Little Blitzø Ch. 3

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Little Blitzø Ch. 3

"Okay, who wants to see more Little Blitzø?" Morph asked

"I do!" The ladies except Verosika & Stella shouted

Blitzø had arrived in the Ring of Wrath

"Wow, this place looks amazing, I feel like I'm in a western movie." Blitzø beamed as he was walking down the dirt road until he saw his favorite animal "Oh my gosh, a horse!"

"Blitzø always loved horses." Millie smiled

"I recognize that horse." Moxxie said

He walked towards the flaming horse & started gently petting it, just then Striker was coming out of the saloon when he saw the Imp child petting Bombproof.

"Well, howdy little one." Striker greeted as he approached him

"Oh, hello." Blitzø said

"I see you're enjoying my horse." Striker said

"Yes sir, I love horses, what's his name?" Blitzø asked

"Bombproof." Striker said as he kneeled down to the imp child "You ain't from around here ain't ya?"

"No sir." Blitzø said

"Where ya folks at?" Striker asked

"I don't really know, I'm actually traveling on my own." Blitzø said

"Hm, what's your name, son?" Striker said

"Don'tsay your name, don't say your name." Moxxie panicked

"My name is Blitzo, but my friends call me Blitzø with a silent O." Blitzø said

"Damn it." Moxxie facepalmed

Striker paused for a moment as his eyes widened a bit

"That's your name?" Striker said

"Yes sir." Blitzø said

"Is there a 'Junior' that goes with it?" Striker asked

"Hahahaha, I just love that reaction." Blitzø laughed

"That's close to how I would normally react." Striker said

"No sir, just Blitzø." Blitzø said

"What the hell? Why does this kid have the same name & appearance as Blitzø? Wait a minute, could he, he couldn't he?" Striker thought

"Are you okay, sir?" Blitzø asked

"Uh...yeah, I'm fine, my name's Striker by the way." Striker said

"It's nice to meet you, Mr. Striker." Blitzø smiled

"Likewise." Striker said "Hey, I'm on my way to Rough n' Tumbleweed Ranch, you wanna come?"

"Yeah." Blitzø said with excitement

As they were riding to Rough n' Tumbleweed Ranch

"Woohoo!" Blitzø cheered

"Ya having fun, little buddy?" Striker said

"This is awesome!" Blitzø exclaimed

"I'm glad, perhaps I can teach you how to ride after you help with some chores." Striker said

"Sweet." Blitzø said

When they arrived

"Alright, you stay right here, I'll be right back." Striker said as he left

"Okay." Blitzø said

Striker went to the house & knocked on the door before Joe opened it

"Striker? What are you doing here?" Joe said alarmingly

"Hey Joe, mind if I come in, there's something important I wanna talk to you about." Striker said

"...Alright, but don't try anything." Joe warned as Striker entered the house & Joe's family saw him

"What the hell do you think you're doing here?" Lin glared

"You got a lot of nerve showing your face, Striker." Sally May said

"I knew they weren't gonna be happy seeing him again." Sallie May said

"Settle down, I don't want any trouble." Striker said

"Then what is it you want?" Joe said

"...You might wanna take a look outside." Striker said

"Why?" Joe raised an eyebrow

"Just look." Striker said

Millie's family looked outside the window & saw Blitzø

"Hey Striker, who's the youngin?" Joe said

"Oh hell no, don't tell me you kidnapped a child." Lin said

"No ma'am, I didn't." Striker said

"He's kind of cute, he looks like Blitzø." Sallie May said

"That's because he is." Striker said

"Wait what?" Sallie May said as she & her family looked at him

"That kid is Blitzø." Striker said

"That's ridiculous, how could that be him." Lin said

"Yeah, sure he looks a lot like him, but he can't actually be Blitzø." Joe said

"I'm serious, this sure as hell ain't no joke." Striker said

"If that is him, then why does he look like a 5-year old." Joe said "Last time we saw him, he was a full grown man."

"Are you sure that's him?" Lin said

"Mm-hm, I'm only 90% sure that he is." Striker said "He might've been regressed into a child by someone or something."

"90%? What happened to the other 10%?" Josh said

Joe stared at Striker, then looked at Blitzø outside the window before he sighed

"Alright Striker, we're still not sure whether to believe you or not, but I'm warning ya, this better not be part of your revenge scheme, ya hear me?" Joe said

"Can't blame them for keeping their guard up." Striker said

"Yes sir." Striker said

"Good, now let him in so we can meet him." Joe said

"Okay." Striker said as he opened the door "Hey Blitzø."

"Yes sir?" Blitzø replied

"Come in here, there are some folks I want you to meet." Striker said

"Coming." Blitzø said as he entered the house

"Blitzø, this Joe, Lin, & their family." Striker said

"Hello, it's nice to meet all of you, my name's Blitzø." Blitzø said

"It's nice to meet ya, son." Joe smiled

"Now ain't you just the cutest little thing." Lin said adoringly

"Thank you." Blitzø blushed before his stomach growled

"Oh, you must be hungry, come & have lunch with us." Lin said as she took Blitzø's hand

While they were having lunch

"So Blitzø, that's your name right?" Joe asked

"Yes sir." Blitzø nodded

"Isn't your name Blitzø Jr?" Joe said

"No sir, my name is not Blitzø Jr." Blitzø said

"Oh, I'm sorry, my mistake." Joe said

"That's okay, you're not the first person to ask that, if it makes you feel better." Blitzø said

"Hm, where's your family?" Joe asked

"I don't know where my family is." Blitzø said

"When was the last time you saw them, sugar?" Lin asked

"I don't know, I remember waking up in some stranger's house & I escaped easily by walking out the door. When I got home, my house looked very old & abandoned, I looked around but I couldn't find them." Blitzø said "So I'm going on a journey through all of Hell, so I can find them & get answers."

"Really? You must be a very independent kid, I like that." Sally May said impressively

"I decided to start my journey by coming here to Wrath, then Mr. Striker found me & took me here." Blitzø said

"Well, we're all glad that you're here, so you're welcome to stay here as long as you like." Lin smiled motherly

"Thank you, but I won't be staying here for long, I don't want to be trouble to you guys." Blitzø said politely

"Aw, he's so polite." Mayberry said

"Mm-Hm, I admire the little one's generosity." Wally said

"Why can't you be more like that, sir?" Moxxie asked

"Shut up, Moxxie, it's Hell, no one gives a shit about politeness." Blitzø said

"What a considerate little darling." Lin thought adoringly with her hand on her cheek

"Don't worry about it, boy, it won't be any trouble to us." Joe assured "Tell you what, you can stay here until tomorrow, but if you decide to stay longer you can, okay?"

"Okay." Blitzø said

Meanwhile, the bird demon who saved Blitzø arrived at the Goetia Mansion

"Andrealphus." Stella greeted

"Hello there, Stella." Andrealphus smiled as he kissed Stella on both cheeks

"Hi Uncle Andre." Octavia said

"Ah, there's my favorite niece." Andrealphus said as he hugged her

"Hello, Brother-In-Law." Stolas said simply

"Stolas." Andrealphus said simply

While they were having tea

"So brother, how have you been?" Stella asked

"Oh, I've been doing just swell, thank you for inviting me to stay over tonight for tomorrow's occasion." Andrealphus said

"Did anything happen while you were on your way here?" Stolas asked

"Oh yes, I was bumped into by this Impling boy & I saved him from getting hit by a moving truck." Andrealphus said

"You shouldn't have done that." Stella said bitterly

"Hey, that's a mean thing to say!" Molly said

"That's really uncalled for." Pentious agreed

"Stella, don't say such things, that child could have died if Andre didn't step in." Stolas scowled

"Well, I think that was very heroic of you to do that, Uncle Andre." Octavia said

"Thank you, Via." Andrealphus smiled "When I asked him why he was running, he said it gets him places faster."

"Children these days have no respect for their elders." Stella rolled her eyes

"What's that supposed to mean?" Octavia said

"It's alright Via, she didn't mean you." Stolas said

"Well, he did apologize in a meaningful way after bumping into me." Andrealphus said "Anyway, how's that little Imp boyfriend of yours, Stolas."

"How did you—?" Stolas said surprisingly

"Word gets around, that & I saw the incident at Ozzie's on the telly." Andrealphus said "I couldn't believe you would sleep with a hellborn of the lowest rank, so how is he?."

"...I don't know, I haven't seen him since last night & he's not my boyfriend." Stolas said

"Hm, you know I saw that commercial jingle of his company 'The Immediate Murder Professionals', I saw that Imp fellow had a book that looked exactly like your grimoire, could it be your grimoire by any chance?" Andrealphus asked

"Yes, the reason I gave it to him is because it was a part of our deal." Stolas said

"What deal is that?" Andrealphus narrowed his eyes.

"Once a month on the full moon he returns the book to me & he gets to keep it all the rest of the time." Stolas said

"I see." Andrealphus said before he shook his head in disappointment

"Stolas, I think you should call off the deal." Stella said

"What? But Stella, he—." Stolas said

"Stolas, we talked about this, we can't let them use the book any longer." Stella interrupted

"But Blitzø needs the book for his company." Stolas said

"It doesn't matter, what he & his company are doing is illegal, you know that." Stella said

"She's right, if you keep giving them your grimoire, it is possible that they would misplace it & it can fall into the wrong hands." Andrealphus scolded

"That reminds me, where do you keep the grimoire, Blitzø?" Lucifer asked

"I keep it in a safe, but if we get a mission I give it to Loona so she can use it to get us back to Hell." Blitzø said

"I see." Lucifer said

"...You're right, I'll call Blitzø & tell him that the deal is off." Stolas said hesitantly

"Good, you're finally listening to reason for once." Stella said

Stolas said nothing as Stella & Andrealphus continued their conversation & he looked outside the window

"I hope you're safe out there, Blitzø, wherever you are." Stolas thought

Back in the Wrath Ring, after finishing lunch, Blitzø was getting ready to help the family with the chores. He was getting ready to change until he looked in the mirror & noticed something around his neck.

"What's this?" Blitzø said as he took it off & looked at the item which was some kind of neck charm with a red skull "That's strange, why does this necklace look like my mom's & what was it doing around my neck. Wait a minute, could this be—?"

"Wait, sir, is that necklace you're wearing your mother's?" Moxxie asked

"It is." Blitzø nodded

"Hey Blitzø, you alright in there?" Striker called out interrupting his thought

"Yes Mr. Striker, I'm on my way, just give me a minute." Blitzø said as he put the necklace on the desk.

Blitzø had changed into a white shirt with black overalls & went outside, he saw Joe, his eldest son Giorno, & Striker getting ready to move hay bales into the barn. He went to one of the hay bales & got ready to lift it

"Blitzø, don't lift that, you'll hurt yourself." Joe said as Blitzø easily lifted the hay bale "Whoa, what the—!"

Blitzø carried the hay bale to the barn & tossed it inside, he looked back & saw their shocked looks, he also saw the others a few feet away who were also shocked.

This made everyone shocked

"Wow, I've been working out." Blitzø said

"How the fuck is that even possible?" Stella said confusingly

"I agree with her, I mean it's not likely possible for a 5-year old to be strong like that." Agent 1 said

"What's wrong?" Blitzø said

"Geez, boy, what have your parents been feeding ya, steroids!?" Joe exclaimed

"What's steroids?" Blitzø said confusingly

"Blitzø, you just lifted up that hay like it was nothing." Joe said

"Well, it wasn't that heavy, to be honest." Blitzø said

"Are you kidding, those things weigh like a ton." Striker said "How'd you do that?"

"I don't know, I'm not sure how I got this strong, one time I saved my sister from a falling tree." Blitzø said

"A falling tree!? How in the hell was the kid not crushed?" Husk said

"This seems very interesting." Alastor smiled

"A falling tree?" Joe said shockingly

"Yeah, it's pretty weird, right?" Blitzø said as he moved to lift another hay bale

"Wait a minute, hold on, son." Giorno said as he stopped Blitzø "How about you let the men do the heavy lifting & you help the other little ones with their chores?"

"Okay sir." Blitzø said

"Pete, take Blitzø & show him what he'll do?" Joe said

"Okay Pa, c'mon Blitzø." Pete said as he took Blitzø hand & left with him

"Hey Pete, what's steroids?" Blitzø asked

"It's a drug that makes you strong & energetic, but it's bad for your health." Pete said

After they were done with the chores, they decided to watch a bit of television. Blitzø was sitting on Lin's lap with her arms wrapped around him

"Good Afternoon, I'm Katie Killjoy." Katie Killjoy said

"& I'm Tom Trench." Tom Trench said "The Blue Moon Ball is taking place tomorrow night in the Ring Of Sloth."

"That's right, every demon royalty, overlord, & important person here in Hell is attending to see the blue moon. The Blue Moon Ball is also gonna be broadcasted for everyone to see tomorrow night." Katie Killjoy said

"Sounds like that blue moon shindig is gonna be a doozy." Joe said

"Mr. Striker, do you think I have a chance to go to the ball?" Blitzø asked

"Ahaha! As if they're going to let an imp child attend there." Stella laughed

"Heh, sure, as long as you have a good suit & an invitation, you'll be just fine." Striker said

"Speaking of shindig, we're going to a hoedown tonight, are ya willing to come?" Lin asked

"Sounds exciting." Blitzø said before noticing a wedding picture of Moxxie & Millie. "Hey, who're those two in that picture?"

"Oh, that's my daughter Millie & son-in-law Moxxie." Joe said

"Where are they now?" Blitzø asked

"They've gone freelance." Lin said

"Seriously?" Millie deadpanned along with Moxxie

"What's freelance?" Blitzø said

"People who work for different companies at different times." Lin said

"Oh, your daughter's very pretty." Blitzø said

"Aww, he called me pretty!" Millie gushed with joy

"Well, no shit, you are." Blitzø agreed

"Yep, that's true." Moxxie smiled

"But not prettier than me, right?" Sallie May said

"Well, I wouldn't say that." Blitzø said mischievously

"Why you little rascal, come here." Sallie May said as she wrapped her arms around him & kissed him all over his face

"Hey, stop that." Blitzø laughed

An hour later, Blitzø took a shower & changed into a red & black plaid button-up shirt, black pants, & black boots. Before he left the room, he looked at the necklace, took it from the desk & stared at it for a few seconds, then he put it around his neck & looked in the mirror.

"Now, look at that handsome little cowboy." Niffty smiled

"Yep, the ladies better watch out." Blitzø said

"Teh, you wish." Fizzarolli scoffed

"Hm, it rather suits me." Blitzø said before he left the room "Okay, I'm ready."

"Now don't you look sharp as a needle in a haystack." Lin said

"Thank you." Blitzø said

"Alright, let's get going." Joe said

When they got to the hoedown, they took a seat at one of the tables & waited for it to start until

"Ladies & gentlemen, I'm afraid I have some bad news. Unfortunately, our vocalist his lost in traffic, so we're gonna have to cancel the hoedown." A band member said

Blitzø saw how everyone was disappointed that the hoedown was canceled, but that's when he got an idea.

"Excuse me, sir." Blitzø said as he went to the band member

"Hm, what is it, little one?" The band member as Blitzø whispered something to his ear "Hmm, sure, why not."

The band member went back to the microphone

"On second thought, everyone, this youngin here has volunteered to be our substitute vocalist." The band member announced "take it away, little buddy."

"Hi everyone, I would like to sing a song called the Hoedown Throwdown." Blitzø said

"Heh, Blitzø singing?" Verosika chuckled

"Yeah, this should be good." Fizzarolli smirked


Boom clap, boom de clap de clap

Boom boom clap, boom de clap de clap

Boom boom clap, boom de clap de clap

Boom boom clap, boom de clap de clap

Try with me, here we go

Boom boom clap, boom de clap de clap

Boom boom clap, boom de clap de clap

1 2 3!

Everybody come on, off your seats

I'm gonna tell you about a beat

That's gonna make you move your feet

Everyone went to the dance floor

I'll give the barbeque

Show & tell you how to move

If you're 5 or 82

This is something you can do

Blitzø & the crowd started dancing

Pop it, lock it, polka dot it

Country fivin', hip hop hip

Put your hawk in the sky, move side to side

Jump to the left, stick it, glide

Zig zag 'cross the floor

Shuffle in diagonal

When the drum hits hands on your hips

One-footed 180 twist

& then a zig zag, step'n, slide

Lean in left to clap, three times

Shake it out, head to toe

Throw it all together, that's how we roll

Do the hoedown




Do the hoedown




Do the hoedown




Throw it all together, that's how we roll

We get to 4 5 6

& you're feelin' busted

But it's not time to quit

Practice makes you perfect

Pop it, lock it, polka dot it

Country fivin', hip hop hip

Put your hawk in the sky, move side to side

Jump to the left, stick it, glide

Zig zag 'cross the floor

Shuffle in diagonal

When the drum hits hands on your hips

One-footed 180 twist

& then a zig zag, step'n, slide

Lean in left to clap, three times

Shake it out, head to toe

Throw it all together, that's how we roll

Do the hoedown




Do the hoedown




Do the hoedown




Throw it all together, that's how we roll

Boom de clap, b-boom de clap clap clap

Boom de clap, b-boom de clap clap

Boom de clap, boom de clap de clap

Throw it all together, that's how we roll

Everyone was surprised, shocked, & amazed, Fizzarolli & Verosika were shocked the most.

"You were saying you two?" Blitzø smirked

"Shut up." Verosika scoffed

"Heh, well I'll be damned." Striker said impressively h

The audience threw praises, applauded, blew whistles, & tossed their hats in the air as they were amazed by the Imp Child's talent. Blitzø sang a couple of more songs which bought enough time for the vocalist to arrive. An hour later, Blitzø, Striker, & Millie's family went back to the house, Blitzø was getting ready for bed as he was wearing a fire horse onesie.

"Aww! Look at his little onesie!" Apple exclaimed

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" the girls squealed as Stella & Verosika only had little blushes at the cuteness while putting on straight faces

"Hey Blitzø, can I talk to ya for a minute." Striker said as he enter the room

"Okay." Blitzø said as he crawled in bed

"I liked how you sang & danced at the hoedown, you got some great talent." Striker said as he sat on the side of the side

"Thanks Mr. Striker, I have always loved singing & dancing." Blitzø said

"Really?" Striker said

"Yeah, I wanna be a singer & dancer when I grow up." Blitzø said "It's always been my dream."

"You don't say, is there something else you wanna be?" Striker asked

"Like what?" Blitzø said

"Well, do you wanna be an assassin?" Striker said

"What's an assassin?, Blitzø asked

"Someone who kills people for a living." Striker said

"What? No, I don't wanna be an assassin." Blitzø said

This caught everyone except Blitzø off guard

"You don't?" Striker said confusingly

"No, I want to make people happy with my music, not kill them." Blitzø said

"So he doesn't want to be an assassin?" Charlie said

"That's what he said." Striker said

"Oh...have you told your folks about it?" Striker said

"No sir, I was going to tell them today, but I woke up in that stranger's house & I couldn't find them when I got home." Blitzø said

"I see. Don't worry, little one, you'll be able find them." Striker said "I can help you find them tomorrow, if they're here in Wrath."

"You will?" Blitzø said

"Yeah, for now, get some sleep." Striker said

"Okay, goodnight, Mr. Striker." Blitzø said

"Goodnight, little buddy." Striker said as he rubbed Blitzø's head before walking out the door.

Striker went to the living room & sat down on the couch, he was in thought of what Blitzø wanted to be when he grew up.

"Hey Striker, we're beginning to think you might be right about that kid being Blitzø." Joe said as he & his wife sat next to him "I mean he does look just like him except he doesn't have the white splotches & his voice sounds like a kid version of him, but the only difference is his personality."

"Yeah, I agree, but that ain't the only difference." Striker said

"What's that?" Lin said

"He told me he wanted to be a music artist & when I asked him if he wanted to be an assassin he said that wasn't what he wanted to be." Striker said "I'm not even sure if he really is Blitzø, it's quite confusing."

"Well, who knows, maybe he really is Blitzø." Lin said

"I don't get it, if Blitzø didn't want to be an assassin then why did he become an assassin anyway." Striker said

"I don't know, It could be hypocrisy or he changed his mind, people change their minds about what they wanna be." Joe said "Even when they grow older, their personalities change."

"You have a point there, but I'm beginning to question Blitzø's past." Striker said

"Well, the question is how are we gonna explain to Moxxie & Millie that their boss has regressed into a child?" Joe said

"I don't think we should tell them, cuz they may not believe us & think we're making up a crazy story, so I think it's best if we let them figure it out for themselves." Lin said

"Well, that's really helpful." Moxxie said sarcastically

"Give them a break, shrimpo." Sallie May said

"Hm, you're right." Joe said

"I'm gonna help Blitzø find his family & show him around Wrath tomorrow." Striker said

"Sounds like a good idea." Joe said

"Don't let anything happen to him." Lin said

"Don't worry, the kid will be safe with me." Striker said

The next morning, Blitzø got ready to search for his family with Striker's help, on the way Striker taught him how to ride a horse, Blitzø was patient & a fast learner during the lessons. Striker showed Blitzø around the Wrath Ring which amazed him, they asked around about where Blitzø's family was but they didn't have any luck. When they got to the Indian Reservation, Striker was stunned when Blitzø talked to them in their native language & the Indians & Chief were impressed that a 5-year old was able to speak their language. When Striker asked him how he knew the Indian language, Blitzø said he studied the language ever since he started watching Western movies.

Everyone was surprised that a 5 year old could be this smart

"Wow, this kid is smarter than me." Moxxie said

"I was just about to say that." Loona said

"Me too, I couldn't ride a horse the right way that fast." Blitzø said

A couple of hours later, Blitzø was getting ready to leave the Wrath Ring.

"Well, I gotta get going." Blitzø said

"Ya sure you don't wanna stay any longer?" Joe asked

"I'm sure, thank you for letting me stay here." Blitzø said

"It was no trouble, it was tons of fun having you stay here." Lin said

"Feel free to come back anytime." Sally May said

"I will." Blitzø said as he was about

"Oh wait, you forgot your goodbye sugars." Lin said as she hugged him & kissed all over his cheek

"No, not again." Blitzø laughed

When he got out of Rough n' Tumbleweed Ranch

"So, you're leaving?" Striker said as he was leaning against the fence with his horse Bombproof

"Yes sir, I'm done traveling through Wrath, I'm gonna go back to Elevator 666 to get to the next ring." Blitzø said

"Then let me give you a ride back there." Striker said

"Okay." Blitzø said

When Striker took Blitzø back to the Elevator

"For a minute I thought Striker was gonna do something terrible to Blitzø." Stolas said

"Hey, I may be ruthless, but I ain't above forcing kids to do what they don't wanna do." Strikes said

"Okay, this is my stop." Blitzø said as he & Striker climbed off of Bombproof

"Yep, it was fun while it lasted." Striker said "So, which ring are you gonna travel next?"

"Sloth." Blitzø said

"Oh, so you're gonna try to get into that Blue Moon Ball, good luck with that." Striker said

"I'm gonna miss you, Mr. Striker." Blitzø said

"& I'll miss you, but if you ever wanna come back, you know where to find me." Striker said "I'm sure the folks here in Wrath will love to see you return since you've gotten pretty famous since the hoedown."

"Yeah." Blitzø said

"Also, be sure to change into something warm when you get to Sloth, it can be pretty cold there." Striker said "I'm sorry we weren't able to find your folks."

"It's okay." Blitzø said as he hugged him "Thank you for everything, Striker."

"You're welcome, little dude." Striker smiled as he patted him on the back

"Goodbye Striker." Blitzø said as he went to the Elevator

"Goodbye...Blitzø..." Striker said

"That's it." Morph said

"I loved that part, it was my favorite." Blitzø said

"It appears we'll get to see Little Blitzø try to attend the Blue Moon Ball, let's see how that turns out." Lucifer said

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