Chapter 1: Cream, Cheese, and Vanilla

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A/n: So, here's chapter 1. Enjoy.

Blitz: ....You're lookin at Blitz the Wolf, Mayor of Carnival City!

Blaze wasn't amused.

Blaze: YOU'RE the mayor?

Blitz: Yeah. Is there a problem.

Blaze: Yeah, this is underwhelming.

Blitz: Ugh, why me.....anyway, you are in my city. Therefore, you have to answer my questions, and I won't take no for an answer.

Blaze: No.

Blitz: facepalmed.

Blitz: Of course.

Then the two of them heard something fall over.

Blaze: hmm?

Blitz: What was that?

They both turned to see Cream the Rabbit with her chao, Cheese.

Cream: OH NO!! THEY SAW US!!

Cheese: CHAO CHAO!!

Blitz let out a slight chuckle.

Blitz: Isn't it WAY past your bedtime, Cream?

Cream: U-Uh......Um.....I-....

Blitz: *sigh* ok. I'm gonna take you home, Cream, and you're coming too, Blaze.

Blaze: Who says I have to?

Blitz: I do. Now c'mon.

Blaze: *sighs* how did I get into this situation.

Blitz: by meeting me, that's how.

They all began walking to Creams house.



We're on our way to Cream's house and Blaze hasn't answered a single question I asked her. She's starting to get on my nerves.

Blitz: Ok, so you won't tell me where you're from, why you were fighting Robotnik, or what that glistering object was that you were holding. The question is WHY?

Blaze: Just because you're going to follow me around and question me, doesn't mean I'll answer. All I'm gonna say is that I'm dealing with some rather personal business. Key word being "PERSONAL". As in "private". As in "none of your business"

Ok, I'm about ready to beat the living heck outta her if she doesn't start talking. I was about ready to explode when Cream spoke.

Cream: Please don't fight, you two. It scares me.

We both looked at Cream and back at each other

Blitz/Blaze: *sigh* Fine.

We turned away from each other.

after a small moment of silence, we had arrived at Cream's house. I walked to the door and knocked on it. The door opened for us to see Cream's mother.

Blitz: Hello Vanilla.

Vanilla: Oh, hello Blitz.

Blitz: I was just dropping Cream off since I found her in Carnival City.

Vanilla looked over to see Cream and Cheese next to Blitz.

Vanilla: Oh, actually I sent them to get some things from there. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

Blitz felt extremely stupid.

Blitz: appears that I should be the one apologising. I'm sorry.

Vanilla: It's fine. It wasn't all that important.

Blitz: You sure?

Vanilla: Positive. *Sees Blaze* Who's this?

Blaze looks away, seemingly spacing out.

Blitz: I apologise for her behavior. That's Blaze. She's volunteered to answer some questions I hav-

Blaze: Actually you MADE me follow you just so you can pry into my business.

Blitz: Well you had to have been fighting Dr. Robotnik FOR A REASON!

Blaze: A reason that's none of your busine-

Vanilla: Excuse me-

Blaze: WHAT!?

Blitz: Oh boy....

Vanilla kept her usual smile, but it had a pretty intimidating aura to it. Like a certain woman from a certain anime which I will not speak of because her Zanpakuto is on the author's neck and I'd rather not talk about it. In other words, it was utterly terrifying.

Vanilla: Please don't yell or fight. Especially at my house.

Blitz: O-O-OH!! U-Uh, I ap-p-poligise, Vanilla! Forgive her attitude, we've had a long night hehehe......

Blaze seemed to have froze. Well, I wouldn't blame her. When I first stepped out of line in front of Vanilla, I froze as well. I'm still recovering.

Vanilla: *intimidating aura disappears* It's fine. Just don't do it again.

Blitz: Understood. RIGHT Blaze??


Vanilla: Anyways, come on in. I'm sure you two are tired. I'll put Cream and Cheese to bed, then make some tea.

My ears perked up immediately.

Blitz: Tea, you say?

Vanilla: An it's your favorite, too. Green tea with a hint of honey.

We all went inside the house. I was slightly excited for the tea. Just the thought of it made my mouth water. Mmmmm.....tea....

A/n: you guys are probably thinking, "ABOUT FOCKIN TIME!!!" Well to be honest, I thought that too. Hope you enjoyed. Also, if u guess the anime woman that Blitz mentioned, u get a cookie.

???: Author, where are you?

A/n: *whispers* HELP ME!!!

???: Oh there you are!

A/n: AHHHHH!!!!!!! HELP MEH!!!!!!

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