Chapter 18: Blitz and Shadow, the Ultimate Tag Team (Blitz vs. Aero Pt. 2)

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A/n: Time for Pt. 2. Let's go!



Shadow and I enter our battle stances.

Aero: Do you two REALLY believe you can stop your inevitable demise!? HA!! You'll soon find out that you're sadly mistaken.

Blitz: One way or another, we will defeat you, Aero.

Shadow: And just to warn you, no one has defeated the both of us at once.

Aero: That's about to change.

Aero prepared a bunch of floating ice spikes. A lot more than he can normally do. Wait, how is he doing that? There's no way he should be able to create that many. I then notice the gem embedded in his chest. Aero realizes this.

Aero: Hm. You seem to have a great interest in this gem.

Aero launched all the ice spikes. Shadow grabs my arm.

Shadow: Chaos CONTROL!!!

We both appeared on the other side of the room, avoiding the spikes.

Aero: You remember how I mentioned your Phoenix Ruby, correct?

Now that I think about it, I do. Despite being in that menacing form earlier, I heard his explanation on the Ruby.

Aero: This is it's polar opposite: The Frost Sapphire.

Shadow: That explains his ice ability.

Blitz: So, where'd you get it? Did you murder some other poor kid, you monster!?

Aero snickered.

Aero: Actually, much to my surprise, no. I was actually born with this gem. Just like poor Vi-

I suddenly appear behind Aero and impale him in the shoulder with my flame sword. My eyes dilated in anger.

Blitz: You lost the right to say her name. So be quiet!

I pulled my sword out and slashed Aero's back, causing him to fall forward, giving Shadow the opportunity to uppercut him, launching him up slightly.

Blitz: You look cold, Aero. How about I warm you up.

I prepared two fireballs and tossed them at Aero, exploding on impact and sending him slamming into the window overlooking Mobius, which seemed to be getting closer by the minute.

Aero: You fools! You can't possibly think that buffoon of a Doctor can save you or this ship! No matter what, you'll both die her-

Shadow and I punched Aero in the stomach.

Blitz: Shut up already!

Aero's body seemed to turn to ice and dissipate. Our eyes widened in shock.

Blitz/Shadow: What?

Next thing we knew, we were launched away from each other with two swift kicks from behind, leaving a cut on one cheek due to the blades on his shoes. It seems Aero used an Ice Clone of some sort to distract us as he prepped a sneak attack for us.

Aero: Hehe. This new form of mine is pretty nice. I can make more ice to control. I can make clones! I wonder what more I can do. Well......let's find out.

Suddenly, Aero made another ice clone to attack Shadow, with the real one bolting towards me as I rematerialized my flame sword and we clashed blades.

Aero: Just give up! You can't beat that which is divine!

He really seems to believe he's a god now.

Blitz: You're no God!!

I pushed Aero back a few feet, panting heavily. I was still a little weakened from before Shadow showed up, and I had used up so much stamina already. I'll have to finish this as quick as possible and get back to Blaze.

Blitz: You're just a madman, hellbent on revenge. You can't accept what I had done in the past.

Aero: How can I!? You took EVERYTHING FROM ME!!!

Aero went for another slash, but I blocked it. Unfortunately, I hadn't noticed his other blade, piercing right below my left lung. Lucky me.

Blitz: GAH!!!!

Aero: You destroyed my home, and killed my family. I won't stop until I'm satisfied. I'm gonna break you....

Aero twisted the blade inside my torso as I cried in pain.

Aero: a Kit-Kat bar.

Shadow: Get. Away. From. MY. BROTHER!!!!

Aero turned around to see Shadow holding Aero's clone by the neck, but something was different.

He had his inhibitor rings off.

Blitz: Hehe. You're dead now.

Aero: Wh-What is this power!?

Shadow was radiating a menacing aura (not Dark Shadow, just Shadow without his inhibitor rings). He started to slowly walk towards Aero as he obliterated the clone with a Chaos Spear.

Shadow: Let. Him. Go. Now.

Aero seemed to snap out of his shocked trance just seconds after seeing his intensified power.


Aero attempts to finish me with his other blade, but Shadow kicked Aero away before he could even lift his sword. I attempted to stand up, but Shadow stopped me.

Shadow: Sit this one out, Blitz. You're injured as it is.

Blitz: N-No. I-I have to-

As I tried to get up again, I coughed out blood and sat down again.

Shadow: I'm not going to let you fight when you have a giant hole in you. Let me handle this. Please, Blitz.

Shadow looked at me with concern. Something he did for very few people, specifically me, Cream, the currently deceased Maria, and arguably Rouge.

Blitz: *sighs* A-Alright. Fine.

Shadow turns to face Aero and prepares to fight.


I go into my battle stance, ready to defend Blitz.

Aero: I....

Aero stands up.

Aero: I have had ENOUGH OF YOU!!!!

The floor and walls around Aero begin to cover in frost as he powered up. He then aimlessly tried to cut me many times, missing every attack as I dodged and blocked each one.

Shadow: Tsk. Pathetic.

I knew Aero in the gut and toss him in the air.

Shadow: Chaos....

I charge ten Chaos Spears around me, all of them pointing at Aero.

Shadow: ....SPEAR!!!!

All the Chaos Spears hit Aero, sending him flying upwards even further.

Shadow: Chaos CONTROL!!!!

I appeared above Aero and kick him to the ground. As I land, Aero stands back up, injured badly.

Aero: I-I can still fight.......I.......

Aero begins to glow an icy blue color.


Aero begins to try to cover me in ice, but it melts before it reaches me.

Shadow: Your ice won't be enough...

I slowly walk towards Aero.

Shadow: beat the Ultimate Life Form.

Aero begins to back away.


Aero fires countless ice spikes, only for most of them to melt. Some of them hit me, but disappear afterwards, doing barely anything. When I reach Aero, I grab him by the neck.

Shadow: You're finished.

I ready a Chaos Spear to finish him.....but....

Aero: *smiles* you fool.

Aero turned into ice and dissipated again.

Shadow: What!?


My eyes widened as I look down. A shard of metal had pierced my back. The real Aero was behind me.

Aero: YOU'RE finished.

Shadow: I-I have only one thing.....t-to say to that.

Aero: And what's that?

I turn my head to Aero, smirking as a red aura built up around me.

Shadow: R-Ready, Blitz?

Aero's face became one of surprise as he turned to Blitz, who began to hold Aero.

Blitz: Yeah, B-Bro.


As my red aura built up, so did Blitz's orange aura. This was our ultimate move.


Our auras intensified, and Aero was now struggling against Blitz's iron hold.


Shadow: Finishing this.


The next thing we knew, the whole room was engulfed in a blinding red and orange explosion.

A/n: Oh snap!! The Ultimate Tag Team's signature move, Chaos Flare!!! What did this move do? Did it destroy Aero? Did it destroy Blitz and Shadow as well? What about Blaze, Eggman, Cream, and Cheese? Did the Chaos Flare blast radius reach them too? Find out on the next chapter!!

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