Chapter 7: Water Palace

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A/n: Onward to the next chapter!.......oh boi.


Blitz: NO, I DON'T WANNA GO IN!!!!!

Blaze: You're going in WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!!!

I was clinging to a pillar while Blaze was trying to coax me into going into.......WATER!!

Blitz: You'll never take me alive, H2O!!!! NEVERRRRR!!!!!!

Blaze: Fine. You leave me no choice.

Blaze reeled her foot back.

Blitz: Uhhhhh Blaze. What're you doi- AAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!

Blaze then kicked my rear into the water...... literally. As I landed in the water, I tried to swim.

Blitz: ACK!!..... Can't.....swim!!........oh wait.

I stood up as the water was only a foot deep. Blaze started laughing a bit. Her laugh was rather........ nice on the ears. Wait, DAMMIT BLITZ! Quit thinking of her like that! She's just another Mobian you're helping. Focus! Anyway, I stood unamused.

Blitz: I hate you

Blaze: Mmhm. Right. Now that we have that out of the way, let's get moving.

Blaze hopped into the water.

Blitz: Ok, ya got me in this......WATER, but what about Cream and Cheese?

Cream: We can fly over.

Cream used her ears to hover up slightly.

Blitz: *mutters* Lucky.

As Cream and Cheese were hovering over the water following our movements, Blaze and I had to run through the water, much to my extreme dismay. The water was really cold. Suddenly we ran into some mines and stopped immediately.

Blitz: 'Damn! How are we gonna get through these mines?'

I noticed I was low on air and had to get to the surface fast. Same seemed to go for Blaze as she seemed ready to let out all her air. I looked around and saw each mine was held by a chain, a common trait of the underwater mine. If we could grab onto one and let it float, then let go of it before it detonates, we could reach the surface in one piece. I tapped Blaze's shoulder and pointed at the mine, then pointed up. She seemed to get that point as we both grabbed a mine and jumped off onto a higher platform, which ramped up to the surface as we gasped for air.

Blitz: One of the many reasons why I hate water. I can't swim.

Blaze: Tsk. Quit your complaining. I'm a cat yet I'm not crying about some water.

Blitz: Well you're just strange. I have my reasons for hating water.

Blaze: Right.

Blitz: Let's just go! The sooner we get to Robotnik, the sooner we can get outta this Atlantis ripoff.

Then as of on cue, some of Robotnik's robots appeared.

Blitz: Well ain't THIS a surprise.

Blaze: Quit your yapping and let's just beat em up already.

Blaze and I then charged at the crowd of boys as I used my usual martial arts training whilst Blaze used her kicks. I'm telling you, I keep seeing these tiny flames emit from her kicks, but I asked her earlier about it and she just denies it and says I'm seeing things. Hm. Perhaps she's hiding things. Then again, I'm one to talk.


We eventually arrived at the center of the half submerged palace as we look around for any place Robotnik would be hiding. We then suddenly heard a rumble as the water was moving and a large mech resembling a plesiosaur appeared piloted by, you guessed it, Robotnik.

Eggman: We meet again, Blitz! Blaze! You two are fairly persistent on grabbing these Sol Emeralds.

Blitz: Hmph. I bet you've been expecting this since you've seen my resilience firsthand, Doctor.

Eggman: Well, it ends here, Blitz and Blaze! For I present to you......THE EGG TURTLE!!!!

Somehow, a tumbleweed ran by us as silence encompassed us.

Blaze: Seriously?

Blitz: It looks more like the Plesiosaurus from the Mesozoic Era.

Eggman: You know, Blitz. I'd be able to come up with better names if you actually HELPED me with them! Just like old times.

I jumped at that last part as I felt Blaze give me a confused glare. Dammit, Robotnik!

Blitz: Hmph. That's not happening, Doctor!

Blaze seemed to regain focus if the situation, although I'm expecting that she'll want answers afterwards.

Blaze: Yeah! If you believe we're just going to let you go, you're sadly mistaken.

Eggman: Oh REALLY? Then COME AT ME!!

A/n: Ooooooo what could Eggman possibly mean when he says "just like old times"? Could Blitz have helped Eggman in the past? Or is there a bigger picture to this checkered past of Blitz's that we're missing? You'll just have to wait and see. Also, sorry about the shortness. See ya.

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