Blitzø as Sirius Black

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Blitzø as Sirius Black

"Okay, everyone, before we continue Little Blitzø, this next universe is gonna show you Blitzø being someone else, this one will show you Blitzø as Sirius Black from Harry Potter." Morph said

"Harry Potter? You mean the one about the boy who became a wizard?" Collin asked

"That's the one." Morph said

"Oh man, I love Harry Potter." Agent 2 said excitedly

"Me too." Octavia said

"Who's Sirius Black?" Millie asked

"You'll see." Morph said as the screen came on

An black Avian cat demon with a white fur on his face, torso, & feet, a small spray of white plume-like feathers on the end of his tail, brown eyes with the left iris is blue while the right iris is green, & white wings was sitting on the sidewalk

"Who the fuck is that?" Husk said

"That's Dusk, he's Harry Potter in this universe." Morph said

"Why does he look like me?" Husk said

"Because he's your great grandson." Morph said

"My WHAT!?" Husk exclaimed shockingly

"Well, congratulations Husker for becoming a great grandfather in an alternate universe." Alastor chuckled

"I'll say, you sexy grandpa." Angel smirked

"You've got to be shitting me." Husk said

Dusk notice a streetlight was flashing above him & a merry-go-round was squeaking


"Huh?" Dusk said in alert as he spotted a red & white dog

"That's me, right?" Blitzø asked

"Yes." Morph nodded

"So, Sirius Black is a dog?" Millie asked

"No, he's an Animagus, an Animagus is a wizard who can transform himself into an animal & back into his normal self at will." Morph explained

"Wow, that's actually kind of cool." Blitzø said impressively

"Grrrrr." The dog growled as Dusk stood up & pulled out his wand "Bark! Bark!"

"Ah!" Dusk exclaimed as he fell back

Honk! Honk!

Dusk looked & saw a blue double-deck bus slowly driving up towards him, as the bus pulled up, an Imp came out.

"Hey, ain't that the guy who swindled you out of your money, Mox?" Millie said

"Oh no, not him." Moxxie groaned

"Hello, hello, welcome to the Knight Bus, emergency transport for stranded wizards & witches, My name is Horvitz Richardson & I'll be your conductor for the evening." Horvitz said as he noticed Dusk lying back "Whatcha doing down there?"

"I fell over." Dusk said

"What for?" Horvitz said

Dusk said nothing as he looked past the bus where the dog was on the other side of the road & noticed that it disappeared.

"That was rather creepy." Charlie said

"Mm-hm, sent a shiver up my spine." Loopty said

"Whatcha looking at?" Horvitz asked as he looked where Dusk was looking

"Nothing...I thought I saw something." Dusk said

After Dusk entered the bus with Horvitz helping with getting his suitcase in

"Take her away, Ox." Horvitz said as he knocked on the window

"Yeah, take it away, Oxy, it's gonna be a bumpy ride, Hahahahahaha!" A little orange said

"Dafuq is that, an orange with a face?" Blitzø said confusingly

"Yes, but he's just any orange, he's the Annoying Orange." Morph said

The Knight Bus took off at fast speed

"What did you say your name was?" Horvitz asked

"I didn't." Dusk said

"Where ya headed?" Horvitz said

"Leaky Cauldron." Dusk said

"Ya hear that Ox? The Leaky Cauldron." Horvitz chuckled

"The Leaky Cauldron, hey if you have the pea soup, make sure you eat it before it splits you? Hahahahahahaha!" Orange laughed

"Oh, Ahahahahaha, I get it, split pea soup. Haha." Alastor laughed

"But the Muggles, can't they see us?" Dusk said

"What are Muggles?" Millie said

"It's a term for non-magic people." Octavia said

"Muggles? They don't see nothing, do they?" Horvitz said

"No, but if you jab them with a fork, they feel. Hahahaha!" Orange said before noticing something on the road. "Oxy, little old lady at 12 o'clock!"

Ox pulled the break which stopped the bus in front of the old lady as she was walking across the street.

"Oof!" Dusk said as he was thrown into a window

"Ooh, that smarts." Vortex winced

"10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...3 & a half...2...1 & 3 quarters..." Orange said as the old lady passed the bus "Go!"

"Ugh, now I know why he's called the Annoying Orange." Loona groaned

"Orange is known for making jokes & puns." Morph said

"Well, despite his annoyance, I think he is a rather funny little fellow." Stolas said

After the bus took off again, Dusk noticed an imp on the back of the newspaper Horvitz was reading.

"Who is that? That Imp." Dusk said as Horvitz looked at the back of the paper

"Who is that? That is Blitzø Buckzo." Horvitz said

"Buckzo? That's your last name?" Moxxie said

"Yeah, it'll sound ridiculous if you don't put the O on silent." Blitzø said

"Blitzo Buckzo, hey that kinda sounds like a tongue twister." Agent 1 chuckled

"Blitzo Buckzo, Blitzo Buckzo, Blitzo Buckzo." Agent 2 repeatedly as they both laughed

"See what I mean." Blitzø rolled his eyes

"Don't tell me you never heard of Blitzø Buckzo." Horvitz said "He's a murderer, got himself locked up in Azkaban for it."

"Wait, so I'm a criminal in that world?" Blitzø said in alert

"Yes & no." Morph said

"Yes & no? Dafuq do you mean yes & no?" Blitzø said confusingly

"You'll see what I mean." Morph said

"He deserves it." Cletus muttered

"How did he escape?" Dusk asked

"Well, that's the question, ain't it? He's the first one that done it." Horvitz said before whispering "He's a big supporter of...You-Know-Who, reckon you've heard of him."

"Yeah...him I've heard of..." Dusk said

"Oxy, two double deckers at 12 o'clock." Orange said "They're getting closer, Ox. Oxy they're right on top of us!"

Ox stepped on the brake & everything became in slow motion, then he pulled a crank above him

"Mind your head, heh heh heh heh." Orange said

Then the Knight Bus became thinner along with everyone & everything inside it as it went in between the two buses & went through

"Hey guys, heh, guys, why the long faces, Hahahaha!" Orange laughed

"Hahaha, classic." Alastor chuckled

"I definitely want to ride in this bus." Charlie said

"Me too, this is my kind of ride." Fizzarolli said

After the Knight Bus went through the two buses, it continued to full speed until Ox nearly missed a turn

"Oxy, you're missing the turn, your missing the turn, YOUR MISSING THE TUUUUURN!" Orange yelled as the Knight Bus began spinning around & around

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" Dusk screamed as he was hanging onto a pole

"..." Horvitz calmly read the newspaper

"Look, Oxy, no hands! Hahahahaha!" Orange laughed

"Hahahahahaha, that Orange is on a roll." Alastor laughed

"I'm glad you're enjoying it." Vaggie mumbled as she rolled her eyes

When they got to the Leaky Cauldron

"Alright, kid, nearly there." Orange said as Ox pulled the lever & the Knight Bus stopped

"Oof!" Dusk said as he was thrown into a window again

"& he's slammed into the glass again." Vortex said

The next morning, Dusk came out of his room as he saw a cat chasing a rat, when he went down.

"I'm warning you, Pixie, keep that beast away from Scabbers or I'll turn it into a tea cozy." A male voice said

"It's a cat, Cobra, what did you expect, it's in his nature." A female voice said

As Dusk went down stairs, the voices belonged to his two best friends

"Who are they?" Blitzø asked

"That's Cobra & Pixie, they're Dusk's best friends, they're Hermione Granger & Ron Weasley who are Harry Potter's best friends in this universe." Morph said

"Is Cobra related to Edgelord?" Cherri asked

"Yes, he's Pentious' descendant." Morph said

"Yes, finally an heir to pass on my reign of evil! Hahaha!" Pentious cackled

"Hate to break to you, Pen, but Cobra isn't evil." Morph said

"Wait, what?" Pentious said

"Ha, tough luck, old man." Cherri said tauntingly

"How come Cobra has legs?" Angel asked

"He's part Komodo Dragon." Morph said

"Oh, cool." Angel said impressively "Is Pixie descended from my family?"

"Yes, she is, on your side." Morph said

"Sweet." Angel smiled

"A cat? Is that what they told you?" Cobra said "Looks more like a pig with hair."

"That's funny coming from the owner of that stinky old shoe brush." Pixie countered as Cobra noticed Dusk

"Dusk." Cobra smiled as Pixie turned

"Dusk." Pixie said

A moment later

"Egypt? What's it like?" Dusk said looking at the newspaper

"It's fantastic, it's got cool stuff like mummies, tombs, even Scabbers enjoyed himself." Cobra said

"You know the Egyptian used to worship cats." Pixie said

"Yeah, along with the dung beetle." Cobra rolled his eyes

"Now showing off that again are you, Coby." An imp approached them with another imp

"Hey, those are my brothers, Juggernaut & Joseph." Millie said

"Yes, they're Fred & George Weasley who are Ron's brothers in this universe." Morph said

"I haven't shown anyone." Cobra said

"Not a soul." Joseph said as he took the newspaper

"Not unless you count on the day maid." Juggernaut said

"The night maid." Joseph said

"Cook." Juggernaut said

"That fella who fixed the toilet." Joseph said

"Dusk." Lin approached Dusk with her husband

"That's Ma & Pa." Sallie May said

"They're Arthur & Molly Weasley who are Ron's parents in this universe." Morph said

"Hi Mr & Mrs. May." Dusk greeted

"Good to see you, Darling." Lin smiled motherly "Got everything you need?"

"Yes ma'am." Dusk nodded

"Books, Clothes, everything?" Lin asked

"It's all upstairs." Dusk said

"Good boy." Lin said

"Dusk, could I have a word with you?" Joe said as he led Dusk under the stairs "Dusk, there are some within the Ministry who would strongly keep me from divulging what I'm about to tell you. But you need to know the facts that you are in grave danger."

"Has this got anything to do with Blitzø Buckzo?" Dusk asked

"What do you know about him?" Joe asked

"All I know is that he's escaped from Azkaban." Dusk said

"Do you know why?" Joe said "13 years ago, when you stopped..."

"Tabuu." Dusk said

"Don't say his name." Joe shushed

"Who's Tabuu?" Charlie asked

"He's Voldemort in this world." Morph said

"Wait a minute, ain't he that final boss from the game Super Smash Bros?" Agent One asked

"Yes, to those who don't know who Voldemort is, he's the main antagonist in the Harry Potter franchise, he's considered to be the most powerful & dangerous Dark Wizard of all time. He was amongst the greatest wizards to have ever lived, often considered more powerful or equal to Albus Dumbledore. 13 Years ago, Harry Potter's parents James & Lily Potter sacrificed their lives to protect their son. When he used the Killing Curse on Harry, it rebounded & seemingly obliterated his body. This happened because Lily lovingly sacrificed her life to protect her son, creating a powerful defense of ancient magic around Harry which protected him for many years. After eleven years of domination & warfare, Voldemort was defeated for the first time." Morph explained

"Wow, & that's what happened to Dusk's parents in that world?" Niffty asked

"Yes." Morph said

"I guess a Mother's love is more powerful than I thought." Asmodeus said

"When you stopped You-Know-Who, Blitzø lost everything, but to this day he still stays as a faithful servant & he believes you are the only thing that's in the way of You-Know-Who returning to power." Joe said "That's why he's escaped, so he can find you."

"& kill me." Dusk said

This shocked everyone.

"Wait, wait, no, no, no, I can't be a villain in this world." Blitzø said anxiously

"Calm down, sir, I'm sure it's just a misunderstanding." Moxxie said trying to ease the tension

"A misunderstanding? How is that a misunderstanding?" Keenie said

"Hey Blitzø, doesn't your company kill kids in the living world?" Seviathan asked

"THEY WHAT!?" Vaggie shouted angrily

"Yes, I do recall the jingle saying something like that." Lucifer said

"That was only one time! I mean sure he was the right target which Moxxie accidentally killed, but I wouldn't kill a kid because of something he had no control over." Blitzø said

"Plus that kid we killed was a little shit anyway." Loona said

"Besides, I don't know why my counterpart is serving under some evil magic bastard, but I serve nobody, NOBODY!" Blitzø said

"Dusk, promise you won't go looking for Blitzø." Joe said

"Mr. May, why would I want to look for someone who wants to kill me." Dusk said

"At least he's smart, I'll give him that." Stella said


Dusk, Cobra, & Pixie we're walking through Hogsmeade

"Those possums. Never told me about the Marauder's Map." Cobra said

"He won't keep it, he'll turn it over to Professor Anath." Pixie said

"Anath? Isn't that King Baal's sister?" Stolas asked

"Yes, she's Minerva McGonagall who is the Headmistress of Hogwarts & Head of Gryffindor House in this universe." Morph said

"Sure, along with the Invisibility Cloak." Dusk said sarcastically

"Hey look, it's Mimzy." Pixie pointed at Mimzy who was hanging up a sign

"Mimzy is in this too?" Alastor said surprisingly

"Yes, she's Madam Rosmerta, who is the landlady of the Three Broomsticks Inn in this universe." Morph said

"Mimzy, I hope business is doing well." Paimon approached Mimzy with Anath

"Stolas, isn't that your Dad?" Blitzø said

"It is." Stolas said surprisingly

"Paimon is Cornelius Fudge, who is Minister for Magic in this universe." Morph said

"It'd be a lot better if the Ministry wasn't sending Dementors into my pub every other night." Mimzy glared as she waved her hammer at him

"My apologies, my dear, but we have a killer on the loose." Paimon said

"& what would bring him here?" Mimzy asked

"Dusk." Paimon whispered as they entered the pub

Dusk put on his his Invisibility Cloak & followed them inside the pub to Mimzy's office

"Wow, now that's something I need." Blitzø said

"Nobody will come to my pub where they'll get scared to death." Mimzy said

"The Headmaster doesn't want dementors around the place." Anath agreed

"What's this about anyway?" Mimzy said

"Years ago, when Nevens & Twyla were marked to death, they hid & a few knew where they were." Anath said "One was Blitzø Buckzo & he told You-Know-Who."

"Now only did Buckzo lead him to them that night, but he also killed one of their friends Tom Trench." Paimon said

"Tom Trench?" Mimzy said

"Yes, the boy who was always trailing after Buckzo." Anath said "Tom tried to warn Nevens & Twyla & could have if he did not run into Buckzo."

"Buckzo was vicious, he didn't kill Trench." Paimon said as he poured wine into his glass "He destroyed him, all that was left was a finger."

"Yes, Blitzø Buckzo may not have got his hands to Dusk's parents, but he's the reason they're dead." Anath said

"& now he wants to finish things." Paimon said "But that's not the worst of it."

"What's worse than that?" Mimzy asked

"Blitzø Buckzo was & remains to this day, Dusk's Godfather." Anath said

Everyone gasped while a few were wide-eyed

"Shit, shit, shit, why the fuck would I wanna kill my own godson!" Blitzø panicked

"Please, let it not be so." Stolas said softly in shock

"Blitzo, if your counterpart lays a hand on that kid, I swear I'm gonna—." Fizzarolli said angrily

"Hey, don't pin this on me!" Blitzø shouted

A moment later, Cobra & Pixie found Dusk crying in the forest

"Dusk, what's wrong?" Pixie said in concern

"He was their friend...& he betrayed them." Dusk shook in anger & his pupils became slits "HE WAS THEIR FRIEND!"

"Poor kid." Husk said

"I feel sorry for him." Lilith said sympathetically

"Yeah, no thanks to your counterpart, shithead." Verosika glared at Blitzø

"Shut up, skank-u-bitch, It's not my fault my counterpart is corrupted." Blitzø snapped

"I hope he finds me, because when he dies, I'm gonna be ready & I'm gonna kill him." Dusk said

"Now the boy is just being reckless." Stella sighed


The trio were chasing after Cobra's rat Scabbers, he managed to catch him in front of the Whomping Willow

"Dusk, Pixie, Watch out!" Cobra pointed

Dusk & Pixie turned & saw the dog Dusk saw before. The dog charged & jumped over them, then it got Cobra by the leg & started dragging him

"Ah! Dusk! Help!" Cobra exclaimed as he was dragged under the Whomping Willow

"Cobra!" Dusk said as they went after them

Pixie & Dusk went under the tree which led them to a bunch of stairs, they quickly climbed up & entered a room where they saw Cobra sitting on the floor holding Scabbers

"Cobra, are you okay?" Dusk said

"It's a trap, he's an Animagus." Cobra pointed

They turned & saw Blitzø with a menacing glare

"You want to kill Dusk, you'll have to kill us too." Pixie said defensively

"No, only one will die tonight." Blitzø said

"Then it'll be you!" Dusk said as he tackle him to the floor

"Alright, now we're getting somewhere." Ralphie smiled

"Give him hell, darling." Martha said

"Yes, kill him!" Stella smiled evilly

"Avenge your parents!" Cletus said sadistically

Dusk pulled out his wand & pointed it at the side of Blitzø's head

"Heh heh, are you going to kill me, Dusk." Blitzø chuckled

"Expelliarmus!" Agent 1 said as he used a spell to flash the want out of Dusk's hand

"That's me." Agent 1 said surprisingly

"You're Remus Lupin who is a friend of Lily & James Potter & a teacher of the Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts in that universe." Morph said

Dusk got up & moved back to his friends

"Well, well, Blitzø, looking rather ragged, aren't you?" Agent 1 said "Finally, the flesh reflects the madness within."

"Heh, you'd know all about the madness within, wouldn't you." Blitzø said

Agent 1 lowered his one, then he smiled & helped Blitzø get up before they hugged each other

This surprised & shocked everyone about the fact that a human & demon were friends & were working together.

"I found him." Blitzø giggled hysterically

"I know." Agent 1 said

"Let's kill him." Blitzø said

"No, I trusted you & all this time you've been his friend." Pixie said "You're a werewolf, that's why you've been missing classes."

"...How long have you known?" Agent 1 asked

"Since Professor Arackniss set the essay." Pixie said

"Wait, I'm a professor in that universe?" Arackniss said

"Yes, you're Severus Snape who is the head of Slytherin House." Morph said

"I never imagined Niss being a teacher." Angel said

"Me neither." Henroin said

"Well Pixie, you really are the smartest witch I've ever known." Agent 1 said

"Enough talk, Onesie, let's kill him." Blitzø said impatiently

"Wait." Agent 1 said

"I DID MY WAITING!...12 YEARS OF IT!...IN AZKABAN!" Blitzø wailed

Agent 1 stared at him for a moment before looking at the trio

"Alright, kill him." Agent 1 said as he gave Blitzø his wand "But wait one more minute, Dusk has the right to know why."

"I know why, you betrayed my parents, you're the reason they're dead." Dusk said

"No Dusk, it wasn't him, someone did betray your parents but it was someone who until recently I believed to be dead." Agent 1 said

"So Blitzø didn't betray Dusk's parents." Millie said

"If Blitzø didn't betray them, then who did?" Octavia said confusingly

"Who was it then?" Dusk asked

"Tom Trench, he's in this room right now." Blitzø said "Come out, Come out, Tommy, come out come out & play."

"Expelliarmus!" Arackniss exclaimed as he flashed the wand out of Blitzø's hand "Vengeance is sweet, how I hoped I would be the one to catch you."

"Arackniss." Agent 1 said

"I told God you were helping an old friend into the castle & now here's the proof." Arackniss said

"Clever, Niss, once again you put your keen & penetrating mind to the task & as usual comes to the wrong conclusion." Blitzø said "Now if you'll excuse us, Onesie & I have some unfinished business to attend to."

Arackniss glared as he pressed the tip of his wand up Blitzø's chin

"Give me a reason, I beg you." Arackniss said

"Arackniss, don't be a fool." Agent 1 said

"He can't help it, it's a habit." Blitzø said

"Blitzø, be quiet." Agent 1 said

"Be quiet yourself, Onesie!" Blitzø said

"Listen to you too, arguing like an old couple." Arackniss said

"Why don't you run along & play with your chemistry set." Blitzø glared as Arackniss pressed the wand further

"I could do it, but why deny the dementors? They're longing to see you, do I sense a bit of fear? A Dementor's Kiss, anyone can imagine what that's like." Arackniss said "It's said to be unbearable to witness but I'll do my best."

"Arackniss, please." Agent 1 said as Dusk snuck Pixie's want out of her pocket

"After you." Arackniss said

"Expelliarmus!" Dusk said as he blasted Arackniss to crash into an old bed causing him to become unconscious

"Hey, what the fuck did he do that for? I was trying to help him, ungrateful little bastard." Arackniss said

"You better watch what you say about my great grandson, I mean, I—." Husk stammered

"Ah, you haven't met the young man & already you're beginning to care about him like he's family." Alastor said

"Shut up." Husk muttered

"Tell me about Trench." Dusk demanded

"He went to school with us, we thought he was our friend." Agent 1 said

"No, Tom Trench is dead, he killed him." Dusk said

"No, he didn't, I thought so too until you mentioned seeing Trench on the Map." Agent 1 said

"The Map was lying then." Dusk said

"The Map never lies, Tom Trench is alive & he's right there." Blitzø said as he pointed at Cobra

"Me?" Cobra said

"Not you, your rat." Blitzø said

"Scabbers has been in my family for—." Cobra said

"12 Years? Suspiciously long life for a fucking rat." Blitzø said "He's missing a toe, isn't he?"

"All they could find of Trench was his—." Dusk said

"Finger, the dirty bastard cut it off to make everyone think he was dead & he transformed into a rat." Blitzø said

"Show me." Dusk said

Blitzø grabbed Scabbers & placed him on the piano, Scabbers tried to escape but Blitzø hit him with the spell which transformed him back into Tom Trench. Tom Trench stood up

"Onesie, Blitzø, my old friends." Tom said as he tried to run out but Blitzø & Agent 1 pushed him back in. Tom looked around & saw Dusk "Dusk, look at you, you look so much like your father, like Nevens, we were the best of friends—."

"How dare you speak to Dusk." Blitzø said angrily as Tom ran around behind the piano. "How dare you talk about Nevens in front of him!"

"You sold Nevens & Twyla to Tabuu, didn't you?" Agent 1 said

"I didn't mean to!" Tom whimpered "The Dark Lord, you have no idea the powers he possesses, ask yourself Blitzø, what would you have done? What would you have done?

"I would've died!" Blitzø shouted as Tom went under the piano to Dusk "I would've died rather than betray my friends."

"Dusk, Nevens wouldn't want me killed." Tom whispered "Your Dad would spar me, he would show me mercy!"

Blitzø & Agent 1 dragged Tom away from Dusk

"You should've realized it, Tom, if Tabuu didn't kill you then we would, together." Blitzø said as he & Agent 1 pointed their wands at Tom

"No!" Dusk stopped them

"...Dusk, this man—." Agent 1 sighed

"I know, but we'll take him to the castle." Dusk said

"Thank you, boy, thank you." Tom said gratefully

"I said we'd take you to the castle & after that, the dementors can have you." Dusk glared as Tom shook in fear

"Well, that's the first half, what do you all think?" Morph said

"Shit, that was intense, you really got me there, Morph." Blitzø said

"Indeed, I knew Blitzø wouldn't betray his friends & kill his own godson." Stolas said in relief

"I've seen the Prisoner of Azkaban movie & it would make sense since Peter Pettigrew & Tom Trench are both cowards." Vaggie said

"Other than that, we got to see our descendants, you think we can meet them in person, Morph?" Angel asked

"Okay." Morph said

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