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Victory isn't a flower at a height you can reach easily, can pluck that and can inhale its fragrance. It's a flowers which grows higher than the height you can reach which makes you reach that height eventually. So, never cry over a long path lead to success. Never be disappointed looking at the height at where your destination is.

Arjun and Subhadra had achieved their goal, the gem they had to fetch for Vinashak. Taking that gem along with them they returned back to Vinashak.

"Here's the gem you asked for, Maharaj!" Arjun forwarded the gem to Vinashak.

"I appreciate you both for getting this precious gem for me, for my mission," Vinashak stretched his hand happily towards the gem.

"That's so nice of you," Subhadra responded to Vinashak's compliment.

"What's this? Why can't I touch this gem? What kind of game you both are playing with me?" Vinashak screamed as soon as he touched the gem.

"You must have double standards, Maharaj. You were praising us before sometimes, and now you are accusing us for no reason!" Arjun threw a sarcastic look towards Vinashak.

"No reason! Really! I am not able to touch this gem which is mine, and you don't consider it as a reason!" Vinashak's anger accompanied his breath.

"Calm down, Maharaj. There's a reason behind this," Subhadra interfered calmly.

"What's the reason?" Vinashak asked.

"This gem was protected by the features of darkness, attraction, confusion, unwillingness, sadness, anger and attachment which we defeated. Now this gem holds the virtue of bravery, conscience, realisation, spirit, love, care and selflessness with which we won this gem for you," Subhadra started explaining.

"You aren't able to touch this gem because the demonic energies inside you were opposite to the pristine energies inside the gem," Arjun completed revealing the issue to Vinashak.

"That means this gem is useless for me!" Vinashak's state has become like a kid whose most awaited stuff turned out valueless for him.

"We don't know that, Maharaj. We brought this gem to you. Whether it's useful to you or not now that doesn't matter to us. That's your problem, and as per the promise you made you won't ever wage war on anyone, at anywhere," Arjun's words cracked the calmness of Vinashak's nerves making his forehead wet with sweat beads.

"Maharaj, aryan culture composed of numerous values like these in front of which demonic culture can't exist ever. You just forcefully imposed your culture on the kingdoms you had won," Noticing his state Subhadra came forward with her soothing words.

"Without plastering of bricks no building can stand. Without plastering a building is nothing more than just a fake build up. That can fall down at anytime. In that way aryan culture and demonic culture can't be plastered together. Please let the cultures flourish at their own places," Subhadra joined her hands humbly at the end.

"Today you enlightened the truth, princess Subhadra. I am ashamed of my mistake," After recovering himself from the impact of Subhadra's words Vinashak apologized.

"You don't need to feel ashamed after realising your mistake and repenting for that," Subhadra exchanged a smile with Arjun.

"Now please accept this gem, Maharaj!" Arjun placed the gem in Vinashak's palms.

"It's miraculous. Before sometimes I wasn't able to touch it, but now.....," Vinashak could able to believe that the gem was on his palm.

"Now your repenting heart has reciprocated the pristine energies of this gem perfectly. That's why you are able to touch it," Arjun cleared Vinashak's confusion.

"Allow us to take leave from here, Maharaj!" Subhadra urged.

"If you both stay more then I will be happy. Please reconsider your decision," Vinashak offered them with open heart.

"We have to leave, Maharaj. We will visit again, some other day," The situation made Arjun assure like that for that time.

Departing from there Arjun and Subhadra started their journey to Mathura. While departing from Patal Subhadra was feeling to be pulled towards some blur reminiscence.

Those reminiscences were related to her existence in Kaliyug. Till the time they both reached Mathura, Subhadra had remembered about the major portion of her past life as Siya.

Everyone was happy at their arrival. Subjects were hailing in name of Arjun and Subhadra cheering their success at patal lok. Air was filled with the fragrance of flowers which were registering their presence after being thrown upwards without any halt. Melody of trumpets, drums and conches were no less than in claiming their share in air.

But Subhadra was unmindful to all those.

"Subhadra, my child! How are you? How were your days there? Did they behave rudely with you? Why your face has become dried up?" Yashoda was the first one to rush towards Subhadra.

"Answer, my dear. Why are you not seeming happy after returning?" Devaki too came nearer examining Subhadra keenly.

"Nothing has happened to me, Maiya. Don't stress yourself, Maa. I am all fine," Subhadra managed to smile while replying.

"Your words don't have any match with your voice," Rohini's suspected eyes roamed over Subhadra.

"Mata, my Parth is also here. You all got busy in attending Gudiya so much that you didn't notice him. How unfair with him!" Kanha interfered in excuse of seeking attention for Arjun.

The mothers went to Arjun, and started to pour their love over him like they were doing with Subhadra before sometimes ago.

"Do they deserve standing outside after such a long journey? Let them come in," Vasudev made the mothers aware.

In between all these Subhadra was glaring towards dau and Kanha with all her focus, and they plastered a smile over their faces to avoid doubtful eyes towards them.

"Kanha, storm is about to come," Dau whispered when Vasudev lead Subhadra inside wrapping arm around her.

"This storm is going to hit us even, Dau!" Kanha uttered with a humorous yet worried expression.

Indeed they have to face a storm. Prediction of dau and confirmation of Kanha can't be wrong after all.

So readers, here's the next part.

Now questions.

(1) Any fact you liked here?

(2) Any gesture to be commented?

(3) Any guess or expectation for next?

LAXMIPATI SHRI NARAYAN, please accept the positivity of my this work as an offering to you in name of all wellbeing of my LIFELINE.


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