The Mystery of Meloetta

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Lillie's POV

"We need a plan," Lusamine states as we watch Team Rhythm get organized.

"Why not just charge in and fight them?" Ash asks while pacing around the Aether house's secret room impatiently.

"Sit down," I say sternly.

"Ugh," He pouts and lays across the couch.

"What legendaries are you guys bringing?" My mom asks.

"Meloetta and Blobby but Suicune is always ready," Ash answers.

"Since they've displayed interest in Meloetta shouldn't she stay here?" I question his choice.

"I'd rather her be with us because that way I can protect her," Ash states.

"Good call," Lusamine agreed. "We probably should set up some sort of backup because we don't know what we're getting into."

"I can always send Blobby back to the hotel and hope they find him and delivers an SOS call," Ash thinks up a surprisingly good plan.

"And there is Suicune too," I add. "And we sent Gladion and Dawn to recruit a back up team remember."

"Okay so we will fly there and battle," Ash maps out. "And hopefully win."

"They'll most likely be suspecting us so u don't know if that will work," I sigh.

"Just blow them up," I hear a faint voice whisper.

"Did you guys hear that?" I ask while looking around. They give me a weird look, "Nevermind."

"This just got harder," Lusamine sighs. I watch the screen and my dad was getting pulled into one of the submarines.

"Even if we do beat them, now they'll just use Meyer as a bribe," I sigh.

"Unless we get him back before we beat them," Ash suggests.

"What do you mean?" I ask confused.

"If we send a Pokémon to go get him while we battle," Ash starts. "We'll be able to avoid a hostage situation."

"When did you get so smart?" I tease.

He blushes, "Last night maybe."

"Focus you two," My Mom scorns while giggling a little. "Our plan is still charge in then?"

"Yep let's go," Ash cheers. I sigh and follow him outside. He helps me on top of Charizard and we take off into the night.

Team Rhythm Boss's POV

"Hey boss I found out more on the temple activation," Harmony shouts and runs up to me.

"Patrol and don't let anyone into the cave," I order the grunts. "And use the Blaziken guy as a bribe if you're defeated."

"Boss!" Harmony yelled again impatiently.

"What?" I ask as I turn my attention to the nerdy admin.

"We need a legendary's song to open the temple," She states.

"Not a problem," I sigh.

"But that means we need Meloetta to sing," She says frantically.

"Not necessarily," I laugh.

"You're so confusing," She sighs.

"I'm from Shamouti," I laugh at her. "I'll finally have a use for being able to play the ocarina." I hold the shell like instrument that holds so much power.

"But if you play Lugia's song won't that summon him," Harmony questions.

"No because the three glass orbs need to be on a special pedestal," I answer her with my amazing knowledge on the legend of Lugia.

"Good because we don't want to deal with more trouble than we have to," Harmony sighs.

"Go get the operation started with Beat," I command. "I'll be down once I get Timbre situated with the grunts."

"Yes ma'am," She says.

"Harmony you can call me by my name," I laugh.

"Well, see you later then...Melody."

Ash's POV

"That's a lot of grunts," Lillie mumbles while we fly through the starry sky. I hold her a little bit tighter to assure her that we'll be fine.

"How do they see us!?" I exclaim. The grunts started pointing up at us and released multiple Pokémon.

"Maybe Charizard's tail that has fire at the end," She laughs.

"Oops. We are already getting off to a good start," I joke.

"Are we in over our heads?" She asks quietly as we slowly approach the small island.

"Don't worry," I laugh. "Gladion and Dawn are getting a back up team ready as we speak."

"Okay," She murmurs.

"Charizard light up the first row of grunts," I command the flying dragon. Who isn't a dragon type...

Charizard flew down with a Lusamine and Pidgeot close behind. Charizard released a flamethrower that was able to hit and burn five grunts and their Pokémon.

"I hope you all aren't that easy," I taunt as we land on the south side of the island.

"We may be easy but you have to get through Timbre too," One of the grunts yelled. Some of them facepalmed at the self inflicted insult.

"Timbre eh?" I laugh. "Come here for a second." I look over to see Lillie barely containing her laughter while Lusamine was plain out confused.

"What are you doing admin?" One of the grunts questioned while Tierno walked over to me.

"It's Tierno," The dancer laughed. "And Ash is actually one of my friends."

"You traitor," A taller grunt stood forward. "Get them!" And the battle begins...

A few purple Pokémon walked over in my direction. They were Loudred and they didn't look too tough. "Lucario, Gallade I choose you two!"

"Hyper voice!" The three grunts I was battling ordered from the big voice Pokemon. My two bipedal Pokémon cover their ears and cringe from the high frequency sound waves.

"Lucario send an aura sphere their way, it can't miss," I command. "Gallade try to stop them with psychic."

Lucario shot the bright blue ball of energy straight up in the air. The aura worked its magic and hit the closest Loudred. Gallade was able to use the weakened hyper voice to take control of the two other Loudred.

"Light'em up Lucario," I order the white aura Pokémon. He smirks and runs up to each Loudred with a foot made of fire. Each blaze kick was able to knock out the loud Pokémon and finish the battle.

"We have more Pokémon you know," The grunts smirked and let our three Exploud.

"Hopefully this will actually be a challenge," I laugh.

Lillie's POV

"You two love-birds are destroying everybody," I laugh as the electric mouse and moonlight Pokémon blush. "If you're going to do anything, Umbreon you should probably turn your lights off."

The area went dark and that raised a lot of questions as Umbreon and Pikachu disappeared from my sight. "Blazzzzz," A large flamethrower lit up the sky.

"You alright?" I hear Meyer ask my mom who was using her Lilligant to defend herself. Now that my dad is safe we can finish powering through these grunts.

"Ash let's go!" I yell.

"Yep," He replied.

"You can't get past us," The grunt in front of me laughed. "You're a girl."

"And you're a boy," I taunt back. I see Gengar sneaking behind the grunt. "It's not just me though."

"Umbreon stop kissing Pikachu and use flash," I command. The area lit up once again because of a blushing eevelution. The light revealed the ghost and poison type who was now juggling the grunt's Pokeballs.

"Give those back!" He yells and swats at the laughing Gengar. "Why are you do small and fast?!"

"Lillie you almost done?" Ash yells. I look around and see grunts laid in the ground crying over their fainted Pokémon.

"Just about," I yell back. Gengar kept fooling around before pelting the balls of metal at the guy's head. "Now we are."

I run over and meet up with my parents, Ash and Tierno. "Tierno stay here so you can lead the back up to us," Lusamine ordered. Tierno did a small dance and nodded.

"Also keep your eye out for any remaining grunts," I add.

"We'll stay here too," Lusamine said. "We don't have many Pokémon left to battle with."

"I guess it's just us two then," Ash says. I nod and we head over to the cave. We slowly enter and follow the scarcely lit tunnel.

"Look at the murals," I say as I run my hand along the finished walls. "I think it's a song."

"Mela," Meloetta agrees and jumps off of Ash's shoulder.

"Don't sing!" Ash warned. "Your voice has powers and we don't want to make this harder for ourselves." Meloetta nodded and turned invisible again.

The cave was beginning to get brighter and our impending battle was coming closer. "Woah," I awe over what I was seeing.

There was a small pale pink pyramid sitting in the middle of the cave. It had four pillars about half way up the side going straight up. At the top there was an indent that had a picture of Meloetta sketched into it.

"It's beauty isn't it," A voice came from behind the temple. A familiar auburn haired girl appeared at the top with Beat and Harmony at her side.

"Melody!?" Ash exclaimed.

"The one and only," She smiles. "I see you brought your girlfriend with you too." I can't get distracted.

"Why would you do this?" I ask.

"Fun," She shrugs. "I've always wanted to be in control of a region."

"Well you don't have Meloetta so you can't power the temple," I yell at her.

"But you do," She smirks. "And I have pretty strong admins."

Ash released Gabite and I let out Bastiodon. Beat let out a big steel Pokémon that had bright red eyes that flickered in the semi darkness of the cave. Bronzong. Harmony let out a small pink Pokémon that was puffing up. Jigglypuff.

"Jigglypuff sing," Harmony commanded. The Pokémon was able to direct the attack only at our Pokémon thankfully.

"Gabite use dig," Ash ordered. Gabite got underground safe from the attack while Bastiodon just stood there.

"What!?" Harmony explained.

"Soundproof," I smirked. "Metal burst." Bastiodon summoned the steel orbs and they charged towards Jigglypuff.

"Bronzong block them with extrasensory," Beat yelled out his first command.

"Gabite get under and use Draco meteor," Ash ordered the makeshift move. Harmony and Beat just stood there confused.

Suddenly the ground erupted and swallowed up our two opponents. Bronzong was able to fly up without taking too much damage but Jigglypuff is toast. Gabite came back in front of us and stood there proudly at his work. The cave floor was destroyed and Beat and Harmony were having trouble keeping their balance.

"Gabb," He growled and started the evolving process. He was now much larger and intimidating. He was a lighter purple and his arms were now part wing along with the golden star on his forehead.

"Melody we're screwed," Harmony yelled in fear.

"A little longer," The boss yelled back from behind the temple.

"Ash we need to hurry up," I urge him.

"Garchomp let's finish this with dragon pulse!" Ash commands.

"Bastiodon follow it with heavy slam," I order. Bastiodon charged forward shielded by the dragon type move.

"Bronzong use protect," Beat tried to stay in this battle. The green shield deflected the dragon pulse but the powerful steel attack was too much for it. Bronzong got flinched into the cave walls and never got back up.

"It's over now," Ash smirked. They grabbed more Pokeballs but Melody grabbed their arms.

"You're right," She sighs. "For you..."

Tapu Fini's POV

"I was having a great nap, Lele complains as we fly towards the Ruins of Abundance.

"Stop your whining," Tapu Koko sighed. "Fini wouldn't have us doing this for fun."

"Disaster is looming," I say.

"Then why can't the island it's happening on take care of it," Lele argues.

"Because it's not on any of our islands," Bulu said from below us. He was just sitting in front of the cave lazily.

"Let's go!" I yell at him. He sighs and joins us in the air.

"You're angry when Greninja isn't around," Lele teases me as we head towards Exeggutor island.

"Shut up," I snap.

"Really angry," Bulu adds.

"You guys are so childish," Koko sighs.

"Uh oh," I say as we hover over the island.

"Even the ground can dance," Lele laughs.


I decided to make a main plot end last more than 1 chapter.

And you might've thought this would be Team Skull all over again...

Anyways thanks for reading as always and see you next chapter...

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