Hello Akala Island

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Ash's POV

"Where are we?" I asked no one in particular. Pikachu started talking with all his look-alikes and they pointed to a bright blue trailer with a Pikachu face on the side.

Pikachu went to climb in but was knocked down by one of them coming out. I walk over and then a Pikachu hit me when I tried to get in. "Probably just a coincidence." I keep trying and more and more Pikachu kept hitting me on my way in.

I could hear them all laughing at me but I'm going to get to the bottom of this. I fake and one comes out so I sprint in. I did it, I did it. I have done the impossible.

There was a small table with a black box in it. I open it carefully and there was a ThunderStone. Bonnie could use this, I take it as my reward and walk back outside.

"What's in your hand Ash?" Lillie asked me.

"A present for Bonnie," I gave her and she squealed once she saw what it was.

"Thanks Ash," She gave me a hug, "But you can't just take it."

"It was some sort of reward I think," I said. Suddenly one of Bonnie's Pokeballs burst open and out came Eevee.

"Eev Eevee Vee," She said gesturing to the green stone with the yellow thunderbolt.

"Eevee wants to evolve," Squishy translated waking up.

"Really?" Bonnie smiled big. Eevee nodded. "Yayyy!" She twirled Eevee in the air. Once she set her down Eevee placed her paw on the stone.

She glowed bright white and transformed into a familiar Pokémon called Jolteon. "Jolt."

"Congratulations," Lillie said smiling kindly like she always does. Bonnie ran around with Jolteon, this place is really nice if you can ignore the massive amounts of Pikachus.

"I think if we head out of here and East we should get to HeaHea City," Lillie said looking at the map on her Pokédex. Have Pokedexs always had maps?

"Ok," I respond and call out to Bonnie," It's time to go."

"Can't we stay a little longer and train?" Bonnie argues. I do like training.

"I'll set up for lunch," Lillie said and started taking a collection of things out of our bags.

"The feather!" I hear Lillie scream. I see her running after the rainbow coloured feather that was caught in the wind. I run over and help her chase it. I was right behind her and she tripped on a branch, of course I did right after.

"That was close," I say holding myself over her with my arms. She flipped over and we locked eye contact for a few seconds. She really has beautiful green eyes.

"Uh-h," She stutters.

"I'm going to get the feather first," I whisper smirking. She looks to the side at the feather that was now resting on the ground. She smirked and pushed me off to the side.

She then started crawling over to it as I was laying down. I got up and started running to the feather. I start stumbling and I manage to fall right in front of the sparkling object.

I reach out, "I got it." I wasn't the only one that spoke though. I look up and see both of our hands on the feather. Suddenly the feather grew brighter, we took our hands off and the light dimmed.

"What just happened?" I asked the universe. I reach out and touch the feather again but nothing happened. Lillie touched it with me and it started glowing again. I took mine off and it dimmed again.

"Do you wanna just forget about this until it matters?" I ask.

"Yep moment over," She laughs and I help her up. "I'll go put this back."

I watch her walk back but then I hear another scream, "Ash!" Must be Bonnie.

I run through s small patch a trees and made it to an opening with a waterfall. "Plus plusle."

"Min minun."

"Guys stop fighting," I heard Bonnie cry out. I let out Oshawott go break them up. "I wish Squishy didn't need to recharge."

"You made that sound like he's a device," I laughed as Oshawott tried to reason with the two. "Looks like Oshawott figures it out."

Then he got hit by two powerful discharge attacks. "Good try Oshawott." He gives a thumbs up and faints. "Return." Bonnie approaches the two, "Wait Bonnie!"

"Are you guys fighting about what to do?" She asks. They nod, how did she figure it out? "Let me guess, one of you like to battle and the other one likes to perform."

They both looked at each other and nodded. "How about you two come back with us so you can talk with a bunch of different Pokémon instead of Pikachus." I suggested. We started walking back and they followed.

"Who are you guys?" Lillie crouched down and pet Plusle and Minun's heads.

"We thought they might want to see Pokémon that aren't yellow with red cheeks." I said. Bonnie and I let out the rest of our Pokémon. Oshawott was holding his head selling his story. "Oshawott got beat by these two here."

Oshawott gave a horrified look and we all laughed. "How about we get you to evolve to make it up?" I suggested.

"Eat first," Lillie said and gave me a plate of food.

"Fine," I said like I didn't enjoy her food. She rolled her eyes and giggled.

One lunch later...

"Are we all ready to go?" I asked making sure we didn't leave anything.

"Yep let's go to HeaHea." Bonnie cheered. I felt a tug on my leg.

"Minun min," he said. I pull out a pokeball and he nods.

"I got a new Pokémon," I heard Bonnie say happily holding out a pokeball.

"Looks like you guys just made two Pokémon even happier," Lillie smiled petting Pikachu who was in her arms while Zorua occupies her shoulder.

"It's my first electric type since Pikachu," I informed them. "I needed one since Pikachu doesn't leave you." I joked. Pikachu and Lillie stuck their tongues out at me.

"Once you two stop flirting can we go?" Bonnie teased as Lillie's face went bright red.

"What does flirt mean again?" I asked confused. Bonnie sighed and didn't answer me.

It was a pretty short route to HeaHea but when we got there most of the people there were in panic mode. I run to the Pokémon Center because Nurse Joy should know what's happening.

"Lillie go get Pokémon from Meowth," I said as I ran up to the counter. "What's the matter?" I panted.

"Team Skull has taken over Tide Song hotel," Nurse Joy said typing frantically into her computer.

"Can you hold, possibly heal these four Pokémon please?" I ask. "I'm going to go help."

"But that would leave you with two," She said.

"Ash here are four Pokémon," Lillie gave me the Pokeballs.

"Thanks," I smile.

"Nurse Joy the latest update is that one young girl, teenage girl and Molayne a past Trial captain," An officer informed us.

"Lillie, Bonnie you guys should probably stay here and help Nurse Joy," I suggested as a wave of people came in. I disappeared into the wave and ran towards the biggest building I could see. Here we go...

May's POV

"How does Dawn keep winning every single contest?" I yell in frustration to my boyfriend Drew.

"It's almost like she has a train behind her blowing past everyone," He said.

"What a terrible comparison," I sigh. "She's almost unbeatable."

"I think she's playing for a deeper reason than just getting the big trophy at the end," he said thinking hard. "Kind of attractive."

"You're not supposed to say other girls are attractive," I say angrily.

"She's not as attractive as you," He says trying to save himself but he went too far.

I slapped him and left... What deeper reason could she playing for?

Molayne's POV

I really wish I brought my Pokémon with. I can see out my hotel window and there's some kid with a Pikachu and some huge Pokémon that looked like it could support life on its back.

There were four grunts guarding the entrance to the front area with the pools and fountains. He was battling four Salazzle that looked incredibly strong. The kid was playing defense as if he was toying with them.

His Pikachu jumped in the other Pokémon's back and it lifted its front two legs in the air. The whole area shook, the fountains exploded and because the hotel is near the ocean it started filling up. His Pikachu rolled his eyes at his trainer's genius move.

The grunts and their Pokémon were out for the count and started getting covered in water. The kid let out a frog Pokémon with its tongue around its neck and took the grunts and their Pokémon out of the water so they wouldn't drown. Classy move.

I heard a sound that I recognize as a Lapras call. One came swimming through the area and started rubbing its head with the boy's. How can a wild Pokémon be so close to him?

He returned the massive Pokémon and jumped on Lapras with his Pikachu. His frog was walking across the water with ninja like skills. They disappeared from my view and I can only hope they can save everyone.

Ash's POV

Officer Jenny said all the hostages were on the third floor but I need to get through these grunts first.

"Guard the door for me please Lapras," I said and prepared for battle. She cooed a yes and turned around. "Come on out guys."

My hard headed bug type Heracross came buzzing out by fire type pig Pignute. I also got Snorlax my oversized pillow Pokémon. Meowth must've wanted to change it up this time.

"We need to get to the elevator guys," I inform my Pokémon. "Go beat every Pokémon here, Snorlax stay with me."

They ran off and started plowing through the grunt's Pokémon. "I'm the leader of these grunts yo," The grunt said doing his little dance. "Yo think Yo can beat me...yo." I can't wait to beat this guy.

"Snorlax time to battle," I say and he got up towering over the three Pokémon in front of it.

"Uh oh," I heard him mutter.

"Use your smush attack," I laughed. Snorlax laughed and started falling forward. The Pokémon weren't able to get out of the way and just like the name of the made up attack, they were smushed.

I looked around and most of the grunts were defeated and sitting down in despair. "Good job everyone," I congratulated. "Everyone stay here except for Pikachu." I have a bad feeling about this. "Greninja come on out but stay behind me and stay hidden. He nods and follows my instructions.

I press the up button and the door opens. I walk in and a grunt jumps down and tries to punch me. But I planned for once and Greninja blocked it before I could blink. "Throw him out," I say simply. Greninja reverses the grunt over us and we continue to the third floor. It was pretty nice elevator music though.

We run to the closest room and there was a little girl being tormented by a grunt. She was crying her eyes out as the grunt was yelling at her. "Pikachu thunderbolt but do not hit the little girl or no ketchup for you," I whispered. Pikachu charged and shot the bolt of electricity which electrocuted the grunt.

"It's going to be okay," I try to comfort the horrified child. The window overlooks the front area and I just got a great idea. "Do you like slides?" I ask.

"Yea," She whimpers. I carry her over to the window.

"Lapras can you make an ice slide to get this girl down there," I ask. Lapras nods and creates the slide that sparkles from the sun. Lapras stood at the end ready to catch the girl. "Try to lean into the turns okay."

She nods and I gently place her at the top. I let go and she slowly slides down to safety. "We still got work to do," I say and we head to he next room.

"Looks like trial captains aren't so tough," I could hear the grunt taunt the blonde haired guy with glasses and navy blue clothing.

"I don't have my Pokémon with me," he argued. "Or you would be toast."

"Greninja you get the honours this time," I whisper as he starts to creep up. His hand turned black and he sliced the grunt up the back with the night slash attack. The grunt wasn't hurt badly, just a small scratch.

"How can I help?" He asked as soon as the grunt was knocked out. He must feel bad about getting help hostage.

"You can go downstairs and help get the grunts to custody," I suggested and hurried out without an answer. Officer Jenny said there were three so there has to be someone else up here.

We checked all the rooms until there was only one left. "Pikachu iron tail," I command since the door was locked. We charged in and Plumeria had the girl tied on the floor.

I recognized the girl though...


Gasp... another cliffhanger. Why would I put Melody in the story though?

Well I hope you enjoyed the chapter as always and thanks for all the comments that have been coming in recently.

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