Chapter 15: Betrayal

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A/n: Things are getting more tense. What shall these turn of events lead Blitz.......if he can survive the sudden stab in the back? We're about to find out. By the way, stuff's about to get a bit dark here. You've been warned.


I had passed out from the shock of Aero, a friend I've known for a long time, stabbed me in the back. I had woken up on a spaceship, seemingly Robotnik's. Strangely, my wound had healed up, only leaving a sbarely visible scar. No one seemed to be around, untill I heard....

???: ah, so you've finally awoken.

I tried to turn, but realize I'm bound by energy cuffs on a chair. But I already knew who it was.

Aero: I assume you have many questions. "Why am I doing this?" "What do I have to gain?" Well, how about we start of with this...

Aero walked in front of me so I could see him.

Aero: Before you ask, no. Eggman was never involved with this betrayal. I set it alllll up myself. Second, I'm doing this because I have a grudge. With you, obviously-

Blitz: But WHY?

I shot him an emotionless stare.

Aero: Well, I'll tell you.......when Blaze arrives. Cream is sitting on the other side of you, asleep. I figured I'd get myself two hostages for Blaze. Convince her to come here. Alone.

Blitz: Why do you want them?

Aero gave me a swift punch to the face.

Aero: Shut your trap! I'm talking. Now, as I about to say, the REASON I want Blaze here is so I can have two of he most important things in your life in one you can watch them die. Right. Before. Your very. Eyes.

Aero leaned into my ear.

Aero: Just like how I did with Violet.

My eyes widened in shock.

Blitz: You didn't!

Aero: Oh. But I did. Who do you think was that "shadowy figure" who killed her? And how did she feel as she die-

Blitz: Cold...

I looked down in horror.

Blitz: She felt cold........

I teared up as I had put two and two together.

Aero was Violet's killer.

Blitz: I'LL KILL YOU!!!!

I said as I tried breaking out of the chair, but was kicked in the face.

Aero: Ah-Ah-Ah. I don't think so. If you even try to break out of that chair.....

Aero summoned an ice blade and put it to the sleeping Cream's neck.

Aero:....and Violet won't be the only one you end up losing.

Blitz: Don't you dare hur-

Aero: Then SHUT UP!! And listen! Do you truly want to know why I have a grudge with you?

I stayed silent.

Aero: Answer. Me.

Blitz: Yes. I do.

Aero: Good boy. Now, remember that attack on the Peregrine Islands? Before you became all goody two-shoes and left Eggman?

Blitz: Y-Yeah.

Aero: Who do you think those two village elders were?

I took a minute to think. Then I realized. They mentioned they had a son. I looked at Aero.

Blitz: They were your parents..... weren't they-

Aero them began to punch me repeatedly.

Aero: Shut up! Shut up!! Shut up!!! SHUT UP!!!! SHUT!!! UP!!!

I was barely conscious when he finished his barrage of punches.

Aero: I don't want to hear you talk! You know what you did! You took my family away from me!! I don't care if you're trying to redeem yourself! The point is, I want to settle the score. And Violet....

He paused as he pulled up a screen showing Carnival City.

Aero: Violet was just the beginning.

He pulled out what appeared to be......a detenator!

Aero: I'm going to take away everything.

He pushed the button as multiple parts of the city began to become reduced to nothing but a giant glacier. Aero used ice bombs to freeze the city.

Blitz: NOO!!!!

I sat there, horrified as my city. My home. Was obliterated, along with who knows how many lives. I hung my head low as I vowed.

Blitz: I don't care how long it takes, but I promise you, Aero.....

I looked up at him, my eyes burning with hatred.

Blitz: I will destroy you!

Aero: You are in NO position to be making threats, Blitz!

Blitz: That's not a's a promise.

Aero: Hmph. We'll see about tha-

Blaze: AERO!!!

Aero turned to see Blaze had arrived.

Aero: Hey! The gangs alllll here!

Blaze: Shut it, Aero. Let Cream and Blitz go!

Aero: I don't think I can do that, kitty. I have a score to settle with Blitz, and I need you and Cream to do just that.

Blitz: Don't you dare touch her!!!

Aero: I said SHUT!!! UUUUP!!!

As Aero was screaming at me, Blaze took the opportunity to kick Aero aside, downing him only for a short amount of time. Blaze broke the cuffs bounding me to the seat.

Blaze: Hold Aero off. I'll handle getting Cream.

I nodded.

Blaze: And Blitz...

I looked at her, as she blushed a bit.

Blaze: Stay safe.

I gave her a thumbs up.

Blitz: Always have been.

I walked toward Aero, my scowl getting more and more intense as I get closer.

Blitz: You destroyed MY city!

I kicked Aero to the wall.

Blitz: Killed MY friend!

I punched him two times.

Blitz: And now...

I grabbed Aero by the feathers on his head.

Blitz: I'm gonna fullfil my promise.

I was ready to burn him to a crisp, but he had the opportunity to cut me with his bladed shoes, tearing my suit and further revealing the scar that remained on my chest. He then noticed Cream being released from her chair by Blaze, immediately charging towards them whilst I was regaining my composure.

Blitz: Blaze look out!

By the time I finished, Blaze had been pushed away, while Aero had grabbed Cream, forming a ice spike on his palm and placing it on her neck.

Aero: Come any closer and she dies!

Cream was struggling to make Aero let her go.

Cream: Let me go! Let me go, you meanie!

Cream stomped on Aero's foot and tied to run.

Aero: Agh! You dumb CHILD!!!

Aero grabbed Cream by the arm.

Aero: If you won't cooperate.....

Aero held his palm with the icicle up.

Aero: I'll have to use drastic measures

I appeared in front of Aero, catching the icicle and slowly melting it as my hand began to heat up.

I had had enough.

Nobody messes with Cream.

Blitz: First, you kill Violet, and destroy my city along with the! of lives within it! want to take everything else away from me!? Those who care about me for who I am!? No. I won't let you harm anymore of my loved ones. Not anymore! I'LL MAKE YOU PAY FOR EVERYTHING YOU'VE DONE!!!

Suddenly a flaming aura, black in color, enveloped me as I felt myself getting stronger. My fur began to become darker as it began to resemble dark flames and become hot to the touch, my eyes dilated in rage, my teeth became sharper, and all I could think about was how many ways I could obliterate Aero, and avenge those he took the lives of. I was no longer the normal Blitz I was before. At that moment .........

(Aero knew.......he fucked up)

........Vengeful Blitz was born.

A/n:.........I honestly don't know what to say after writing this besides HOLY SHIT!!!! Anyways, hope you enjoyed. See ya next chapter.

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