Xtra Zone Pt. 2: Wrapped in Black

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A/n: DON'T play the music yet. Let the battle..........BEGIN!!!!


We were now face to face with our opponents, Aero and Eggman Nega in what they called, the Egg Salamander Nega (better name than any of their other machines). The Space-Time Continuum was distorted badly to where space was oddly colored and meteors were flying everywhere.

Aero: *sighs* Why must you be so bothersome, Blitz.

Eggman Nega: Indeed. You an your friends have been nothing but pests in my grand scheme.

Aero: OUR grand scheme.

(A/n: *proceeds to play Russian music*)

Eggman Nega: Right, right, whatever.

Blitz: What? Did you think we'll just take this without a fight? I can't have you destroy our homes now, can I? Also, a rematch with my nemesis seems too hard to pass up.

Aero: A rematch? Hehe. I just might take you up on your offer.

Shadow: This time, you won't be fighting just Blitz and I.

Blaze: You gotta deal with ALL of us!

Sonic: Yeah!

Eggman Nega: Indeed, this true. Aero, I assume you wish to dispose of Blitz yourself?

Aero: Yes. You can pick whoever you wish to fight, but that dreaded wolf is MINE and mine alone!

Eggman Nega: Hmmm. How about YOU!

He pointed at Sonic and Shadow.

Aero: Fair enough.

Aero exited the mech, with a VERY different look. He had a metal peace where his beak used to be (METALBEAK!!!!!! Reference, anyone?). His right sleeve was tied on the stub where his right arm used to be. His outfit consisted of a light blue coat reaching to his ankles, giving him a somewhat regal appearance.

Blitz: Looks like it's just you and me, Aero.

Blaze: And me!

Aero: Indeed. I've seen your outstanding teamwork with Shadow, not gonna lie, but I wish to see how well you and Blaze fight now. But know this.

A blue aura began to form around Aero.


Aero: I will NOT lose to you again! HAAA!!!!!

Aero bolted towards me and attempted a punch to the face, but I moved my head slightly to the side.

Blitz: Heh. Are you sure about that?

I then kicked Aero in the jaw, sending him upwards.

Blaze: You're not just fighting Blitz! You're facing BOTH OF US! HYAH!!!

Blaze appeared above Aero and kicked him downwards as he landed on my fist, which hit his gut.

Blitz: So far, how would you rate this, huh?

I punched him away to create distance between us.

Aero: I'd say......a 6/10. Better than you and Shadow, but never superior to me. Now....

Aero summoned what I'd estimate as 50 or so ice spikes in the air.

Aero: ......let me show you just a taste of my godly power!

Aero pointed his hand outwards, sending them right at us. I incinerated most of them, mainly the ones targeting Blaze. Blaze did the same for me.

Blitz: Our flames will always melt your ice.

Blaze: Together, our flames are unstoppable.

Aero: How about we test that theory!?

Aero appeared in front of us with one large ice blade in his left hand in an attempt to cut us down, but was immediately stopped by my fist and Blaze's foot as we hit him away.

Blitz: How about I show you a move I've been dying to use, Aero.

I spread my arms out as flames began to gather around my palms.

Blitz: Phoenix.......

I then point my arms in front of me as I connect the bottoms of my hands together. Combining the two flames into one intense one.

Blitz: ........ FLAAAASH!!!!!!!

Suddenly, a large beam of flames erupted from my palms as it sped towards Aero, resulting in a large explosion.

(A/n: Basically Final Flash.)

Blitz: Did I......Did I get him?

Aero: No.

I gasped as I turned around to be greeted by a swift kick to the face. I was sent flying towards a nearby meteor as I coughed up blood.

Blaze: BLITZ!!

Aero: Quiet, woman!

Aero went to attack Blaze, but Blaze avoided his attacks, until Aero suddenly made two clones of himself to assist.

Aero: DIE!!!

He and his clones charged at Blaze. I flew as fast as I could towards them, but then....

Shadow: Disappointing.

Sonic: Clones? Really? That's not fair, dude.

Sonic and Shadow had blocked Aero and his clones' attack.

Blitz: Wait. Where's Eggman Nega?

Sonic: Guess who's taking care of him.

Eggman Nega: OHOHO!!!!! Come on, other me! Let's see who's Egg Salamander is more superior! Yours or my Egg Salamander Nega!

Eggman: Mine is OBVIOUSLY better! Mine has cannons!!!

Eggman Nega: Mine used to have cannons, but now it has claws that can TEAR THROUGH SPACE ITSELF!!!!

Blitz: Of course they'd fight.

Sonic: Now let's take Aero down!

Shadow/Blitz/Blaze: Right!

We all bolted towards Aero, sending a barrage of attacks his way. Punches, kicks, homing attacks, fireballs, you name it. Aero was getting tossed around by us, but soon Aero had enough.

Aero: Grrrr....ENOUGH!!!!

He had made an energy burst, sending all four of us back.

Aero: If just a small taste of my power wasn't enough.....

Aero charged up his energy.


Aero closed his eyes. Soon enough, Aero's feathers on the back of his head became ice spikes once more, but spikier. Two icy wings turned into four angelic looking ice wings, with a giant ice halo behind his back. The bottom of his jacket was soon covered in frost. The stub that used to be his arm grew ice around it, eventually forming one big ice arm. When Aero finally opened his eyes, his pupils were larger, making his silver eye color more noticable.

Aero: This......is MY Super Form! I'm going to keep this simple for you peasants, we'll call this Frozen Aero.

Blitz: H-How-

Aero: The Sol Emeralds' power, remember? I borrowed some from the Egg Salamander Nega. Enough to give me this magnificent form. Now, I'll show you what true divinity is!!

Shadow: You're no God!!

Shadow had used Chaos Control to appear behind Aero and was going for a punch, but was effortlessly dodged and kicked away.

Blitz: SHADOW!!!

Then the Blue Hedgehog went for a spin dash attack, but was hit by Aero's new ice arm and launched towards a meteor, knocked unconscious.

Blaze: SONIC!!!

Aero slowly, and menacingly, turned to Blaze, with a big, concerning grin on his face.

Aero: I know precisely how to take you out.

Aero made six ice clones with no effort and ordered three of them to hold Blaze still. Aero then ordered the other three to carry me in front of Blaze. As we were half there, I began noticing something.

This seemed horrifyingly familiar.


Blitz: VIOLEEEET!!!!!


Blitz: No.....NO!!! LET HER GO!!!!

I struggled to break free from the three clones holding me, but of course, we're barely a match for just one Frozen Aero, no way could I break free from three of them.

Aero: I see you know precisely where this is going.

Aero turned his ice arm into one big sword.

Aero: You'll be experiencing some dejá vu soon.

Blitz: No! Aero!! You can hurt me!! Stab me!! Cut me!! Do whatever you want with ME!!! But if you lay a hand on her I'LL-

Aero: Didn't you hear me back at the ship? I wanted to BREAK you first. And this....

Aero raised his sword arm.

Aero: Is precisely how to do it.

Aero swung his sword down and-




My yellow aura began to turn red as my body began burning up in anger, but not anger out of hate, but rather anger out of my desire to protect. Before Aero could hurt Blaze, his icy arm dissipated.

Aero: Wait, WHAT!?

Blitz: How much more do you want to destroy!? You've already destroyed my friend! Then my relations with Robotnik! Then my City! My HOME!!! No. I refuse!! I refuse to let you go any further!!!

Aero: Are you mad!? You don't stand a chance against me!! I'll destroy your loved ones, then you, and then...... hehehehe...... NOBODY WILL BE ABLE TO STOP ME FROM TAKING THIS WHOLE WORLD WITH YOU!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!


The flaring red aura became more intense, and it destroyed the three clones holding me. My jacket disappeared due to the immense heat of my aura. A thick mane grew around my neck as the scar on my chest (when Aero stabbed me) opened up to reveal a fiery red gem. My fur became a dark red and my eyes changed, similar to Aero's, but instead of silver, they were red as well. The tufts of fur were now raging flames around my wrists and ankles.

Aero: Wha-.......What is this!?

Blaze: Blitz.....

I looked at Aero, my face giving off the message that I meant business.

Blitz: Aero.....

I point at Aero.

Blitz: It's time to pay for your crimes. Once and for all!!!

A/n: Just as things appeared bleak for our hero, HE TRANSFORMS!!! Yeah I know. Soooooo original, but hey, it's good to read, right?.......it IS good to read........right?

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