Chapter 19: Heart to Heart

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A/n: Were getting closer and closer to the end. Let us begin.

BLAZE'S POV (5 Minutes Earlier):

Eggman: GAH!!! C'MON!!!!

I'm currently in the control room with Eggman, who's been having trouble with the terminal due to Aero's hacking. I was standing in the corner, upset that I couldn't help Blitz fight Aero. He could be dead for all I know. I shook at the thought. I don't want Blitz to die. He's too important to me. I was taken out of my thoughts when Eggman spoke.

Eggman: Blaze.

Blaze: *sighs* Did you get into the computer?

Eggman: Not yet.

Blaze: Then leave me alone.

Eggman: You're worried about Blitz, aren't you?

My face went red as he asked me that.

Blaze: And what the hell makes you think tha-!?

Eggman: I know you're upset. Because you couldn't assist Blitz. You're worried Aero would defeat him and win. Am I wrong?

I remained silent.

Eggman: Blaze, I'm worried about him as well, but if we don't get this terminal running, Blitz's efforts to buy us time will be in vain and we'll all perish on this ship.

Blaze: B-But.......I-I......

I began to tear up.

Blaze: I don't want to lose him. H-He....

Eggman: You love Blitz, don't you?

I looked at Eggman, shocked.

Blaze: H-How-

Eggman: Why else would you be so worried about him. When I first saw you two together, you despised each other. Arguing constantly. Then as we fought more, you both learned to cooperate, and even seemed to form a bond with each other. When I saw how Blitz wanted to face Aero alone, he had that look in his eyes. That was the same look he gave Violet whenever he wanted to protect her.

I stood silent as he continued.

Eggman: Of course, those two only saw each other as siblings, and obviously not lovers, but I haven't seen that look in his eyes toward anyone else besides Cream......and you. That means he cares very deeply for you, Blaze.

Blaze: Why?

Eggman: Hm?

Blaze: Why are you telling me this? You're acting as if we were never enemies, but we are.

Eggman: I may be a "bad guy", as Sonic would put it, but I know what's best for my son. He's been in this dark void for a very long time. Ever since Violet died, he wasn't as happy as he normally was. He had nobody except Shadow, Cream, and Cheese, from the info I gathered. Even then, he still felt the hole in his heart wasn't filled enough. But when he met you, there was something different about you that affected him, as unnoticeable as it may seem.

Blaze: I.......*sighs* Yes. I love Blitz. Ever since the beginning, I had, for whatever reason, found Blitz to be a rather interesting person. I began to respect him. Admire him.......and eventually, I even began to fall for him.

Eggman looked at Blaze for a moment then continued to try to get into the system.

Eggman: AH-HA!!! GOTCHA!!!!

Blaze: You're in?

Eggman: After several tries at hacking back into my own terminal, I've DONE IT!!!.......That makes me sound like an idiot doesn't it?

Cream and Cheese giggle at Eggman's comment while I smiled slightly.

Eggman: Now I just need to cancel the trajectory of the ship towards Mobius and move it back into orbit. It should be easy enough, so we should be just fi-


Blaze: What was that!?

Eggman: That came from where Blitz and Aero were fighting!

Cream: Oh no! I hope Blitz is ok!

My mind was racing. What's happening out there? Is Blitz ok? Did he beat Aero? Did.......Did Aero kill him?

Eggman: Go to him.

I looked up at Eggman, shocked and confused.

Blaze: What?

Eggman: Go to Blitz. I can handle myself here. I'll keep an eye on Cream and Cheese as well. No harm will come to them. I promise.

Blaze: I-....Thank you.

I began to run out of the control room, but Eggman said something.

Eggman: And Blaze!

I stopped and looked back at a smirking Eggman.

Eggman: You have my blessing.

It took me a second to realized what he meant, but I smiled at him and ran off to Blitz's location.


I had arrived at the source of the explosion to see nothing but rubble and a large hole in the window and ceiling of the room, leading outside the ship and into the stratosphere. I scrambled to search for Blitz. It took a few minutes, but I found him and Shadow a few feet away from each other, both bruised and bloody.

Blitz: *cough cough*

Shadow: Uuugh.

Both of them began to wake up as they see the destruction they presumably caused.

Blaze: BLITZ!!!

I hugged Blitz, relieved that he was still ok. I then smacked him upside the head.

Blitz: *cough* Ow! What was that for?

Blaze: For fighting Aero by yourself! Be thankful Shadow was here to help!

Blitz: Hehe. Sorry. Did we *cough cough* did we get him?

Shadow: I.....I think so.

???: Think again....

We all froze as we slowly turned towards moving debris. It was thrown off to reveal a VERY badly damaged Aero. He had lost his right arm and received multiple burn wounds as well as a broken beak. He spoke in a very strained voice.

Aero: seriously could kill a God!?

A/n: Wait......HES STILL ALIVE!?!? WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO KILL THIS GUY!?!? Eh, I don't know. But we'll find out next chapter, that's for sure. Anyway, I hope you liked how Eggman and Blaze had a nice heart to heart chat. I honestly liked it. And I ain't saying it just cuz I wrote it. Anywho, see ya!

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