The King's Visit

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The King's Visit

"Uuugh." Moxxie groaned as he opened his eyes & found himself tied up to a chair in a dark room "Where am I?"

"M-Moxxie?" Millie said as she woke up

"What is this place?" Loona said after she woke up

"Oh, you're awake, fantastic." A voice said as the light turned on

"It's you!" Moxxie exclaimed as he & the others went wide-eyed

"Did you miss us?" Robo Fizz smiled evilly

"W-What's going on?" Moxxie said

"You know what's going on, after the shit we went through because of you, we just thought we would get our revenge." Verosika said

"Before we do that, tell us where Blitzø is." Striker said

The trio went silent as they looked down sadly

"Well, where is he?" Striker asked

"...We don't know." Moxxie said

"Where is he?" Striker said getting impatient

"We don't know." Moxxie raised his voice before Ralphie grabbed him by the collar

"Don't you lie to us, boy, do you know where your boss is or don't you?" Ralphie said

"No, we don't know where he is!" Moxxie yelled

"What happened?" Striker said

"We got into an argument with him, he became angry & kicked us out. We came back, but he wasn't at home or work or at Stolas." Loona explained

"Are you sure you're not lying?" Striker asked

"We're telling the truth, we have no idea where Blitzø is right now." Moxxie said "We haven't seen him since yesterday."

"I see." Striker said before sighing "Guess, we're gonna have to go out & look for him ourselves."

"Wait, please, it doesn't have to be this way, we can talk this out." Moxxie pleaded

"Talk this out?" Cletus said as his eye twitched "You honestly think talking things out is gonna solve problems, well it doesn't! Ever since Collin, Keenie, & I got kicked out of Heaven, we have been into nothing but shit because of you & that stupid company! Well not this time, neither me, my partners, & everyone else in this room will be merciful. So you can forget about talking things out."

"Come on, let's go." Verosika said as she & the others left

Meanwhile at Stolas' Mansion, Stolas was sitting on his sofa thinking of the phone conversation with Blitzø.

"Still thinking about that Imp?" Stella asked

"He has a name, you know" Stolas scowled

"Hm, like I care." Stella scoffed as she walked away "I'm glad he declined your invitation, he would've made things worse than he already did with our family."

"...That's exactly what he said." Stolas said as Stella stopped

"What?" Stella looked at him

"I said that's exactly what he said, he also I should focus on you & Octavia instead of him like I always do." Stolas said

"...He said that?" Stella said quite surprisingly

"Yes, he also told me to leave him alone & stay out of his life, I think something terrible must've happened to him." Stolas said

"...Well, if that's what he told you, then it's best that you do as he says." Stella said

"But Stella—." Stolas said

"Stolas, would you just shut up & listen for fuck's sake!" Stella shouted

"Master Stolas, King Lucifer called, he wants you to meet him at the Hazbin Hotel." Chives said

Later at the Hazbin Hotel, Blitzø was cleaning the kitchen

"Blitzø?" Niffty said

"What is it, Niffty?" Blitzø said

"It's Lucifer, he wants to see you." Niffty said

"Lucifer? King Lucifer?" Blitzø said

"Yes, he's in Charlie's office." Niffty said

"I'm on my way." Blitzø said "Why would the King of Hell want to see me?"

When he arrived at Charlie's office, he saw Lucifer, Lilith, Alastor, Charlie, Vaggie, Stolas, & Stella. Lucifer was sitting in Charlie's desk

"Blitzø, I've been expecting you." Lucifer said with a frown as Blitzø took a seat "Do you know why I wish to see you?"

"No, your majesty." Blitzø said

Lucifer pulled out a newspaper with the headline saying "DHORKS PROVE THAT DEMONS ARE REAL." with the pictures of Blitzø, Stolas, Loona, Moxxie, & Millie. Everyone except Lucifer & Lilith widened their eyes in shock.

"Shit!" Blitzø panicked mentally

"Not only were you discovered by DHORKS, you were discovered by no less than a hundred humans." Lucifer said as he slammed the newspaper on the desk "Do you have any idea how serious this is?"

"Lucifer, we can explain." Stolas said

"Silence!" Lucifer snapped, causing Stolas to flinch "Stolas Goetia, did you actually give this imp your grimoire to gain access to the living world?"

"Y-yes." Stolas said nervously

"Why?" Lucifer asked

"Um...I..." Stolas said

"Blitzø, did you & your employees have human disguises?" Lilith asked

"...No." Blitzø said

"What? But you told me you had human disguises." Stolas said

"I lied, Stolas." Blitzø confessed

"You...lied?" Stolas said shockingly

"Yes, Loona was the only one who had a human disguise." Blitzø said before was grabbed by the collar by Stolas

"Then why didn't you ask me to grant you human disguises?" Stolas said angrily

"Because if I did asked you for them, I knew I would have fuck my way to get them!" Blitzø shouted

"..." Stolas stood in silence

"I'd hate to say this, but he has a point." Stella said

"Fuck his way?" Lilith said "Stolas, he slept with you in order for him to get your book?"

"...Yes." Stolas sighed

"I'm surrounded by fools." Lucifer facepalmed

"Your majesty, I'm very sorry about this. if it's any better, I disbanded the company yesterday." Blitzø apologized "Please, don't blame Stolas for this, it was all my fault."

"Alright Blitzø, but I'm not letting this go unpunished." Lucifer said "As King of Hell, I hereby sentence you to death."

"What!?" Blitzø, Charlie, Vaggie, & Stolas exclaimed shockingly

"Dear, don't you think that's extreme?" Lilith said

"It is to ensure this never happens again." Lucifer said

"But Lucifer, Blitzø has already ensured that it will never happen again by disbanding the company." Stolas said

"Dad, you can't kill Blitzø, I just hired him as my employee yesterday." Charlie said

"My apologies, Charlotte, but I have made my decision." Lucifer said as he snapped his fingers & two wraiths appeared "Seize him."

"No!" Charlie shouted as she got in front of the wraiths & set them on fire which burned them to a crisp

"Charlotte, what do you think you're doing?" Lucifer said in outrage "Step out of the way."

"No, I won't let you kill my employee." Charlie said

"So, you continue to be rebellious towards me, I always knew you were a failure." Lucifer seethed in anger as Blitzø, Stolas, & Stella became shocked

"Lucifer, you do not talk to your own daughter like that." Stolas said

"Stay out of this, Stolas." Lucifer said

"You know what, Dad, fuck you, ever since I've made this redemption project you've been a selfish unsupportive asshole. Hiring Blitzø was my one chance of succeeding this project & now you're taking it away by killing him." Charlie glared. "I think it would be better if God was my father instead of you!"

Everyone gasped except Alastor who widened his eyes when she said that. Lucifer was mostly shocked that his own daughter said such things & was also filled with anger.

"How dare you talk to me that way!" Lucifer said as he raised his hand at Charlie

"NO!" Blitzø shouted as shined in a red light


Lucifer was sent flying into a wall, he looked up & saw that Blitzø had transformed into a red muscular humanoid tiger-like creature with his horns, imp tail, & suit. Stolas became shocked as he never knew Blitzø had powers & so did Stella.

"Don't you fucking think about touching her like that." Blitzø warned

"Why would an Imp like you defend her? You know this redemption idea of hers is ridiculous." Lucifer said as he stood up

"Let me tell you something Lucifer Morningstar Magne, you're daughter is working her ass off to get sinners into Heaven so they won't get fucked off in the Extermination. Yeah, I thought her idea was ridiculous, as a matter of fact I thought it was pretty stupid, but at least she has good intentions & if I had to choose between getting killed by an Exterminator & getting redeemed into Heaven, I'd choose Heaven over that. You say she's a failure, but I think she has a lot of great potential & you're too blind & stubborn to see that because of your past, so the only failure in this room is you." Blitzø said

"So, that's how it's going to be, is it?" Lucifer growled


Lucifer was once again sent flying into a wall as he had been smacked in the face, he looked up & saw his wife with a face of fury.

"How dare you try to strike our daughter?!" Lilith said angrily

"Now let's not be rash darling." Lucifer said nervously

"No! This has gone far enough, now you go outside to the car now." Lilith demanded

"But Lilith—." Lucifer said

"I SAID NOW!" Lilith shouted in a demonic voice

"...Yes, my Queen." Lucifer said as he got up & left the office

"Blitzy I—ACK!" Stolas exclaimed as Blitzø had grabbed him by the neck

"Let me tell you something Stolas Ars Goetia, I'm not your Blitzy, so you better get my fucking name right, you feathered bastard! Now you listen to me & listen real good, I'm ending the affair between us, you & me have done enough damage between you & your family. You have a beautiful wife & a wonderful daughter who have done nothing but love you & care about you all these years & you're willing to trade all that for sex with an imp!? You better start thinking about what I just said, you got that?" Blitzø said

"Yes." Stolas squeaked fearfully

"Good." Blitzø said as he let go on him

When Blitzø, Charlie, Vaggie, & Alastor left the office. Stella was surprised when Blitzø did that, she never expected him to end the affair & talk some sense into Stolas.

"Well, that was very entertaining, don't you think?" Alastor said

"Thanks for standing up for me Blitzø." Charlie said gratefully

"Yeah, you really had the guts to do that, I'm impressed." Vaggie said

"Thanks, I guess." Blitzø said

"So Blitzø, you named your last transformation, what are you gonna call this one?" Alastor said

"Let's see, uh...Tiger Claw." Tiger Claw said

"Tiger Claw, very clever." Alastor said

"Blitzø." A voice said

Tiger Claw turned & saw Lilith & Stella

"Your highnesses." Tiger Claw said

"It's alright, we're not going to hurt you." Lilith assured "I want to thank you for protecting my daughter."

"You're welcome." Tiger Claw said

"Blitzø, is it true what my husband told me about what you said when he called you last night." Stella asked

"...Yes...Stella, I am so sorry, it was never my intention to take him away from you & Octavia, I just wanted the book for my company." Tiger Claw said

"I know, I should thank you for what you said to Stolas & ending the affair between you two." Stella said

"Well, at least you won't have to worry about me ruining things with your family, but why did you & Octavia agree to have me over for dinner even though you hated me?" Tiger Claw asked

"I don't know, perhaps a part of us wanted to get to know you & put our hatred aside, perhaps it's because we wanted to do it for Stolas." Stella said

"I see..." Tiger Claw said "So, what happens now?"

"Well, first thing's first, we're lifting your death sentence since we think working here is enough punishment for you." Lilith said

"Also, we're gonna be fixing the mess you & your company made while we're at at it you're forbidden from gaining anymore access to the living world." Stella said

"That's fair enough." Tiger Claw understood "Anyway, I'm going to my room."

"Are you alright, dear boy?" Alastor asked

"Yeah, I'm fine, I'm just tired from all that drama back there, I just...I just need some time for myself." Tiger Claw said as he left

Tiger Claw entered his room & sat down at the end of his bed as he pulled out his cellphone & was looking through some pictures in it. He smiled when saw some pictures with him Angel Dust, Alastor, Charlie, Vaggie, Husk & Niffty. There was also a picture of him & Niffty when he was MultiBlitzø. When he saw some pictures of him with Moxxie, Millie, & Loona, he frowned & shook his head as he was thinking about deleting them later. The he saw a picture of him & Verosika when they were together, a picture of him & Fizzarolli when they were teenager & one when they were kids. Tiger Claw's eyes widened when he saw the last picture, it was a picture of him & Barbie Wire with their Mom when they were kids. Tiger Claw transformed back into Blitzø, then he sighed as he lowered his head & shed a tear. Later that night, Charlie & Blitzø were having falling asleep, they walked outside to the balconies of their rooms & stared up into the sky. Charlie was beginning to have doubts about her redemption project, she wondered if it will actually work & people are saying otherwise, she doesn't know what to do if her project doesn't work. Blitzø was having some thoughts, he thought about the hallucination he had at DHORKS, he wonders if he'll really die alone. Will he ever learn to love & stop pushing people who get too close? What will he do when he's not needed at the hotel anymore?

(Find A Way by Working with Lemons)(I don't own this song)


If only a touch

If just for a moment

Is somewhere that someone

Who I can hold

Is somewhere that someplace

Where I can go

Am I living a life that seems frozen in time

Searching for warmth, but my world is cold

& I'm Stuck in a dream with no end it seems

Can I find a way

Find a way

Find a way


Days turn to years

& it seems for a lifetime

That I've tried going solo

Been on my own

Can I find that somewhere

For this heart of stone

Am I living a life that seems frozen in time

Searching for warmth, but my world is cold

& I'm Stuck in a dream with no end it seems

Can I find a way

Find a way

Find a way


Spent life consealed

Too much time unseen

I'm wondering why

I'm stuck in between


The closer I get

I push love away

It just causes heartache

Heartache and pain


I tried letting go

Now I want to hold on


Find a way


Find a way


Find a way


Find a way


Find a way

Am I living a life that seems frozen in time


Searching for warmth, but my world is cold


& I'm Stuck in a dream with no end it seems


Find a way


Find a way


Find a way


Find a way


Find a way

Find a way

Find a way

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