Chapter 5: Mirage Road

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A/n: Chapter 5. EnJoY......


Blaze, Cream, Cheese, and I were walking through the desert. The hot...... scorching...... dehydrating desert. Didn't bother me though. I love hot environments. Although that doesn't mean I don't have problems being in said environments. Oh God I'm SOOO thirsty. Blaze seemed that way as well since she had the same dehydrated look on her face as me. Cream too. Cheese seemed less dehydrated.........I wonder why.

Blitz: So *huff* thirsty....

Blaze: Shut up, we're*huff* almost *huff* there.

Blitz: You're as dehydrated as me. How are you NOT complaining?

Blaze: Because we have better things to focus on, like getting the Sol Emeralds.

Blitz: about determination. You seem real set on getting them.

Blaze: Well, yeah! You do realize what'll happen if he has all of them?

Blitz: Yeah yeah, trust me, if they're anything like the Chaos Emeralds, then I already know.

Cream: It's so hot. How come you two aren't bothered by it as much.

Blitz: I just love hot environments. Yeah...... that's why.

Blaze: Same. Never liked the cold, though.

Blitz: I don't like the cold either.

Blaze's face lit up in surprise.

Blaze: You're kidding, right.

Blitz: Nope. The more heat, the better, I say.

Blaze: Huh, how come?

Blitz: Well, I just feel comfortable around a hot area. Like this desert........unless I'm thirsty as hell.

Both our faces dropped. It seemed we were both thirsty, although Blaze didn't wanna complain about it. We both heard the sound of running liquids behind us as we ever so slowly turned around. We saw........

........Cheese holding a water bottle twice his size.

As Cheese was drinking the water. Blaze and I watched, smacking our lips as we reeeaaaly wanted that water. Cheese then noticed us and immediately stopped drinking and was sweating bullets.

Blitz: Cheese...... much water is in there?

Cheese immediately hid the water bottle behind his back, which we could still see since, again, it was twice his size.

Cheese: Chao? Cha-CHAO!!!!

We both lunged at the Chao and his water bottle.


Blitz: You owe me an apology.

Blaze: Hey, you made me do it.

Blitz: Ok, listen. It's one thing to punch me in the face, but how dare you pull a low blow!

Blaze: Hey! I was in the heat of the moment alright? I was craving water just as much as you. Can you blame me?

I sighed.

Blitz: ..... I guess not.

We continued our walk in silence for the next few minutes, then we had arrived at our destination........Mirage Road.

Blitz: we are. Mirage Road. Robotnik must've taken refuge here after his beating by the Blue Hedgehog.....and us.

Blaze: Why do you call him Blue Hedgehog? Doesn't he have a name?

Blitz: I will not call him that stupid name he goes by. I mean, what kind of name is Sonic?

Blaze: Says the one named Blitz.

Blitz: Hey! It's a cool name. Given to me by R-

I immediately covered my mouth.

Blaze: Who? Who named you?

Blitz: U-Um.....No-Nobody. That's who.

Blaze looked like she wanted to ask again to get an answer outta me, but didn't go through with it.

Blaze: Fine. It's your own business after all. I shouldn't pry into it like that. I'm sorry.

Blitz: *sighs* It's fine. You didn't mean it. Let's just move on.

We began running towards the pyramids littering the Mirage Road zone.


We had told Cream and Cheese to stay hidden in case of any trouble that could arise as Blaze and I sprinted through the zone. Of course Cream and Cheese followed, although they, again, stayed hidden as we went deeper into the zone.

A/n: *plays Highway to the Danger Zone*

Vegeta: What

Goku Black: The

Zamasu: Actual

All Three of Them: Hell?

A/n: What? It's catchy!

Vegeta: Nope.

Goku Black: Nuh-uh

Zamasu: Indeed not.

A/n: Then fight me!

*They all prepare their special moves*


Author had to eat many Senzus that day.

We plowed through the many Badnicks that littered the area. Blaze destroying them with her swift, powerful.....graceful.........beautifu- wait, WHAT am I thinking!? Shut up Blitz! Focus! Anyways, she kicked and I used my martial arts moves, all punch related since I'm strongest punching stuff. Yes, even Knuckles's punches are weaker than mine. Eventually we reached a large chamber, walls filled with several hieroglyphs. These were just so fascinating.

Blitz: Amazing! These symbols must be the language of a once prosperous civilization that once ruled here.

I said as I was letting my inner intellectual out a bit. I couldn't help it. These symbols, the architecture, the time it must've taken to build such a majestic structure, it was all just so fascinating.

Blaze: Hey! Focus, Blitz. We're here for the Sol Emeralds, not to gawk at this place.

Blitz: bad.

I stayed silent as we were about to exit the chamber.......until the two ways out shut, locking me, Blaze, Cream, and Cheese (who had followed us in shortly after my intellectual outburst of excitement.)

Blaze: What!?

Suddenly, a large group of Badniks had jumped out of nowhere, ready to attack.

Blitz: IT'S A TRAP!!........always wanted to say that.

Blaze: How about we beat some bots?

Blitz: You read my mind.

We both charged at the bots, me taking right, while Blaze took left. In one fell swoop of my fist, I had punched through three Badniks at once. Blaze had done the same, but with a kick. I then took two Badniks heads and smashed them together, shattering them, causing them to drop to the floor. After a while of up beating the everloving hell outta the bots, we heard a rumbling sound. We turned around to BIG.........ANGRY Badnik with a hammer that made Amy's look like a child's toy.

Blitz: Ohhh shoot.

Blaze: Took the words right out my mou-

Before she could finish, we had barely avoided a swift smashing attack from the Badnik's hammer.

Blitz: Holy crap! It's gonna take more than just a few punches and kicks to take this sucker down. Any ideas?

Blaze: Yeah. One.

Blitz: Care to explain this brilliant plan.

I spoke sarcastically as Blaze rolled her eyes. She sprinted towards one of the pillars supporting the ceiling and kicked it, literally obliterating it. I immediately understood.

Blitz: Ok, fair enough.

I then went to town on the many pillars around the room, until eventually the ceiling fell as we all stood near the walls as the debris crushed the Badnik. Me and Blaze shielded Cream and Cheese from any falling debris headed their way. After he dust cleared, we dug our way out of the debris that hadn't crushed us, but buried us nonetheless, and noticed the doors had opened.........not that it mattered since the doorways were now non-existent.

Blitz: Well......that happened.

Blaze: Let's just go. C'mon Cream.

Cream: Coming!


Several trapped rooms, annoying robots, and moving platforms later, we had arrived to what seemed to be the main chamber, filled with many precious jewels and treasures.

Blitz: Beautiful, isn't it.

Blaze: Yeah, although I've seen larger amounts of this stuff at home.

My eyes widened in surprise.

Blitz: Wait, so you've seen more treasure than this where you're from!?

Blaze: Not to brag, but yeah.

Blitz: Heh, dang. You must be knee deep in riches. What are you, royalty?

Blaze looked away a little, blushing.

Blaze: It's not THAT much.

Before I could say anything, a familiar laugh was heard.

Eggman: OHOHOHO!! So persistent aren't you, Blitz? I expected that, knowing you.

Blitz: What can I say, I know you too well to let you get away with the Sol Emeralds.

Robotnik's grin widened

Eggman: Alright then, so which of you love birds want to face me first?

This seemed to have caught both of us off guard.

Blitz/Blaze: WE AREN'T LOVE BIRDS!!!!

Eggman: Then why go out of your way, helping her, Blitz? That's not

Blitz: Simple. Cause I agreed with her to get those Emeralds back. And you of all people know I'm a wolf of my word, Robotnik.

Eggman: True. True. Now then, prepare yourselves! As I destroy you both with my......

Suddenly a giant ball rolled into the chamber, landing on part of the large wall circling around the center of the chamber,. Then a large insectoid robot appeared, rolling said ball. Eggman got into the giant mech as he announced his "great" invention.

Eggman:.......EGG SCARAB!!!!

A/n: An there's the 5th chapter. Hope you enjoyed it. Remember to comment. 3rd Boss fight next chapter. WHOO!!!

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