Chapter 8: The Egg Turtle and A Dark Secret

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A/n: Boss fight! Let's gooooooooooooo!!!!!


Eggman: Your little journey ends here, you pests!

The next thing we knew, the water began to rise to the point where we were submerged............Ok, this is just low, Doctor. We have to find a way to get the water down before we drown! Before I could strategize, the Egg Turtle raised it's head, ready to hit me. I narrowly dodged his attack as he then goes for Blaze. She dodges as well, but gets a kick in at the cockpit of the large mech.

Blitz: 'Hmm. I don't see a valve anywhere. Nor do I see a drain. Dammit! At this rate we'll drown before we can defeat Robotnik!'

Soon enough, the water mysteriously drained.

Blitz: *coughing uncontrollably* What? *cough* H-how'd you! drain the water?

Blaze: Less talk. More fighting.

Right. Blaze must not be very happy about what the Doctor mentioned. That's not good. Alright, enough of having my head in the clouds, I need to focus. I then notice that the Egg Turtle's head is extending towards us with it's jaws agape. Unfortunately, I couldn't avoid the bite as I try to hold the jaws open to prevent me from being bitten in half. And in top of that, Blaze doesn't seem to be in a very helpful mood at the moment so I may be on my ow-

Blaze: Take THIS!!

Unexpectedly, Blaze kicked the Egg Turtle's head as it retracts it's head.

Blitz: Thanks.

Blaze: I didn't do that to help you.

Of course you didn't. Although, I can't blame her. Not many would take kindly to me after hearing what Robotnik said.

Cream: Go Blitz! Go Blaze! Beat that Egg Turtle up!

Cheese: Chao Chao!!

....Except those two.

Eggman: Grrr! Just HOLD STILL!!!

The water came back up as Blaze and I were brought back under. Robotnik raised the Egg Turtle's head up once more at me as I dodge and send two punches to the head as it reeled back in recoil.

Eggman: Hmph! Prepare yourself!!

The Egg Turtle's then swooped down all around the water trying to slam into us. Blaze and I took some hits, but we're still able to fight. The water drained once more.

Blitz: Hmph. Time to end this.

I ran to the Egg Turtle's head from behind as Blaze ran from the front as I punched the cockpit whilst Blaze kicked it, destroying the controls and making the mech explode. Robotnik flies back up in his floating chair.

Eggman: You haven't seen the last of me, Blitz! Nor have you, Blaze! We'll see each other again very soon.

Blitz: That's right, but until then.....

I ran to him, swinging a massive punch towards his floating chair.

Blitz: ......TAKE A HIKE!!

My punch collided as Robotnik was, once again, sent flying into the sky. Another Sol Emerald fell into my hand.

Blitz: Four down, three to g-

I was suddenly kicked to the wall. Blaze had me by the throat.

Blaze: Alright! START! TALKING!!

Tch. She really thinks I'm gonna talk.

Blitz: It's not that simple.

Blaze: I said...

She then did something I never thought she could do....

...... She summoned fire in her hand.

She brought the fire close to my face.

Blaze: TALK!!

I noticed Cream and Cheese getting scared. I spoke in a rather low and irritated voice.

Blitz: I highly suggest you calm down. You're scaring-

Blaze: Not until you explain everythi-

The tables turned as I grabbed her wrist and I then had HER pinned to the ground, my hand to her throat. My voice went dark.

Blitz: You listen here, CAT. You're scaring Cream and Cheese. And if I don't wish to talk about my past, I don't HAVE to. My past is my business. And I'm not going to have some FLAMING FELINE FORCE ME TO HAVE THIS DISCUSSION AGAIN! I don't need to tell you my past. I don't need to tell you about how I know Robotnik! And DON'T NEED TO TELL YOU ANYTHING ABOUT VIOLE-

I froze as flashes of my past appeared before my eyes. My eyes widened in horror as I heard a voice in my head.

???: Blitz........please......

I let Blaze go as I back away from her and Cream, my breathing speeding up as I grow terrified of the flashes from my past.

Cream: Blitz..... what's wrong?

Blitz: I.......I-I.......

I then did the only thing I thought I could....

....I ran.

I ran as fast as I could away from Blaze. Away from Cream and Cheese. And hopefully......even further from my dark past. I ran for what seemed like hours, slowly tearing up. Out of the Water Palace zone. Past various forests and cities. And eventually, I stopped at a cliff side overlooking an ocean. I then fell to my knees.

Blitz: Don't think about it. Don't think about it....... Don't.....think.....about it..........DAMMIT!!

Soon enough, the tears began to spill as memories began coming back. Memories of my past actions. Memories of who I used to be. Memories of.......


A/n: Blitz has had a falling out with Blaze and they separate! What could this possibly lead to? Will Blitz return to help Blaze once again? Will we learn more of Blitz's past? And finally, who is "her"? Stay tuned and we may find out.

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