Chapter 14: Dead Line Zone

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A/n: I'm not gonna take long for them to get to the boss cuz it's just uninteresting. Time for the Dead Line Zone! What'll happen? What will ensue? Let's find out.


As we near one of Robotnik's spaceports leading to his Space Station, oddly shaped like his head, we encounter........The Blue Hedgehog and that fox......of course.

Sonic: There you are!

Blitz: Great. It's you.

Sonic: Blitz!? What're you doing here with her?

Blitz: What's it look like, Hedgehog? I'm helping her retrieve the Sol Emeralds. And you're not stopping us.

Blaze: And I WILL defeat Eggman.

Sonic: Look, you can't just defeat him on your own.

Blaze: Oh really, I can and I will.

Blitz: Also, she's not alone. She has us.

Sonic: "Us"?

Aero: Yeah. Me.

Cream: Hi Sonic! *Waves*

Cheese: Chao Chaaaooo *waves*

Sonic: Cream!? Cheese!? Aero!?

Tails: Guys, the Space-Time Continuum is tearing, and getting larger. Do you have anything to do with that?

Blaze looked away.

Blaze: None of your business.

Blitz: I'm sorry, did you say the SPACE-TIME CONTINUUM is TEARING, and that it's getting even BIGGER!?!?

Tails: Yeah!

Blitz: This isn't good. We need to collect the Sol Emeralds now and bring you and I back to your world.

Tails: What do you mean her AND you?

I glare at Tails.

Blitz: None of your business. Now we must be going now. Good day.

Blaze, Aero, Cream, Cheeze, and I walked away. Cream and Cheese said goodbye of course.

Sonic/Tails: Wait!!

Their calls were in vain as we continued running.


We had gone onto a ship at Robotnik's little spaceport and are now on the Space Station. Right now we're running through, blasting Badniks. Aero was hitting them with ice attacks, while Blaze and I burned through them, although I used my fists more than my flames. Cream and Cheese stayed behind us so they could be safe from any harm. We went through gravity reversing, being shot out of a cannon (my least favorite part. I'm not a cannonball, dammit!), And bouncing up and down on a lot. Almost made me sick. Eventually, we reached the main room as we see.........TWO Robotniks?

Eggman: So. You finally arrive!

???: Hello Blaze. Long time no see.

Eggman: And you too as well, Sonic.

What!? That hedgehog again? I look over to the left and see the Blue Hedgehog and the Fox run into the room.

Sonic: Hey! Eggman! I owe you a little fight.

Eggman: Get in line, Sonic. I wanna beat the cat woman first. You can wait.

Blaze: You! This has nothing to do with you. Stay out of it.

Sonic: No can do. I owe Eggman a fight after chasing his doppelganger, Eggman Nega, around.

Eggman: Once I beat Blaze and collect the Emeralds, ultimate power shall be mine to control.

Eggman Nega: OURS to control.

Eggman: Yes. Ours. Hehehe.

Blaze: You stole the Sol Emeralds......jeapordized my world......just to have "ultimate power"!?

Blaze summoned fire in both her hands, with a not so happy look.

Blaze: I'll destroy you!!!

Sonic: That's a little harsh, don't ya think?

Blaze: I said he's MY opponent-

Blitz: OUR opponent.

Blaze: Go away, Sonic!

Sonic: Again, can't do that.

Blaze: I must protect my world! I don't need your help!

Sonic: Hey! Chill out, lady.

Blaze: If you won't leave....

Sonic: Are you gonna fight me?

Eggman: Ooooo. Maybe they'll take each other out! Then again....

Eggman Nega: What?

Eggman: Blitz is rather strong compared to the others. He has a good chance if beating Sonic before anyone else is defeated.

Blitz: You're not laying a hand on Robotnik, Blue Hedgehog.

Now me and Blaze both prepared flame attacks.

Sonic: You too, huh? I expected that. That's why I called in backup.

Suddenly, I was kicked across the room by someone. I get up and look around to see a face I hadn't seen in months.

(A/n: Shadow is not armed.)

Blitz: Shadow!?

Shadow: Hmph. You're lucky I chose to come and help you, Blue Hedgehog. Otherwise, this would be a losing battle for you.

Sonic: Yeah yeah. I'll take Blaze. You take Blitz.

Shadow: Fine. I was planning on that anyway.

Shadow turned towards me.

Blitz: So. We're finally gonna see who's really better now?

Shadow: It seems that way. Time to see Who's really superior. You, or I.

Blitz: Let's get started then, brother.

Shadow: Hmph.

Shadow smirked.

Shadow: Indeed. Let's go, brother.

We both charged at each other, ready to fight.

Shadow: Chaos.....

I stopped running.

Shadow: .....CONTROL!!

Shadow disappeared and reappeared behind me as I block him whilst he was trying to kick me.

Blitz: Chaos Control worked once, but it ain't working again. HYAH!!!

I threw some punches at Shadow, most of them were blocked. We both exchanged a few blows until we stepped away from each other.

Shadow: You're not using your full power, are you?

He was right. I wasn't using everything in my arsenal. I never was. Even before the fight.

Blitz: You know I won't go full power.

Shadow: You have before, why not now?

Blitz: Reasons.

I looked at Blaze, but was kicked by Shadow not even a few seconds later.

Shadow: If you won't show me you're full potential, just because you fear how others would treat you, then you'll most indefinitely lose.

Shadow prepared a Chaos Spear.

Shadow: Chaos Spear!!

He threw the spear as I dodged, but it skimmed my left shoulder.

Blitz: Agh!!

I held my left shoulder in pain as Shadow was running at me again. I readied a punch, but was blocked and kicked to the ground.

Shadow: How about this. Think of someone you hate. Someone you despise with every fiber of your being. Someone who you'd do anything to get your hands on. Now.....imagine that I was that someone, and go all out!

I sat there thinking, but then I saw a flash. And Shadow was replaced with......

......the shadowy figure who killed Violet.

As I imagine this, I had already forgotten I was fighting Shadow. All I could see was the cause of her death. I blasted him with deadly flames, launching him backwards.

Blitz: *breathing heavily* You want to see my power.

My entire body was pulsing with flames as something began to form as I opened my right palm. Flames gathered into my palm as they formed a large sword.

Blitz: I'll show you POWER!!!!

I charged at Shadow, furiously trying to cut him in two, but Shadow avoided every one of my attacks. He then brought out his own sword (the one you see in Shadow the Hedgehog: The Game) and began taking a few swings at me. I blocked his attempts to strike me as I then see an opening and launch him back with the hilt of my sword. I slowly approach him, still under the delusion that I was fighting the shadowy figure and not Shadow.

Blitz: Time to finish this. Here and NOW!

Shadow: So it seems. Let's.

We both prepared our swords as we rushed at each other at full power and clashed. Our clash was at a stalemate as neither of us could push the other back to win, but I had one trump card remaining. I activated the trustees in my shoes to increase the force of my blade clashing with Shadow's, pushing him back slowly.

Blitz: IT ENDS HERE!!! HYAH!!!

I appeared behind Shadow as I attempted to cut him down, but he was too fast as he blocked and kicked me in the face, sending me back to the wall. I opened my eyes to see Shadow.

Shadow: Hmph. I'll admit. You did good on that final attack....

He held his hand out to me, as if I hadn't tried to kill him two seconds ago.

Shadow:.....but it appears we finally know who's truly superior.

Heh. I'm honestly not surprised that he doesn't care. Me and Shadow and I have sparred many times, both of us with killing intent. So, this situation was honestly no different.

I grabbed Shadow's hand as he helped my up. I notice that Blaze had been beaten by the Blue Hedgehog. Of course he'd win.

Blaze: Nrgh......I must.......retrieve.......the Sol Emeralds.

She was trying to get up after the heavy beating she took from the Blue Hedgehog, but it seems the same went for him, too.

Sonic: You're determined. I'll give you that.

Blitz: Indeed, she is, Blue Hedgehog.

I walked up to him with a slight glare.

Blitz: I assume you're still going to try and stop us, correct?

Sonic: Hey, I just wanted to help. She started it!

Shadow: I'll have to agree with Sonic, for once. Blaze did challenge us first, as did you.

Blitz: Tch, yeah yeah.

Sonic: Listen, Blaze. You don't need to do this on your own. You have friends to be there for you. I mean, Blitz here has helped you a lot, hasn't he?

Blaze looked away, seemingly blushing.

Blaze: Y-Yeah.

Shadow: And it appears Cream and Cheese tagged along as well.

Blitz: Wait.......where's-

Shadow: Blitz! Look ou-!


I felt a huge pain go through my torso. I looked down to see.....

 ice blade sticking out of my chest.

I turned to see the culprit of the hole now present in my chest. It was.....

....Aero, wearing a very sadistic grin.

Aero: Right. here.

Blitz: A-Aero......what....are you.....doi-

I fell to the floor as the blade was taken out of me.

Everyone: BLITZ!!!

A/n: Ohhhhhh. PLOT TWIST! It seems Aero has turned traitor, and the plot thickens even further. Will Blitz survive this betrayal? Why did Aero betray in the first place? Is he working for Eggman, or is he doing this for someone else? Perhaps he's doing this out of reasons that are more......personal. Find out! On the next chapter!!

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