First Day at the Hazbin Hotel

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First Day at the Hazbin Hotel

After Blitzø unpacked & got settled, he went back to the lobby & found Niffty.

"Are you ready to work?" Niffty asked

"Sure am." Blitzø said with determination

They went to the top floor

"Okay, first we gotta do is clean the floor halls." Niffty said

"All of them?" Blitzø said

"Yes." Niffty said

"Geez, I wish there was more of me." Blitzø said

Suddenly Blitzø shined in a red light & transformed into a short humanoid-like creature, with red skin, a black & red head, white eyes, black shoulders, large hands, & 3 fin-like growths on his head. He still had his Imp tail & his horns, but his horns became short & stumpy. He was also wearing black overall-like clothes.

"Huh? What the hell?" Blitzø said as he looked at himself "What just happened? Why do I look & sound different?"

"Oh my gosh, you can transform into other unknown species!" Niffty gasped in amazement

"Seriously, I didn't know I could do this. What is going on?" Blitzø said confusingly "All I said was I wish there was more of me."

Just then Blitzø duplicated into two of himself

"Who the hell are you?!" Both Blitzø exclaimed as they pointed at each other

"Wow, you can clone yourself!" Niffty beamed

"Did you know I had these powers?" Blitzø 1 asked his clone

"How should I know, I'm just a clone." Blitzø 2 shrugged "But we should make use of this if we can make more of ourselves."

"Perfect." Blitzø 1 said enthusiastically

"So, what are you gonna call this new form?" Niffty asked

"Hm, let's see, how about...MultiBlitzø?" Blitzø 1 said

"That's a great name." Niffty said

"Thanks, but I hope I don't stay like this forever." MultiBlitzø 1 said

"If it makes you feel better, I still think you look handsome & this form makes you look more attractive." Niffty complemented

"Heh, y'know Niffty, for a sinner, you sure are a sweetheart." MultiBlitzø 1 complimented back as he found her adorable in a way

"Heeheeheeheehee." Niffty giggled as she blushed

"Anyway, let's use this to our advantage." MultiBlitzø 1 as he & his clone duplicated themselves into a group of 10 "Alright boys, let's get to work."

"Yes sir." The MultiBlitzø group saluted

While they were cleaning, MultiBlitzø 1 noticed a picture of Charlie with a guy with green skin, dark green hair, light green eyes & red sclera wearing a green suit

"Hey Niffty, who's the dude with Charlie in the picture?" MultiBlitzø 1 asked

"That's Seviathan." Niffty replied

"Seviathan? The Eldritch's kid?" MultiBlitzø 1 said

"Yep, he's also Charlie's ex-boyfriend." Niffty said

"Oh, I'm surprised Charlie hasn't taken it down considering he's her ex." MultiBlitzø 1 said

"Yeah, but I believe that picture was one of Charlie's cherished moments she had with him, she probably didn't have the heart to take it down." Niffty said

"Hm, ever wonder what caused them to become Splitsville?" MultiBlitzø 1 asked

"I don't know, but we should be invasive." Niffty said

"'re right..." MultiBlitzø 1 said as he remembered how he used to pry into Moxxie, Millie, & Loona's personal lives

"You okay?" Niffty said in concern

"Huh? Oh, I'm fine, don't worry about it." MultiBlitzø 1 smiled

"Psst, hey guys look at this." MultiBlitzø 3 said as he was peeking in Charlie's room

MultiBlitzø, his clones, & Niffty looked at what the clone was looking at & they saw Charlie & Vaggie cuddling on the couch. When Vaggie noticed them

"Hey." Vaggie called out

"Oh shit, she saw us." MultiBlitzø 1 said as he, his clones, & Niffty scurried away.

"Hold it right there!" Vaggie said sternly as they stopped

"Oh, hey Vaggie." Niffty said nervously

"Who are these guys?" Vaggie said confusingly

"Relax boss lady, it's me, I mean us" MultiBlitzø & his clones said as they looked at each other before laughing

"Hey, I'm being serious." Vaggie said

"Wait a minute, Blitzø, is that you?" Charlie asked

"Yep." MultiBlitzø & his clones said

"What happened to you?" Charlie said

"Well, all I said was I wish there was more of me & the next thing I knew I transformed into this cloning creature." MultiBlitzø 1 said

"Wow, that's incredible!" Charlie beamed "We can use these clones for other things for the hotel. Are there any other transformations you have?"

"I don't know, maybe." MultiBlitzø 1 said

"Well, it's great that you can turn into this thing, but can you not peek on us again please?" Vaggie asked

"Alright, but you need to lock the door next time." MultiBlitzø 1 said

"Also, you left the door cracked open." MultiBlitzø 3 said

"Okay, now get back to work." Vaggie said

"Roger Boss Lady." MultiBlitzø & his clones saluted as they & Niffty got back to cleaning

"Hm, bunch of clowns." Vaggie smiled as she rolled her eyes

After MultiBlitzø, his clones, & Niffty were done cleaning

"Alright, we're done." Niffty said

"Whew, that was a lot of work." MultiBlitzø said as he decloned himself

"Thanks for helping me with the cleaning, Blitzy." Niffty said as she hugged him

"Anytime Niffty, I'm always happy to help." MultiBlitzø said as he hugged her back

"You go ahead & take a break, see you around." Niffty said as she left

Just then MultiBlitzø shined in a red light & turned back into Blitzø

"Hey, I'm back to my old self." Blitzø said

"Hey Blitzø, you wanna play a card game?" Husk asked

"Sure." Blitzø said

Meanwhile Loona just got back home

"Blitzø? It's me, Loona?" Loona said as she knocked on his door "Listen, I just wanna talk & say that I'm sorry."

When she opened the door, she was shock to see all of his stuff was gone & got a little scared

"Oh no." Loona said shockingly before she took a deep breath "Okay, calm down, he probably took his stuff with him to his office like he always does."

Meanwhile Moxxie & Millie arrived back to I.M.P.

"Sir, are you in there?" Moxxie said as he knocked on the door "It's Moxxie & Millie, can we come in?"

There was no response

"Are you alright, sweet pea?" Millie asked

There was still no response

"I get it, you're still mad at us because of what we said to you earlier." Millie sighed

"Blitzø, we know that we hurt you, but please don't take it the wrong way. We weren't mad at you, we were just frustrated. We didn't mean to take it out on you & we didn't mean to say those things to you & hurt you." Moxxie said.

"We were stupid to say things, we should be happy & grateful that you're a part of our family. You're a great boss & we love you." Millie said

"Please Blitzø, don't get out of our lives, we need you." Moxxie said as he opened the door "Huh?"

When they saw Blitzø's office, they were shocked to see all his stuff was gone.

"Moxxie, Millie." Loona said as she entered

"Loona, where's Blitzø?" Moxxie asked

"You mean he's not here?" Loona said shockingly

"No, is he at home?" Millie said

"No he's not, I thought he was here." Loona said

"Call Stolas, maybe he's there." Moxxie suggested

Loona called Stolas, but there was no answer

"Shit, he's not answering." Loona said as she & the others became scared

"Oh crumbs, where could he be?" Moxxie said worriedly


Suddenly a bomb crashed through the window & exploded, filling the room with smoke.

"What's going on? Ow!" Moxxie said as he got knocked into unconsciousness along with Millie & Loona

When the smoke cleared, it was none other than, The Murder Family, Robo Fizz, Verosika, her gang, the Cherubs, & Striker.

"Heh, that was easier than expected." Fizzarolli smirked

"You guys round them up, I'll go get Blitzø." Striker said

"With pleasure." Cletus smiled evilly

After they took the trio out, Striker entered Blitzø's office.

"Huh?" Striker said confusingly as he saw his office was empty "Where the hell did he go?"

(Back at the Hazbin Hotel)

"I win." Blitzø said as he put his cards down

"Again?!" Husk exclaimed "Are you sure you ain't cheating?"

"No, it's just skill." Blitzø smirked as Husk groaned

After that, Blitzø hung out with Alastor

"So, you used to work at a circus?" Alastor said

"Yes sir." Blitzø nodded

"Well then, I hope you will be able to give me a lot of entertainment." Alastor said as he took a sip of coffee "Niffty told me that you have the ability to transform into unknown creatures like that cloning one you used to help her clean the Hotel, is that true?"

"Well, yeah, but I don't know if that's the only thing I can turn into." Blitzø said

"Are you saying that there might be more transformations that you have?" Alastor asked

"Maybe." Blitzø shrugged

"But aren't there any powers you possess that you know of?" Alastor asked

"No, to be honest, I thought I was one of those powerless ordinary Imps, but I don't know what other powers I have." Blitzø

"Well, if you somehow manage to discover your other powers, allow me to take you under my wing & I'll teach you how to utilize it." Alastor said

"Thanks, I'll put that into consideration." Blitzø said

"Wonderful, & who knows, these powers might make you into an Overlord." Alastor said

"Yeah, I guess so." Blitzø chuckled nervously

Then he went to go fix something in Angel's room

"Angel?" Blitzø said as he entered the room & looked around

Then he felt something rubbing his leg, looked down, & saw a pig

"Hey there, little guy, who are you?" Blitzø said as the pig oinked "Aw, you're so cute, I got just the thing for you."

He pulled out a little horse costume & put it on the pig

"Nuggies?" Angel said as he entered his room "Oh hey Blitzø, I see you've met my pet pig, Fat Nuggets."

"Yep, isn't he cute in the little horse costume I put him on?" Blitzø said

"That's adorable." Angel said as he took a picture

Blitzø looked around the room until he saw a picture of one of the Overlords with Angel who had an uncomfortable face

"Hey Angel, is that Valentino?" Blitzø asked

"Yeah, that's my boss." Angel said

"Why do you look so uncomfortable in that picture?" Blitzø asked

"It's nothing." Angel said

"What's wrong? Do you want to talk about it?" Blitzø said

"I said it's nothing!" Angel snapped as Blitzø flinched "Oh my god, Blitzø I didn't mean to snap at you like that."

"It's fine, I'm sorry." Blitzø said as he was about to leave

"Blitzø wait." Angel said as Blitzø stopped. "Look, my boss Valentino doesn't treat me very well, he abuses me & beats me very badly."

"Really?" Blitzø said shockingly

"Yeah, that's why I'm at this hotel; to go to heaven & be free of him." Angel said "When I was a kid, I had an abusive father who treated me like shit because of my homosexuality."

"I have an abusive father too, when I was little I always dreamed of being a music artist, but my Dad didn't approve & said it was a waste of time. I began singing in private so he wouldn't hear me, but unfortunately he heard me & nearly beat me to death until my sisters saved me, then he threatened to make me mute for the rest of my life. One day he found my notebook of songs, burned it, & crushed my dreams." Blitzø said as Angel looked at him shockingly "After that, I had no choice but to become an assassin & become someone I'm not"

"I'm so sorry to hear that, Blitzø." Angel said as he placed a hand on Blitzø's shoulder "It seems like we both have a lot in common."

"Yeah, guess we do..." Blitzø said

"Tell you what, I'm going to a turf war with my friend Cherri Bomb, it's gonna be chaotic." Angel said "You wanna come?"

"Fuck yeah, I'm in." Blitzø said excitedly

"Heh, thanks for talking to me, sweetheart." Angel smiled. "You're a good friend."

"You're welcome, Angel." Blitzø said as they hugged each other

In the evening, Blitzø was in his room until his phone rang

"Hello?" Blitzø said

"Blitzy, it's me, Stolas." Stolas said "Chives informed me that you brought my grimoire back early, that's very unlike you."

"..." Blitzø said nothing

"Is there something wrong? Chives told me you seemed upset." Stolas asked

"I'm fine." Blitzø rolled his eyes

"Oh, Anyway, how would you like to come over for dinner?" Stolas asked

"I'm not fucking you tonight." Blitzø said

"No, it's not about that, I'm inviting you to dinner with me & my family." Stolas said

"Doesn't your wife & kid hate me?" Blitzø asked

"They said it was okay, so there's no need to be hesitant." Stolas assured

"No." Blitzø said

"What?" Stolas said

"I said no, I'm not accepting your dinner invitation, okay." Blitzø said "I don't wanna make things worse than I already did between you & your family. So don't act like what we have is anything but you wanting me to fuck you, okay? You make that really clear all the time."

"What are you talking about? I just want everyone I care to be together for dinner, that's all." Stolas said

"Just do yourself a favor & focus on your damn wife & your damn kid instead of me like you always do, so leave me alone & stay out of my life." Blitzø said harshly

"Blitzø, why would you think that I—?" Stolas said

"Goodbye Stolas." Blitzø interrupted as he hung up the phone

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