More Than Power

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Lillie's POV

"He's finally waking up," I state after seeing Ash's eyes flutter open.

"What hap- never mind I remember," He sighs and gets off the couch in the nicest part of the base.

"Ash?" I say softly.

"I don't know what to think now," Ash states with a look in his eyes I haven't seen since Team Rhythm attacked. "Did you guys see anything else?"

"Giovanni," Meowth sighs and I can sense that he's still not over everything that happened to him under Team Rocket. "He came out soon after and a few of the executives I could recognize were there."

"I thought Proton attacking happened to just be a solo attack at the wrong time," Ash says while looking at the ground. "But they're up to something."

"Obviously but what?" I question. "And how did they get here unseen?"

"The league," Meowth realizes. "Everyone was focused on the biggest event to ever be held in their region. Why would they check outside for evil teams flying in?"

"Let's not worry about them getting here," I state. "We need to figure out what they're after or how we're going to beat them."

"If I know Giovanni at all," Meowth starts. "It's that he isn't looking back with this mission. Our big Unova attack took years of planning and recovery wasn't easy for the organization. They are going for broke here I think."

"With my mother?" Ash questions nobody in particular. "I didn't see that coming."

"We should call whoever possible, and bring them here to come up with a plan," I state.

"But the communications are all down," Ash says.

"Not anymore," I inform him. "It's barely snowing now and the hydro companies must've been able to get crews out quickly."

"Professor Kukui will be busy with the league still so don't bother calling him," I say. "We should contact my mom as soon as possible and basically everybody we know who stayed in the region is with her."

"Not Mallow and Gary," Ash smirks. "Mallow stopped Gary from going back to Kanto without her and she couldn't find anyone to watch her trial for a bit so Gary stayed in Alola."

"Let's get to work then," I cheer and we start organizing our team. "Hey we should come up with a team name."

"No," Blobby hops in with his core form. "Or I refuse to help you guys."

"Isn't this situation basically why you joined us?" Ash asks amused.

"That was before a team name was suggested," He states.

"Fine," I roll my eyes at the legendary Pokémon.

After a few hours of wasting time and discussing a few possible plans. Meowth gets an alert that someone is knocking on our front door. "Someone needs to go to the house," Meowth states.

"Who wants to go for a run?!" Ash shouts throughout the base. Multiple Pokémon come running with hopes that they get to be the one gifted with the important mission. "Rapidash I choose you," Ash laughs and hops on the shiny Pokémon. "This way I don't have to run myself."

I watch the two disappear in the tunnel and after awhile he comes back with Bonnie, Gladion, Dawn, Gary, and Mallow. "What took you guys so long?" I ask them once they all make it inside.

"First of all this place is amazing," Dawn looks around amazed by the base. "Second of all, not everybody has an army of flying types to get around, especially in the cold."

"How'd you guys get here then?" Ash asks them.

"My mom basically owns Alola remember," Bonnie giggles. "We borrowed an icebreaker ship from Arther Paradise."

"It was huge," Mallow adds. "And the captain is staying docked in Hau'oli City incase we need to go somewhere soon."

"What are we getting into Lillie?" Gladion asks, breaking up the pleasant conversation.

"Let me explain," Meowth jumps in and gives a basic rundown of Mega Team Rocket. "So all need to work together."

"I've already saved the world before, what's one more time," Dawn smiles and nudges her boyfriend.

"I want to make sure you all stay safe," Gladion states. "Also I want to keep Alola safe."

"Me too," Mallow agrees. "Plus trial goers are going to be scarce for a bit because of the storm."

"I'm not going to pass up a chance to save the world alongside the Alola Champion," Gary smirks. "And I want to meet this Giovanni guy, he has quite the reputation."

"Bonnie?" I question my little sister.

"What do you think?" She smiles. " I have a legendary Pokémon remember."

"Alright then!" Ash cheers. "Let's get planning because the less time they have to recover, the better."

"The first thing we'll encounter is their disposable defence," Meowth brings out a map of the area on the screen. He uses a digital marker to mark some places around the altar and in Ula'ula meadow.

"Disposable defence?" Ash questions.

"Grunts," Meowth answers. "Their only purpose is to slow us down but won't affect Giovanni's plan no matter what happens."

"How many grunts do you think there will be?" I ask. "We have a lot of Pokémon on our side but letting everybody loose could be dangerous for their health."

"Team Skull," Gladion states. "I've been helping them all get stronger in New Po Town. That would even up the numbers considerably if they agree."

"Plus New Po Town isn't far from the Alter of the Sunne and we could use it as a closer base," Gary adds and points at the screen.

"What if we grouped up together?" Mallow suggests.

"That way we could have more Pokémon per person," I agree with her. "I don't know if they can stop us if we have all of our Pokémon battling."

"Step one done," Meowth agrees and draws a new ring closer to the altar. "This is where they will probably try to take us out one by one."

"I guess we need to make sure our strongest Pokémon make it there then," Ash says. "Or we come up with a way to get one or two of us past without having to battle."

"I like that idea," Gladion nods. "Specifically, if us two can get by with full and healthy teams."

"Then what?" Bonnie asks. "Is there really any way to know what's going on past that point?"

"Not really," Meowth sighs. "But as long as no one gets separated, I don't see many ways for us to lose."

"How about we get right to it then?" I suggest and everybody looks at me curiously. "Just how big is this ship?"

Ash's POV (Time Skip~~)

"Look what you created," I chuckle and hug Lillie from behind. We're sailing towards Po Town and they weren't exaggerating on how big this ship really is. We're standing at the front and watching the tiny bits of ice get crushed by the sturdy metal hull.

"I had a reason to leave every pokemon out of its Pokeball," Lillie giggles while holding Cleffa out who is enjoying the boat ride.

Most Pokémon are carrying a pice of Meowth's equipment so that he won't have to build new systems once we get there. Some though are simply patrolling the boat and watching the ocean carefully. "Why couldn't we have just waited until daytime so we could have a nice sleep in our own bed?" I chuckle. "You must not like the bed very much."

"No it's easier to travel by an evil organization at night," Lillie states.

"Then why did you put are all of our strongest Pokémon on guard?" I smirk.

"Because evil organizations like the dark too," She giggles. "Plus if we see them now, that's one less group of people we have to beat later."

"True," I agree. "Sadly it looks like we're going to get there safely though," I point out a couple skyscrapers in the distance, lighting up the sky.

"I can't believe you funded this all," Lillie says in amazement.

"Your mom donated some money as well," I inform her. "But it shows you what you can do with your money if you save it up for a long time," I laugh.

A dock was added on so now there's a small functioning port in the city. Our captain pulls in and we start unloading everyone. I make sure everyone is off before getting off myself. "If I remember the email Kukui sent me, one of these skyscrapers is exactly like the one in New a Tapu Village but less rooms and more training space." I inform everybody.

Our army of people and Pokémon parade through town. The few people awake stare at us in shock and all we do is smile and wave while we make our way towards the tower that I think is the right one. Lillie and I walk in first to make sure it's the right one.

"Champion Ash!" The reception girl exclaims in shock. "What can I do for you today?"

"Uhh," I sweat drop from her enthusiasm. "We need four rooms and access to the training area please."

"Of course," She smiles and types a few things into her computer. "Here are your room keys."

She hands me four pieces of plastic that unlock our rooms. "You'll be on the top floor with the private training room," She states. "Guzma taught me how to recognize specific situations and most people don't bring an army of Pokémon unless it's serious." She points to the front doors.

"Thank you," I say and wave our group in.

It takes a lot of elevator trips but eventually everyone gets into the training room to get settled. "Goodnight guys," I say and make my way to our room where Lillie already got all of our belongings put away.

"Why do all evil organizations want the same thing?" Lillie asks once we're laying in bed.

"And that is..." I question.

"Power," She responds. "Couldn't one be original for once?"

"You have a point," I chuckle. "But maybe because it seems easy enough to get that it doesn't scare anyone off."

"What do you mean?" Lillie questions me.

"All it takes to get power is to be better or beat someone else," I state. "Yet the reward of being the most powerful is crazy good if you want everything your way."

"Funny," Lillie sighs. "You haven't done anything wrong and you're probably one of the most powerful people in Alola."

"With your mom," I add.

"We've created a pretty influential family tree," Lillie giggles. "Our kid is going to end up taking over the universe."

"He or she better share with us then," I smile and kiss her on the forehead before falling asleep.

What if Giovanni is going for more than power....

Guzma's POV

"It's your boy Guzma," I answer the phone. "You know it's the middle of the night right?"

"Ash Ketchum just checked in and I think something is going on," The receptionist says through my cellphone. "I thought you would like to know."

"I'll stop by and talk to him tomorrow," I state. "Thanks."

I end the call abruptly and lay back down in my bed. "What did the kid get himself into this time?" I shake my head amusingly. "Whatever it is, I think I owe him one to help them out."

"Maybe Plumeria would like to have a reunion," I smirk to myself. "This could be fun."


Today basically set up the final chapters...

Thanks for reading and cya next chapter.


1. Starjuice17 it's about time lol. You've been here a long time voting and commenting and almost getting first today😂. Thank you.

2. Crynos12 is another who votes and comments consistently so thanks so much for supporting and giving suggestions.

Fun fact #3 of the day- I started writing so that I would feel productive and have a small purpose in life.

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