Chapter 12: Blitz's Past

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A/n: Let's delve into Blitz's past, shall we? Btw this is long as hell.

BLITZ'S POV (Several years into the past):

I worked with Doctor Robotnik for as long as I could remember. We would find ways to combat the Blue Hedgehog, Sonic, but fail every time.

I would've been driven mad by these losses had it not been for the one person who cared for me being there to calm me down.....

.....Her name was Violet.

She didn't have a last name, oddly. Nor did she have any parents, so the Doctor was like a father to her. I was her best friend. Her only friend. Besides two robots Robotnik keeps around. Of course they only stayed at his base of operations, currently in the space station. Their names were Orbot and Cubot. They were rather silly, but that's what Violet liked about them. They weren't so serious like all the other bots, and they became her friends too.

Of course, I never communicated much with the two since I was either busy with Robotnik or spending time with Violet, but I didn't mind the either.

Violet and I.......we were inseparable. We were the best of friends. I was there for her......and she was there for me. We helped each other through our ups and downs. She was my best......and only friend that I ever had.

One day, she asked me to bring her to visit a nearby village, since she'd never seen one before. I obliged, but knew Robotnik wouldn't allow it. So, being the fool I was back then....

....I snuck out with her.

We walked through the village, I was in a different outfit so I wasn't recognized immediately as "the wolf working with Eggman". Violet and I were enjoying our visit, but then.....

It happened.

The village was attacked by nine other than Robotnik's robots, but strangely, their attack patterns were sloppy, and they seemed to be chasing just us. We had to run. We had to try and escape.

I was running with Violet, holding her hand, as we neared a clear exit from the village, but then three Badniks blocked the way. I punched two of them, but the third hit me to the ground. Expecting it to attack once more, I raised my arms to block, but walked right by. Towards Violet. Several other Badniks surrounded her as she looked at them with fear in her eyes.

Violet: Blitz! Help me!!

The Badniks got closer as I ran to attack the bots in order to protect Violet, but I could only take three down before they held me down as I could do nothing but watch what was about to unfold.

Blitz: No.....NO!! LET ME GO!!! DON'T HURT HER!!!!

The Badniks them grabbed Violet by the arms as they brought her closer to me.

Violet: Blitz!! What's going on!? Why are they acting like this!?

Blitz: I don't know. Don't worry, Vi! I'll get us out of-


I couldn't finish as my eyes looked on in horror as a shadowy figure stood behind her, staring into my eyes with it's cold and dark glare, but that's not what horrified me. What shocked me to my very core was......

........a blade sticking out of Violet's chest.

Violet: B......B-Blitz?

Blitz: NonononoNONO!!! VIOLET!!!!!

The figure took the blade out of Violet's chest and........ disappeared. The Badniks let both of us go as I ran to Violet, catching her as we sat on the ground.

Violet: B-Blitz.......I feel.....c-cold.

Tears had already poured from my eyes as I was slowly losing the one person I truly cared for. Watching as she was slowly dying in my arms.

Blitz: You're gonna be okay. You're gonna be okay. You're gonna be *sniffles* o-okay.

Violet: Blitz.......please.....

I looked into her dying eyes as she was about to say her last words.

Violet: Please.......keep people safe......protect you.........protected........m-me.........

Blitz: O-Ok...


Blitz: I......I promise.

Violet: And.......I have........a present.....for you......

She slowly and weakly took out a small gold medal.

Violet: I had Orbot....*cough cough*.......and Cubot make this.........It was a gift....*cough* a friendship bracelet.

Blitz: A friendship medal?

Violet: Y-Yeah.........Blitz?.....

Blitz: Y-Yes Vi?

Violet: Could you..........hug last time?....

I gave her my strongest, but most caring and gentle hug I could.....until she began to fade away.

Wait. Fade away?

I look at her as she began to disappear into a bunch of orange and red specks of light. Then they....

....began to flow into me.

The particles of light began to flow into me as Violet disappeared from my arms. Tears flowing down my face, I didn't care what was happening. I just wanted Violet back.

Then something happened.

My sadness had transformed. Into something different. Something dark. Something foul.

It had become pure rage.

I stood up, my eyes slowly changing from my previous blue color, to my present red color as my body began heating up with all the pent up anger inside. Then.......I released it all.


Flames burst from my body, engulfing every single bit around me.

I had gained the power of flame manipulation.

I then ran at any and all bots I saw. I no longer cared what I was doing. Only one thing came through to my mind.

Blitz: 'Rip.....and.....TEAR!!!!!'

(A/n: I had to, also I'm not crying! YOU'RE CRYING!!!)

I plowed through every last Badnik. From hitting them once, to bashing them until it was no longer recognizable as a Badnik, I destroyed each and every single one. I punched them. I burned them. I tore them to pieces. By the time I was done, and lying on the ground, sobbing my eyes out, the whole place was nothing but a junkyard. I laid there. Mourning the loss of the one person I considered a friend. I had failed my purpose. I failed my mission. But most of all....

....I failed Violet.

After that, I was on the run. Both from Robotnik and the Blue Hedgehog, since he didn't know about me going rogue and still considers me an enemy. I kept running, until months later, I met someone.

Shadow the Hedgehog.

He reminded me of myself. How he lost someone close to him because of humans. Keep in mind that this all happened when me, Robotnik, Sonic and everyone else were on Earth, a world led by humans, when all of this happened. (Sonic X),

Me and Shadow, we had somewhat of a connection. We could relate to each other. We knew how each other felt. The pain. The loss. The hate. We both came up with a plot to make humanity pay for it's sins. We planned to use something called the Eclipse Cannon, on a space station called the ARK, to destroy Earth. Soon enough, we were close, until that meddling Blue Hedgehog swooped in and then a creature appeared. The Bio-Lizard (Sonic Adventure 2). The Blue Hedgehog, Shadow, and myself used the Chaos Emeralds to destroy the lizard, but Shadow presumably died while I went my separate ways from Sonic, once again mourning the loss of yet another friend.

Then turns out Shadow wasn't dead, but rather crash landed back on Earth and gained Amnesia. He couldn't remember a thing. I eventually encountered him, along with Aero, whom I somewhat got along with at the time, and assisted them in defeating the Black Arms (Shadow the Hedgehog: The Game). They had brought their home, the Black Comet, to Earth, paralyzing anyone without Black Arms blood. Thankfully Aero and I were on the ARK at the time. Shadow used the Emeralds once again to defeat the leader Black Doom, and save Earth. We all went our separate ways once more, but Aero stuck by me.

Then one day, we all returned here. To Mobius. I traveled the world, saving mobians from Robotnik. One day, there was an invasion in Carnival City, Me and Aero had fought an entire army of bots, and saved many people. They had seen our heroism and despite me formerly being Robotnik's right hand, they accepted me. They didn't care who I was, but rather who I am now. Eventually, I became the mayor, Aero being the Vice Mayor, leading the City and protecting it from harm. The Blue Hedgehog no longer considered me an enemy, though he was like that since Black Doom's defeat. And then.......I met you, Blaze.

The rest is history.

A/n: God DAMN!! This is long!! So. How was it? Was this EVERYTHING from his past? Or could he have left something out? What will Blaze think? Will she accept him for who he is? Or will she turn away from him just like the many others before he encountered Carnival City? Be patient and you'll find out.

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