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Lillie's POV

I watch Ash close his eyes and lean in. It's finally time...

I do the same and I feel our lips connect for the first time. Suddenly I forget about the egg, the storm, and the numbness in my fingers. All that matters is that Ash and I are together.

We separate with bright smiles on our faces but then I feel the rainbow feather in my hair start to rise. It slowly hovers in the air while gently twirling in the not so gentle wind. Light envelopes it before covering us as well.

It's almost like we are in a ball of light, a warm ball of light may I add. The light grows bigger and brighter as it rises higher and higher into the sky...

It meets the cloud and pokes a hole through so it can continue. Nothing happens and the light disappears along with the feather. After about three seconds of nothing, real life restarts and we're back in a blizzard with nowhere to go.

All I do is hold on tightly to Ash while his brain tries to find a way to save the egg and our lives. Reality then remembers who it is dealing with...

"Hoooooooo!" A loud screech comes from the clouds. Suddenly a portion of the clouds disappears as a flaming Pokémon comes streaking through it.

The bird Pokémon, shrouded in golden flames, lands in front of us. I feel instantly warmed up while it states deep into our eyes.

"Ho-oh," Ash smiles in amazement.

"Oohhh," He smirks.

"Remember day one," Ash says and seems to have a normal conversation with the legendary bird Pokémon.

"Can you help save our egg?" I interrupt to ask.

It shifts its attention to only me and I look at it nervously. With one push of his stunningly coloured wings, he zips up onto the sky with a bright trail of light following.

And for the first time since this morning, we can see the bright blue sky. Even against Ho-oh's power, the storm isn't close to gone, but there's now a large opening in it. "We need to hurry," Ash says and I nod.

We try to run but running in snow us the equivalent to swimming in mud. Ho-oh swoops down and angles his body so we can get on. Ash gets on first with no second thoughts and I follow after realizing that there couldn't be anything wrong with jumping on a legendary Pokémon.

Ash points to the giant tree and Ho-oh flies effortlessly towards it. I look down at the snow beneath us that's lighting up from the rainbow Pokémon. I can see a wall of snow in the distance that will soon restore the blizzard to this area.

We need to go fast.

I jump off first and climb up into the treehouse quickly. I feel the egg which on first touch is freezing but eventually I feel a little warmth from it. "You're fine now," I hug it tightly into my coat.

I feel Ash rub my back and then help me up. "Our ride is waiting," He smiles.

We get back on Ho-oh who gets us back the house. We find the tunnel entrance and suddenly the storm swallows the area up again. Even Ho-oh seemed to be affected by it this time. "Come in here!" I wave through the storm.

We run in the tunnel and look back to see if he followed us. The tunnel was made to fit all kinds of Pokémon so he shouldn't have a tough time getting in. After a while he comes in with a sad look on his face. "Don't worry," I assure him. "You're still a powerful legendary even if this storm is too much for you."

I hear Ash chuckle in front of me and I smile back at the fire and flying type. "Hooo," He says as we reach the end.

As soon as we get out in the open, Meowth sees us and walks up. "You guys leave for 30 minutes and come back with a legendary Pokémon," He shakes his head.

"And an egg," I smile and show him the pink and white egg.

Ho-oh walks by me and looks at it curiously. He wraps a wing around it and takes it out of my arms. I go to protest but he stops me, "Hoo ohhh."

"He's saying that he can sense that the egg needs a boost," Meowth translates. "Apparently you guys got there just in time."

I watch Ho-oh find a place to lay down and curl himself around the egg. "Lillie everything is good now," Ash says and wipes the tears off of my face. I realize that I'm crying and hide my face with my mittens.

"I know," I say, muffled by the wool. Ash continues to hold me tightly while I get everything I've held back out of my system.

"Where do we go from here?" Ash asks Meowth who shows us a picture of a map on the largest screen. It shows a collection of blues covering the map of Alola.

"The heaviest part of the storm is going to hit us soon," Meowth informs. "Thanks to the storm's high travelling speed, the system is passing by very quickly and will most likely disperse once getting back over the ocean. Which means the best thing we can do is wait it out be prepared to get out there and help out once safe."

"Sounds like a good plan," Ash agrees. "Good thing you guys stocked up on berries."

"Hooo," The bird Pokémon gets our attention.

The heat from Ho-oh must've increased the egg's hatching speed exponentially because I recognize that familiar glow. I run over with Ash and take the egg back. I hold it out while it cracks until finally a new baby Pokémon is in my arms.

"Cle," She squeals happily in my arms while looking at me with a big smile.

"It's so cute," I say softly.

"Hi Cleffa," Ash pets her pink tuff of hair on top, earning a coo from the Pokémon.

"She reminds me of this stuffed Cleffa I carried with me everywhere when I was a kid," I smile fondly at her. "My mom knew that when she gave us the egg. I used to pretend I had my own family and Cleffa was my only kid."

I start to laugh at my childhood self and Ash joins me. "Now you have a real family," He states and wraps an arm around me while we sit on the ground.

"You're right," I say and kiss him on the lips for a very long time.

Giovanni's POV

"I thought you imbeciles were prepared for anything!" I roar over the howling winds.

"We didn't think we'd have to worry about snow!" Petrel yells while holding up a wall.

"Archer why aren't your fire types giving off any heat!" Ariana yells at the other executive.

"They were 20 hours ago when this all started!" He yells back. "Because you guys can't handle cold, they'll be too weak to battle now!"

"My cell is nice and warm if one of you want to come in so I can beat your ass," Delia states while sitting against the wall. I scoff at her and I look around.

We're huddled together in an alcove of the ruins with a makeshift wall blocking some of the wind from getting in, everything went to the distortion world once the snow started. I don't know where any of our grunts are and our machines may not be able to start up for awhile once this madness stops.

"We're currently in the middle of storm," Saturn informs us while typing furiously into his computer. "According to my calculations, it'll only get calmer from here on out."

"As long as the storm doesn't do a U-turn," He finishes.

"Guys let's work out a new plan since obviously not everything will work the same," I announce.

"We will need to clear off the alter as soon as possible for the machine," Saturn speaks up first. "Also we need to make sure project M3 can go when we need it to."

"Not much is changing on my part," Archer shrugs. "See good guy, beat good guy."

"I'll be more productive and make sure our outposts are still functional," Petrel states. "And hopefully we have grunts alive to run them."

"What about you Ariana?" I ask the maroon headed admin who likes to boss around the other three.

"Being prepared to save them when they mess up is my job," She answers. "We all know it's going to happen at some point."

"You guys are forgetting the part where I get to see my son," Delia states.

I turn around and look at her directly. "If everything goes right, the next time you see your son will be when he's surrendering on that altar on the other side of this wall," I smirk. "Then you can finish the job."

Ash's POV

Now that we're used to living in a hole in the ground, it really isn't so bad. We have lots of food, some of the grass types have started gardens using sunny day to kickstart the plants. It's more peaceful and enjoyable down here then in a city.

"Whatcha working on there Meowth?" I ask him.

"A drone," He replies. "I want to see how bad the damage is before we go back out there."

"How's a drone going to survive the winds?" I kneel down on the ground beside him.

"Propellers on every side," He smirks. "That way it has maximum stability. The camera on the front has a mini heater so it shouldn't get covered by snow or ice."

"Pikachu come over here," I read Meowth's mind. "Is it ready to be charged up?"

"Yep," Meowth smiles at his work and shows Pikachu where to release the volts.

As soon as Pikachu let's the electricity transfer, the drone lights up and has a quiet humming sound. "Ash your hands are more capable of flying this thing so here," Meowth hands me the remote.

I notice the big screen start to show the drone's perspective so I sit down in front of it. I guide the drone through the tunnel successfully and hope that the winds have died down a bit. In preparation, I put all the propellers on about three quarters and the back one full so it goes forward.

It makes it out onto the open and I rev up the bottom propeller so it goes high up in the sky. I point the camera down occasionally only to see snow covered trees, snow covered ground, and snow covered everything.

From what I can tell, the snowflakes became really small due to the high wind. So the visibility is decent considering it's a blizzard. "What's going on?" Lillie comes over.

"We're scouting the damage," Meowth answers.

"Go to the Aether House!" Lillie exclaims. "Make sure it's okay."

"Okay," I nod and go closer to the ground. "How'd you get something this small to move so fast?" I ask Meowth.

"Practice," He shrugs.

Akala Island is already in clear view as I fly over the partially frozen ocean. The only recognizable part of Akala is the snowless volcano that has a large amount of steam pouring out of it. "Hey Lillie is Wela Volcano dormant?" Meowth asks.

"I think so," She states. "A volcanic eruption is the last thing we need."

"It would warm the place up," I joke. "Okay there's Ula'ula."

"Slow down," Meowth says. "Look at that temple-looking place."

"That place is a sacred place in Alola," Lillie informs. "There shouldn't be that many newer objects in that area."

"I'll get closer," I say and dive in.

"Those are arches," Lillie points out the brick. "Someone our walls up in between them."

"Maybe it's being used as a shelter," I suggest.

"No one would have been able to react that fast," Meowth states. "Wait look at the sound bar there!"

"It's picking up sound that isn't from the wind," Lillie reads the graph. "Ash can you try to get closer to one of the wall."

"On it," I nod and land beside one that seems to be giving off a lot of sound waves. A fuzzy sound of arguing is coming through but it's starting to get clearer.

"Do you guys hear that humming sound?" A voice comes through the microphone.

"The drone must be heating up faster than expected and is working harder to stay working, therefore humming louder," Meowth realizes. "Get out of there Ash!"

I begin to turn it around but then a face peeks around the wall. I drop the controller and I see Meowth pick it up to save the drone. "Mom?" I mutter.



1. Syahmies822 can be found in any of my three main books. Always voting, commenting, etc and engaging in the occasionally "fighting" chain that doesn't fill up my notifications at all😂. Thanks bro!

2. Thank you pikachukite for always voting and being one of the first ones to do so.

Fun fact- Delia was supposed to meet Ash like 30 chapters ago.

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