Chapter 10: A Much Needed Talk

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A/n: Alright, Chapter 10, Let's get on with it.


I had woken up to see that my old friend, Aero had found me, but I was confused. If neither him nor I was running the city while we were out here, then who-

Aero: Before you ask, I had a pal of mine cover for us. Real smart guy. Knows what he's doing.

Blitz: Heh. You always seem to know what I'm going to ask before I ask it, don't you, old friend?

Aero: It's cuz you're so damn predictable.

We both had a slight laugh as Aero held out his hand as I take it. He pulls me up from the ground.

Blitz: So what made you decide to go look for me?

Aero: Well, I had a hunch that you'd have your trouble with Eggman, so I figured I'd come lookin' for ya. Thankfully I found you here. Where's your new girlfriend?

Blitz: Tch. As of I'd be with someone like her. She's too hot headed.

Aero: And you're not?

Blitz: Only on certain topics. Besides, she probably hates me for lashing out on her.

Aero: So ya ran off?

Blitz: Yeah.

Aero: Well, we should go look for her. Thankfully I ran into a not-so-cheery Knuckles and told me the way she went......... reluctantly.

(A/n: *gasp* Knuckles found de wae!?!?!? *Clicks wildly*)

Blitz: Wow. You talked to Knuckles and lived?

Aero: Oh, shut up.

Blitz: Alright, fine. Where?

Aero gained a worried look.

Aero: You're not gonna like my answer.

He pointed in the direction of a nearby fleet of Eggman's ships, but not just any ships.

The fleet the same ship that both me and......her....lived on.

Blitz: I......I don't know if I can go back.

Aero: Listen Blitz, the only way you're gonna get over her death, is by facing the past. If you don't, it's gonna get you killed. Trust me.....I know.

Blitz: Yeah.

We both stood in silence. Aero spoke.

Aero: Besides, Blaze could be in danger. And if that's the case, so would Cre-

Blitz: Cream!

Aero: Correct. So the sooner we get there,the better.

Dammit! Of all places for them to go, they go to one of the few places that haunt me.

Blitz: *sighs heavily* Dammit. Guess I have no choice. Take me to them.

Aero: Got it.

Aero pressed a button on his suit as his backpack that he was wearing opened up to reveal mechanical wings. (Like Falcon's from MCU, but Blue.)

Aero: Grab on.

I held onto his back as he took off towards the fleet of ships.

Blitz: 'I'm coming, Cream. I'm going to keep you safe. And maybe.....

..... I'll even tell Blaze the truth this time.'

A/n: I know, it's not much, but it's short and sweet. Hope you enjoyed. it me or is it strange how Aero knows Blaze's name? Strange.........

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