Daddy Blitzø Ch.1 & 2

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Daddy Blitzø Ch. 1 & 2

"Hey everyone, I'm back." Morph entered the room

"Hey Morph, how'd it go?" Blitzø said

"The polls are in, & the next universe has been decided, but first." Morph said as he snapped his fingers

Suddenly Barbie Wire, Katie Killjoy, Tom Trench, Joe, Lin, Rosie, Mimzy, Frederick, Bethesda, Andrealphus, Summer, & Dia

"Where the hell are we?" Andrealphus said

"Barbie?" Blitzø said

"Blitzø? What the fuck are you doing here?" Barbie said confusingly

"I Uhh..." Blitzø said

"Rosie, Mimzy." Alastor approached

"Oh, Mr. Alastor, what's going on?" Mimzy asked

"You all have been summoned here by Morph to react to multiple universes that are based on this imp fellow." Alastor said as gesture to Blitzø

"Hi." Blitzø smiled nervously

"Rosie, this is Blitzø, he's a big admirer of yours." Alastor said

"Hello, Ms. Rosie, i-it's an honor t-to meet you." Blitzø stuttered

"Oh, I remember you, you're that imp I saw on the Telly, I must say I find your company quite interesting." Rosie smiled

"Oh, thank you so much, I'm very happy to hear you see that." Blitzø said

"Is it true that you go to the surface to kill off sinners?" Summer said

"Well, technically yes." Blitzø said

"Wow, that's pretty hot, I kinda have a thing for assassins." Dia said

"Hehehehehe." Blitzø chuckled as he blushed making Stolas & Verosika glare in jealousy

"So, let me get this straight, we've been brought here because you're basically famous in multiple worlds that we'll be watching?" Barbie said

"That's just the gist of it." Blitzø said

"Hm, that's really surprising." Barbie said sarcastically

"Well, it's true, you just missed one of them." Blitzø slightly argued

"Yeah, whatever." Barbie rolled his eyes

"Alright everyone, the next universe you'll be reacting to is Daddy Blitzø." Morph said

"Daddy? You talking about the sexual kind or the parent kind?" Asmodeus said

"The parent kind." Morph said

"Will this mainly be about me & Loona?" Blitzø asked

"Not exactly, you see in this universe, you adopted a baby, a boy to be exact." Morph said

"Wait, so that means I have a son?" Blitzø said surprisingly

"Yes, shall we begin." Morph said

It was a few minutes after the Extermination ended, Blitzø was walking through the city

"Geez, look at this mess." Blitzø said as he looked around "Don't know why Hell has to have this annual Extermination."

Suddenly he heard crying, he looked & saw a Succubi couple with multiple stab wounds. When he got closer to them, he saw a baby succubi with red skin & Black hair crying in its mothers arms.

Most of everyone became shocked & horrified

"He lost his parents on the Extermination?" Niffty said

"Yes, that was how Blitzø found him." Morph said

"Mm..." the succubi mother said as she slowly opened her eyes & saw Blitzø "Please..."

"Hm?" Blitzø said

"Please...take my baby boy." The succubi mother said weakly

Blitzø gently took the baby in his arm

"Please...take good care of him...." The succubi mother pleaded

"I will..." Blitzø nodded

Most of everyone found this sad as several were in tears

"This is so damn sad!" Pentious sobbed as he blew his nose

"You said it, boss." One of the Egg Bois said as he wiped his tears

"Thank you...his name is Orin." The succubi mother said before taking her last breath

"Orin." Stolas said "That's a beautiful name for a beautiful boy."

Blitzø just stared at the couple in silence until it was broken by Orin's whimpering. Blitzø looked at the infant who was slowly opening his eyes. Orin looked up at Blitzø, then he smiled & cooed as he raised his tiny arms up to him causing Blitzø to smile.

"Awwww!" Almost everyone said

"I have to admit, the kid is cute." Katie said

When Blitzø arrived at I.M.P

"Hey Blitzø, what—" Loona said before she, Moxxie, & Millie noticed Orin in Blitzø's arms

"Uh, Sir?" Moxxie said

"Yeah?" Blitzø replied

"What's that?" Moxxie asked

"Guys, this is Orin, he's the new addition to our family." Blitzø said

"Say what now?" Loona said confusingly

"Oh my gosh, he's so precious!" Millie beamed in adoration "Can I hold him?"

"Sure." Blitzø said as he gave Orin to Millie

"Hi sweetie, I'm your Auntie Millie." Millie said as Orin laughed "Oh my stars, you have the most adorable little laugh."

"Wanna hold him, Loona?" Blitzø asked

"Uh...I guess so." Loona said unsurely

When Millie gave Orin to Loona, Orin smiled as he gently touched her face & cooed

"Heh, maybe having a little brother isn't so bad." Loona smiled

"Orin certainly gave you a soft spot didn't he, Loona?" Millie smirked

"Shut up?" Loona rolled his eyes

"Ain't he cute, Moxxie?" Millie asked

"...Sir, I don't think you should keep him." Moxxie said

"Wait, excuse me?" Blitzø said

"What's he mean by that?" Joe said

"What?" Blitzø said shockingly

"I'm sorry, but I don't think it's gonna be easy for you to raise him since it's a big responsibility." Moxxie said

"Well, he's not lying about that, kids are a big responsibility." Barbie said

"Yep, Joe & I have 6 kids counting Millie & Sallie May, so it was a lot of work raising them" Lin said

"But he needs me." Blitzø said

"You have to take him back, sir." Moxxie said

"Take him back where? To that crime scene?!" Mimzy said incredulously

"Take him back, but he'll die." Blitzø said

"Moxxie just let him take care of little Orin." Millie said

"...Was he alone?" Moxxie asked

"Yes, the Exterminators killed his parents." Blitzø said

"Are you sure?" Moxxie asked

"Yes." Blitzø said

"...Alright, as long as you take good care of him, then you can keep him." Moxxie said

"Since when did Moxxie became the one who decides who gets to keep something." Blitzø slightly glared

"Thanks Moxx." Blitzø said as Millie kissed Moxxie's cheek

At nighttime, cries filled the apartment. Blitzø got out of bed, went to Orin's crib, & picked him up

"Shh, Shh, there, there, It's okay daddy's here." Blitzø soothed as Orin's cries became whimpers "Daddy's got you, I promise I will never let anything happen to you, Orin."


Come stop your crying

It will be alright

Just take my hand

Hold it tight

I will protect you

From all around you

I will be here

Don't you cry

Everyone became surprised, shocked, & amazed at Blitzø's singing voice. The ones who already heard Blitzø's singing voice as a kid were even more surprised & shocked at how good Blitzø's singing voice is as an adult.

For one so small

You seem so strong

My arms will hold you

Keep you safe and warm

This bond between us

Can't be broken

I will be here don't you cry

'Cause you'll be in my heart

Yes, you'll be in my heart

From this day on

Now and forever more

You'll be in my heart

No matter what they say

You'll be here in my heart


"Always." Blitzø whispered as Orin fell asleep in his arms

"That was so beautiful." Charlie said touchingly

"Y-Yeah, it was sad at first, b-but it was really good." Collin said

"That was the first part, here's the next one." Morph said

Blitzø was playing with Orin in the nursery

"Goochie Goochie Goo." Blitzø tickled his adoptive son which caused him to giggle

Suddenly the doorbell rang

"Coming." Blitzø called out as he went to the door & opened it "Hello?"

"Blitzy!" Stolas said joyfully

"Oh, Stolas, what are you doing here?" Blitzø asked surprisingly

"I'm here to meet my precious godchild." Stolas said

"Godchild? What!?" Stella said

"I wouldn't mind being the godfather of Blitzø's children." Stolas said interestingly

"Godchild?" Blitzø said confusingly

"A little birdy told me that you adopted a baby boy, so I decided to stop by so I can meet him. I also bought a few gifts for the little one" Stolas said as he clapped his hands & a couple of his Imp servants brought in a stack of presents

"Wow Stolas, you really didn't have to do that?" Blitzø said

"Nonsense Blitzy, anything for my little godson." Stolas said "Now, where is he?"

"He's in the nursery, but I'll go get him." Blitzø said

When he got back from the nursery

"Stolas, meet Orin." Blitzø said holding Orin

"Goodness me, he's adorable." Stolas said in adoration "Is he a succubus?"

"Yes he is." Blitzø said

"Oh, I bet he's gonna be a real heartbreaker when he grows up." Stolas said with an eyebrow wiggle

"That's what I'm afraid of." Andrealphus said "I hope this Godson of yours doesn't grow up to be a sleazebag, Stolas."

"I wouldn't want that either." Stolas said

"Me neither." Blitzø said

"Yeah, I hope not." Blitzø chuckled nervously

"Hello there, Orin." Stolas said as Orin happily cooed

"Hey Stolas, there's something I want to talk to you about." Blitzø said

"Hm? What is it?" Stolas said

"Well, I thought if we're gonna go to the living world to kill targets, my employees & I are gonna need human disguises. Do you think you can get us some human disguises?" Blitzø said

"Hm, very well, I will grant you human disguises in exchange for me to babysit this adorable little moonlight while you're at work." Stolas said as he tickled under Orin's chin which caused him to giggle

"Okay Stolas." Blitzø said

"So, when are you gonna teach Orin how to fly?" Stolas asked

"I don't know, maybe when he's 5 or 6." Blitzø said

"You could have another succubus help you out with that, do you know any other succubus?" Stolas said

"Well, I did know this one succubus, but we're not on good terms." Blitzø said reluctantly "I doubt she would help me out in helping me with teaching Orin how to fly."

"Is he talking about Verosika?" Coco asked

"Yes." Morph said

"Hey, even though I hate Blitzo, I would have nothing against his kid." Verosika said

"So technically you wouldn't mind teaching my son how to fly?" Blitzø said

"No, I wouldn't mind." Verosika said

"Oh, I'm sorry." Stolas apologized sympathetically

The next day, Blitzø was dropping off Orin at Stolas' mansion.

"Take good care of him while I'm at work, okay?" Blitzø said

"Don't worry about a thing, Blitzy." Stolas assured

"Bye Orin, Daddy will see you later." Blitzø said as he kissed Orin's forehead & left

"We're gonna have so much fun together." Stolas said excitedly as he raised Orin in the air

A few hours later

"You remind me so much of Via when she was an Owlet, but she's all grown up now & slipping away from me." Stolas said sadly

"Buh." Orin said

"I hope you never slip away from your father when you're older." Stolas said as he looked at the clock "Well, it's close to your naptime, little one."

Stolas went to the nursery & sat on the rocking chair holding Orin in his arms

"You don't have to worry about anyone or anything hurting you, little Moonlight." Stolas said "Because Daddy & I will always be there to protect you from any harm."


It always seems more quiet in the dark

It always feels so stark

How silence grows under the moon

Constellations gone so soon

I used to think that I was bold

I used to think love would be fun

Now all my stories have been told except for one

As the stars start to align

I hope you take it as a sign

That you'll be okay

Everything will be okay

"You used to sing this to me when I was a little, Dad." Octavia said

"Indeed, those were one of my precious moments with you, Via." Stolas smiled in nostalgia

And if the Seven Rings collapse

Although the day could be my last

You will be okay

When I'm gone you'll be okay

Orin yawns & begins to fall asleep

And when Creation goes to die

You can find me in the sky

Upon the last day

Stolas puts Orin in the crib & tucks him in

And you will be okay

Stolas exits the room & Orin falls asleep

A few more hours later, Blitzø came back to pick up Orin

"Hey buddy, were you a good boy while Daddy was away?" Blitzø cooed

"Yes, he was very well behaved." Stolas said as he gave Orin to Blitzø

"Thanks Stolas, I knew I could count on you." Blitzø said gratefully

"Always Blitzy, always." Stolas smiled

"& that's it, what did you all think?" Morph said

"I'm gonna have to admit, that was pretty good." Barbie said

"Yeah, it was really sweet." Charlie said

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