Xtra Zone Pt. 3: Flaring Blitz, and A Goodbye

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A/n: Hang on to your socks, we're going in! Also, PLAY THE MUSIC, MAESTRO!!!!


Blitz: You will pay for your crimes, once and for all!!!

Aero: Getting confident, are we? Well then, FINE!!!

Aero created hundreds of ice spikes around me.

Aero: Maybe turning you into an icy pin cushion will cool that bravado of yours. HAAA!!!!

All the spikes flew towards me. Unfortunately for Aero, I had dodged each and every one effortlessly.

Blitz: Phoenix FLARE!!!

Aero: Phoenix Wha-GAH!!!!

Aero was sent flying as I created an explosion of fire around me. I held my hand out towards Aero.


Aero burst into flames, but quickly recovered by freezing himself and breaking his icy she'll afterwards.

Aero: Gah!! That hurt!!!

Blitz: Good. It should hurt.

I went to create my flame sword, but I noticed something different about it. It looked more regal. Like something from those fantasy tales.

Blitz: Hm. I like this look. Goes with my looks nicely.


I dodged Aero when he tried to tackle me and grabbed him by his head feathers.

Blitz: Tsk, tsk. And to think you beat Blaze, that Blue idiot, AND Shadow. But you can't even beat one powered up wolf. Sad.

I threw Aero towards a meteor.

Aero: I-I don't understand!! How are you THIS STRONG!?

Blitz: Guess.

I appeared in front of Aero and headbutt him.

Aero: All you did, was mix the power of the Sol Emeralds with your Phoenix Ruby!! Just like I did with my Frost Sapphire!!!

Blitz: Wrong.

I slash Aero's chest up to his shoulder.

Aero: AGH!!! Then what did you do to get this POWERFUL!?!?!?

Blitz: Not what I did. What you did.

I backhand Aero into another meteor.

Blitz: You threatened the one soul I loved most.

I move towards Aero at speeds surpassing that Blue Hedgehog's and impale Aero.

Blitz: You helped me awake this power.

I take the sword out and hit Aero with a hammer fist, causing him to fall, but he caught himself midair.

Blitz: You. Caused. Your own. Downfall.


Blitz: You're a God, huh?

I raised my sword up as a giant ball of fire, resembling a enormous sun, loomed menacingly overhead.

Blitz: Tell me.....

I pointed my sword at Aero.

Blitz: Who decided that!?!? KYAAAAAA!!!!!

The enormous sun hurled towards Aero.


And with that, the sun collided with Aero, and imploded, leaving nothing left in its place.

Blitz: And stay gone.

It was over.

Or well......

Eggman Nega: AHHHH!!!

I saw the Egg Salamander Nega go flying into the void between our dimensions. It seemed he was being sent back.

Eggman: HA!!! TAKE THAT, FALSE ME!!!!

I looked over to see Robotnik in his own mech, the Egg King (the one from Sonic Rush's Final Zone. NOT the Extra Zone).

Blitz: Hey, Doc.

Eggman: Oh, hello Blitz.

He looked around.

Eggman: Where's the others?

My eyes widened. I bolted from where Robotnik was to where I saw them get beaten. The first people I saw were Sonic and Shadow, who seemed to be ok, since they're now standing, still in their Super Forms. It took me a while to find Blaze, but I did.

Blitz: Blaze!!!

Blaze: Bli-!

I wrapped my arms around her, hugging her tightly and praising he Master Emerald that she was alright.

Blitz: You're ok!! Thank the Master Emerald, I was worried he had already managed to at least cut you.

Blaze: *smiles* I'm fine. What about you? You got this.... really cool look!

I blushed.

Blitz: Cool?

Blaze: Well yeah!! It's a good look on you. Makes you look even more......handsome than when you were just Super Form. What do you call that anyway?

Blitz: Hm...

I thought for a second.

Blitz: Ah-ha! I got one. Flaring Blitz! Pretty good right!?

Blaze: Hehe. Yeah.

We stood there, silently. Drinking in the sight of each other. Staring into each other's eyes as if we were in a trance. Slowly we moved closer to each other as we embraced each other. Then, finally, our lips touched. We stood in that position, savoring the moment until the need for air, 30 seconds later, forced us to separate.

Blaze: So......what now?

Blitz: We find out how to bring us to your world. And live peacefully.

For once.

Blaze: I'd like that.

Sonic: Aw, young love.

Shadow: Let them have this moment, faker.

Sonic: Hey, who're you callin' faker!?

The Blue fool and Shadow were behind me, Shadow trying to stop the former from ruining this moment.

Shadow: So......you're going with Blaze, I assume.

Blitz: Y......Yeah. It's better this way. When I'm here, I'm heavily reminded of my dark and checkered past years ago. I can't handle that for much longer. If I go with Blaze, I can live my life without such reminders. I'll be able to live peacefully with Blaze.

Sonic: We understand, Blitz. Just visit us sometime, ok?

Eggman: Yeah! I still need your genius at times, y'know?

For once, I smiled at the Blue Hedgehog.

Blitz: Thank you, Blu-........Sonic. You too, Doctor.

I turned to Blaze.

Blitz: I guess we can jus-

I was suddenly interrupted by an invisible force slowly pulling me back. Same with Sonic and Shadow. Blaze seemed to go the opposite way.

Blitz: W-Wait.......what's going on?

Eggman: Oh no!! I should've known!

Blitz: What?

Eggman: Both our dimension and Blaze's dimension are trying to restablize themselves! In short......Blaze is going back to her world........and all of us are going back to ours.......whether any of us wish to or not.

The force began to pull harder as I resisted it's pull.

Blaze: Blitz!

She held out her hand as I grabbed it. Sonic, Shadow, and Robotnik had already been pulled back to our world. I, if course, tried to resist. Unfortunately, there was only one thing to do.

Blaze: Blitz....

I looked at her, already expecting what she'll say.

Blaze: I think..... we'll have to let go.

I gripped her hand tighter.

Blitz: But I-I-

Blaze: I know, Blitz. I want to be with you too, but....

She looked down.

Blaze:....we can't. Not now.

Blitz: I.......So this is goodbye then?

Blaze: Heh.....of course not. Think of it as a......a "see you soon" instead.

I thought about it and smiled a bit, tears welling up in my eyes.

Blitz: Promise we'll see each other again?

Blaze: Promise. Tell Cream I'll try to see her again, too.

Blitz: Yeah......got it.

Blaze: Before I go, though.....

Blitz: Wha-MMPH!!

Blaze had pulled me into a rather passionate kiss. So passionate, a blazing aura was around us, as if trying to protect us from any harm. It was as if we weren't about to be separate dimensions apart. Time had stopped for us as I kissed back, trying to savor every last millisecond of this very moment, which could possibly be our last together. Soon enough, we had to separate.

Blaze: I-I love you Blitz.

She was starting to cry a bit.

Blitz: I.......I love you too.

And then....

She let go.

Blitz: BLAAAAAZE!!!!!

I was being dragged back to my world with the force of a bullet train, then everything went black.

A/n: I waited so long to make a certain reference during this fight. You'll know if if you've watched a certain anime. Also, maybe I wrote this chapter poorly, but I'm new to writing romance stuff so.... what'd ya think? Good? Bad? Ok? Meh? We're the fights too short? Was there not enough Blaze x Blitz moments? Was Aero becoming evil too soon? We're there too many plot twists? Leave an answer in the comments of what you think. Anyway, stick around for the Epilogue, of my soon-to-be first complete book! Ta-ta!

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