Chapter 2: Blitz and Blaze's Agreement.

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A/n: Chapter 3 LET'S GOOO.


As we entered Vanilla's home, the first thing I noticed was, of course, how clean it was. Vanilla always kept the place spotless.......I swear she's gotta teach me how to do that. My office is a mess.

Vanilla told us to sit on the couch and wait while she made the tea and put Cream and Cheese to bed for the night. I took this opportunity to speak with Blaze.

Blitz: Alright, no more games, what were you doing fighting Robotnik?

Blaze kept silent.

Blitz: Oh, God help me. C'mon, Blaze, you're stuck with me until I know what's going on. I don't want this anymore than you do, so spill it.

Blaze: You wouldn't believe me if I told you.

Blitz: Try me.

Blaze pulls out the mystery object I saw earlier. It was......A CHAOS EMERALD!? Wait, no. It was a different shape, but I still sensed the power emitting from it. It was almost exactly like a Chaos Emerald.

Blaze: This is a Sol Emerald. There's seven in total, and that Eggman's has the other six. If he gets this one, he could have unimaginable power. And if I don't get the other six......I may never return home.

Blitz: A Sol Emerald? I thought only the Chaos Emeralds had this amount of power.

Blaze: Chaos Emeralds?

Blitz: They're almost exactly like these Sol Emeralds, but different shape. Also.......what do you mean by "never return home"?

Blaze kept silent.

Blitz: *Sighs* alright. That's just about all I needed to know anyways.

Suddenly, I got an idea. I've been bored for the past few years, you know, running Carnival City and all, and this could be the chance for me to actually have some fun. And kick Robotnik's as-/

A/n: HEY! Don't you finish that sentence!

But you let the other MC's swear, why not me?

A/n: Cuz it's a SONIC fanfic. Gotta keep it PG, dude! You can say Damn tho cuz Shadow has said it before.

Ugh......fine. and kick Robotnik's BUTT. Happy?

A/n: Very. I was saying BEFORE AUTHOR INTERRUPTED ME, It'd be a good opportunity to get out of the office.

Blitz: How about I accompany you. Y'know, help you get these Sol Emeralds you speak of.

Blaze: NO! I mean..... it's something I have to do alone.

Blitz: Trust me, you'll appreciate my help. I know Robotnik better than anyone. Even better than his own robots. Believe me, you'll need all the help you can get. You DID almost get killed when I saw you fight him

Blaze: I DID NOT!

Blitz:........but you did.

Blaze: Ugh, you're so annoying.

Blaze sat there thinking for a few minutes, then spoke.

Blaze:...... fine. Just stay outta my way.

Blitz: Whatever you say. Just know, I'm not watching from the sidelines as you fight Robotnik. I'm joining in, no matter what you say.

Blaze: Sounds like you know this guy on a personal level.

Blitz:......... I'd rather not talk about it.

Looks like Blaze got the message, cause she had stopped talking. Then Vanilla entered the room with my all-time favorite beverage.

Vanilla: Here comes the tea!

Blitz: *inhales through nose* Ah, I just love the sweet, soothing scent of tea.

Vanilla chuckled.

Vanilla: I'm glad you like it.

I grabbed my cup and sipped the tea. Blaze did as well.

Vanilla: So I assume you'll be returning to your office after your tea?

Blitz: Actually, I'm planning on accompanying Blaze on a little journey for a while. I'll have to make a call to an old friend first, though.

Vanilla: You mean Aero?

Blaze: Who's Aero?

Blitz: A friend of mine. He's a Falcon.

Blaze: Oh. Ok.

Aero and I go way back. In fact, he was one of the first few that ever considered me a friend. Back then, not many mobian liked me for..........reasons I won't explain, but somehow, he didn't care. Neither did a few others that I know. I'm glad I met them. While I spaced out, Vanilla began asking me something.

Vanilla: You two seem tired. Why not stay here for the night and leave in the morning?

Blitz: Wha!? N-No thank you, Vanilla. I wouldn't want to be a burden-

Vanilla: I insist.

Oh no, she has that intimidating aura again!

Blitz: I-I suppose we could stay the night......right Blaze

It appears she caught the aura as well cuz she didn't hesitate to nod.


Blaze and I were headed off to the guest bedroom, but there was only one problem...
....there was only one bed. DAMN YOU AUTHOR!

Blitz: You take the bed. I'll sleep outside.

Blaze: Fine. You sure?

Blitz: Yeah, I preferred outside anyways.

I went outside onto the roof and layed down, staring at the stars.

Blitz: *sighs* starting tomorrow, I'll finally have some fun around here.......or absolutely regret my agreement with Blaze.

I closed my eyes and drifted off to my sweet, sweet slumber.

A/n: Alrighty! Chapter 2 is finished. Hope u enjoyed. If not, then oh well.

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