back by the high pressure water attack. Lucky.

The attacks were at a stalemate until they eventually weakened to a stop. Brionne was affected by the electricity a little bit and fell backwards into the water.

"Chinchou use shock wave," I yell hoping to finish the battle. The water became bright yellow in Chinchou's area and the glow moved towards the immobile starter evolution.

"Brionne move!" Kayla screamed. She wasn't so lucky this time because the amplified electric attack struck Brionne. I noticed that the water type wasn't surfacing.

"Chinchou bring Brionne to the surface," I command. Chinchou nodded and dove down towards Brionne. They came up in front of Kayla and she picked up her fainted Pokémon.

"The winner is Bonnie!" Kukui declares. I smile and wave and then I pick up my little winner.

"You were awesome," I complement Chinchou. He gave a cute cheer and then I returned him. Four down, 1 to go.

Gladion's POV

"Uh oh," I sigh as my Pokenab starts ringing. "It's from my mom."

"Answer it already," Dawn sighed. I brought the phoning device to my ear and I don't like what I hear. There was a weird sound emitting from the device.

"Mom?" I ask as I grow more worried.

"Gladion!" She shouted. I cringe from her voice coming through the phone so loud. I give an alarming look to Dawn to pass the message of "get ready".

"Yep?" I sigh already knowing the probable reason for the call.

"Do you guys have a backup team ready?" My Mom asks, fear filling her voice.

"Not really," I reply. "Guzma, Plumeria and a few of their more skilled grunts are with us."

"The three Team Rhythm admins are ready to help us as well," Lusamine informs. "Long story." I'll have to ask about that later.

"That should be enough if we only have to defeat the leader," I insist not really seeing the point of us going.

"A leader and four legendaries," She sighs. My face dropped and it didn't make Dawn feel any better.

"Should we go get more of Ash's Pokemon? I stutter a little.

Silver's POV

"They flew this way Scar," I point my Skarmory in the direction of the blonde and blunette. They left in a hurry with fear on their faces and I want to help out. It's my, our start to joining the good side.

"Ska," He chirps as we fly over the construction area of New Po town. I think Ketchum is funding this as well.

"Good eyes," I compliment. "Don't freak them out by landing right beside them."

Skarmory landed a good distance away and I jumped off. I walked quickly towards them and the blonde, Gladion, was on the phone with someone.

"Yes, we need all the help you can get," A feminine voice came out of the device.

"Okay bye mom," Gladion says and shuts the pokenab off.

"I can help," I say as I walk towards them.

"Eek," The girl jumped back. "Sorry."

"No I'm sorry for sneaking up," I laugh. "I want to help you go battle Team Rhythm."

"How do you—"

"Long story," I sigh. "But I have no problem telling you after we go kick their a—-s."

"Can you fly behind us?" Gladion asks. I point to my steel and flying type. "Let's go." I nod and we take off towards Mount Lanikula.

Time to be on the other side of evil...

Greninja's POV

"Fini I don't want to do this," I cry as I defend another one of her attacks. She froze for a second but then went straight back to attacking me. "Please."

She looked at me with her red eyes and I noticed her head flinch slightly. "You can break the control," I croak. The beautiful Tapu who captures my heart froze again. Her turquoise hair was flowing in the wind.

I approach her carefully until I was right in front of her. "Please," I whisper. I lean in and gently peck her cheek...



I hope this chapter was worth the wait and Team Rhythm still hasn't been defeated😱😱


Sadly I am away the next four days with no internet...

I hope you stick with the story and expect at least one chapter immediately when I get back.


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