Daddy Blitzø Ch. 3

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Daddy Blitzø Ch. 3

"Before we start, there are several additional guests I need to summon." Morph said as he snapped his fingers

Just then, Beelzebub, Mammon, Adam, Lute, Sera, Emily, Carmilla, Zestial, Zeezi, Susan, Travis, Clara, & Odette

"What the hell? What the fuck is this place?" Susan said as Lute noticed Charlie

"Come on, you again?" Lute said "We told you before I—."

"Settle down, everyone, I have summoned you all here to react to some alternate worlds regarding him." Morph said as he gestured to Blitzø "This is Blitzø."

"Hello?" Blitzø said shyly

"Blitzø, so good to see you." Beelzebub said "How are you feeling, you were pretty wild the other night."

"I'm feeling better, Bee." Blitzø said

"Blitzø? Oh, so you're the guy who has that company assassinating the humans on earth." Adam said

"Y-yes sir, i-is there a problem about that, A-Adam...sir." Blitzø stuttered nervously

"Not to me, although Sera here does have a bone to pick with you." Adam said as he moved Blitzø to Sera

"Oh uh, H-hi." Blitzø said nervously

"Greetings Blitzø, I am Sera, the high Seraphim of Heaven, I believe your company is causing a ruckus in Heaven." Sera said

"How's that?" Blitzø said

"The innocent people you have killed were sent to Heaven & they're demanding to have you & your team executed." Sera said much to everyone except Stella's shock

"EXECUTED!?" Blitzø & his team exclaimed as Moxxie & Millie went to his aide

"Wait a minute, Ms. Sera, let's not make rash decisions." Moxxie panicked

"Yeah, it wasn't anything personal, it was just business." Millie said

"That doesn't matter, believe me, I'm really not supposed to execute any of you, but the ones you killed are demanding it." Sera said

"That's what we've been trying to tell them!" Cletus exclaimed

"W-we've been trying to stop them from what they were doing but they wouldn't listen." Collin said

"We're sorry, Ms. Sera, we didn't think killing the innocent would be a problem." Moxxie apologized

"Welp, now you know." Adam said

"Wait, Ms. Sera, maybe there's a way to fix this." Blitzø said "Morph, can you bring the innocent people we killed back to life in our world."

"I can do that." Morph said as he snapped his fingers "Okay, they've been brought back to life & they along with everyone else who knows & don't know them won't have any recollection that they died."

"There, problem solved." Blitzø sighed in relief

"Good, you can proceed with your company, but no more killing the innocent." Sera said as she got close to Blitzø's face "Are we clear?"

"Yes ma'am, crystal clear." Blitzø nodded with a little blush before thinking "She's kinda pretty when she's this close."

"Whoa." Emily said in awe as she felt his horns

"Uhh, what are you doing?" Blitzø said

"Oh sorry, it's just that this is my first time seeing demons like you & the other, I'm Emily, the other Seraphim, but you can call me Em or Emmy or E." Emily said

"Nice to meet you, Ms. Em." Blitzø said blankly

"Shall we get started?" Morph said

"Let's get this shit over with so I can go back home." Susan sulked as she & the others except Adam

"Hey, keep doing what you're doing so we can have more kills for the Extermination." Adam whispered to Blitzø

"Okay." Blitzø said awkwardly

It's been 3 months since Blitzø found Orin, Stolas was getting ready to feed his plant

"Stolas." A voice said

Stolas turned & saw his wife Stella with a scowl & Chives holding Orin

"Uh-oh, that's not good." Asmodeus said

"Oh, good morning, Dear." Stolas greeted "I see you've met Orin."

"Stolas, just what is a flying Imp doing in our daughter's old nursery?" Stella asked in a demanding tone

"Flying imp? You can't tell the difference between that & an incubus." Blitzø said

"They all look the same to me." Stella said

"For your information, Orin is not an Imp, he's an incubus." Stolas said as he took Orin from Chives "As for your question, I'm babysitting him."

"Babysitting!? Like a plebeian!? Why!?" Stella said in outrage

"Because he's my godson & I have to take care of him while Blitzø is at work." Stolas said

"Godson!? Stolas, do you realize once others find out that you're babysitting a succubus who is your godson, it will cause embarrassment to our family name!?" Stella yelled angrily

"Since when does that cause embarrassment to the family name?" Octavia said confusingly

Stella's yelling caused Orin to cry

"Aw, now you scared the poor little darling." Lilith said

"Like I give a fuck." Stella rolled her eyes

"Aw, you scared him." Stolas said as he gently rocked him

"Don't change the subject, Stolas." Stella said

"Stella, I'm not talking to you unless you calm down." Stolas said sternly

"Fine!" Stella scoffed as she left the room

"That's telling her, Stolas." Millie smiled

"There there, it's okay Orin, you're okay." Stolas comforted his crying godson before noticing his daughter "Good morning, Octavia. Did you sleep well, my owlet?"

"Was that a serious question?" Octavia asked

"Mm-hmm, anyway, I'd like you to meet your godbrother, Orin." Stolas said "Why don't you say hello?"

"Ah." Orin smiled

"Awww, I didn't know baby demons could be that cute." Emily said

"What's so cute about them, they're just hellspawns." Adam said as he got smacked in the head by a wing. "Ow!"

"Hi..." Octavia said with a bored expression

"Okay...what's that you're listening to?" Stolas asked as he opened the fridge

"This song is called 'My World is Burning Down Around Me'. It's by..." Octavia said before looking at Orin "Eff You Dad, it's the band's name."

"Eff you Dad? The fuck kinda band name is that?" Lucifer said

"Agreed, I might not but say that title is disrespectful." Zestial said

"I thought she was referring to me when Octavia told me the band's name." Stolas said

"Oh. How charming..." Stolas said bemusedly as he pulled out a chunk of zebra meat & fed it to his plant

"So, you two done screaming for the day?" Octavia asked as she sipped her coffee

"Um..." Stolas said before changing the subject "You know what I haven't done in a long, long time? I haven't taken you to your favorite place in all of Hell. Why don't we go to Loo Loo Land?"

"I'm not 5 anymore." Octavia said

"You always were so happy when I took you to Loo Loo Land. What do you say we go there again, have a day?" Stolas said "Besides, it is your godbrother's half birthday."

"I'd rather kill myself." Octavia said

"That's not a very nice thing to say." Rosie said

"Eh, can't blame her since she's one of those Edgy Teenagers." Susan said

"Hey." Octavia glared

"There we go, anything but staying in this house. Now, I'll call Blitzø." Stolas said as he pulled out his phone

(At I.M.P. Headquarters)

Blitzø was in his office trying to figure out where to celebrate Orin's half birthday until his phone rang

"Hello?" Blitzø said

"Hello there, Blitzy." Stolas said

"What can I do for you, Stolas?" Blitzø said

"Are you having trouble figuring out where to celebrate Orin's half birthday?" Stolas asked

"Pretty much, why?" Blitzø said

"How about we take Orin to Loo Loo Land?" Stolas suggested

"Loo Loo Land?" Blitzø repeated

"Yes, my daughter Octavia loved it when I took her to Loo Loo Land" Stolas said "So why don't we take him there?"

"I don't know about that." Blitzø said hesitantly

"Why not?" Stolas asked

"Well, I used to work there & it didn't end so well." Blitzø explained

"Now Blitzy, your son is more important than your past." Stolas said

"Yeah, you're right, we'll go." Blitzø said

"Wonderful! Now I'll bring my wife & daughter while you bring Moxxie, Millie, & Loona." Stolas said

"Oh, so Stella & Loona are gonna be there in this world." Moxxie said

"Yeah, they weren't present when we went to Loo Loo Land." Millie said

"Alright, see you there." Blitzø said as he hung up & pulled out a megaphone "M n' M, Loona, get in here! We're going to Loo Loo Land!"

"Loo Loo Land?" Moxxie said as he opened the door to Blitzø's office

"Loo Loo Land!?" Millie said excitedly after she smashed her head straight through the office door's glass.

"Loo Loo Land!" Blitzø said

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Loona yelled

Later, Stolas arrived with his family & Orin in his arms at Loo Loo Land as Blitzø, Moxxie, Millie, & Loona we're waiting for them at the entrance

"Da!" Orin said happily

"Hey Orin, how's my little man!" Blitzø said happily as he took Orin & raised him into the air before looking at Stella. "Hey Stella."

"Hm." Stella scoffed

When they entered Loo Loo Land

"So, what do you think of my little brother?" Loona asked Octavia

"He's...small." Octavia replied. "But other than that, he's kind of cute, I guess."

"Wow, I haven't been to this place since I was a tot! It hasn't changed a bit. Oh look, It's Big Woobly!" Millie said excitedly as she pointed a malformed animatronic dinosaur

"It kinda is upsetting looking at it." Clara said

"That is deeply upsetting." Moxxie said

"Oh, come on, you've never been here?" Millie asked

"No, theme parks always disturbed me, especially the mascots." Moxxie said

"Well, hey there." The park's mascot appeared

"Aaah!" Moxxie yelped startlingly

Several laughed as Moxxie blushed in embarrassment while Millie patted his back

"I'm Loo Loo, welcome to Loo Loo Land!" Loo Loo said "If y'all get hurt here, just try and sue us."

"Look Via, it's Loo Loo." Stolas said excitedly

"I have a question." Octavia said

"Ask away, little girlie." Loo Loo said

"Is it true this park is just a really shameless spin-off of Lucifer's far more popular Lu Lu World?" Octavia asked

"" Loo Loo said

"I think the correct answer is YES!" Lucifer said angrily

"Oi! At least I tried to be creative!" Mammon argued

"You call that creative! That's plagiarism!" Lucifer argued back

"This place reeks of insecure corporate shame." Octavia said

"Heh heh, why don't we go check out the rides?" Stolas chuckled in slight embarrassment as he lead Octavia away

"That chick's creepy, huh?" Loo Loo said

"My daughter's become one of those typical goth teenagers." Stella said as she & the other left to catch up with Stolas & Octavia

"Via, can you at least try to behave for your godbrother's half birthday?" Stolas asked hopefully

"Fine, I'll try." Octavia said

"You really like this place, do you?" Moxxie asked Millie

"I love this place. My parents would bring me and my siblings here when they could swing it, money-wise." Millie explained

"Yeah, the prices do seem rather criminal." Moxxie said as he looked at the gift shop's sale poster "I mean, that much for a novelty cup that you use one time?"

"Well, this is the Greed Ring." Stella said

"Of course it is, did you expect everything to be cheap?" Mammon said

"She's got a point, y'know." Loona said

"Blitzø, I say, I say, Blitzø." An Imp wearing a white shirt, gray vest, black bow tie, white pants with gray stripes, and black boots.

"Hey Wally." Blitzø smiled

"It's good to see ya, old friend." Wally said

"Blitzy, who's this?" Stolas asked

"This is my friend Wally." Blitzø said

"Yes sir, Yes sir, Wally Wackford's the name, I say, I say." Wally said "Blitzø & I go way back, we used to scam people all the time when we were kids."

"So, in this world I'm childhood friends with Wally." Blitzø said

"Yes." Morph said

"You two do kinda look like you could be good friends." Loona said

"Wally, these are my employees Moxxie & Millie, my daughter Loona, & you already familiar with the Goetia Family." Blitzø introduced

"Pleased to meet ya." Wally said before noticing Orin "Now who, I say, I say, who is this little youngin."

"This is Orin, my son, it's his half birthday today." Blitzø said

"Well, Happy Half Birthday.." Wally said as he tickled under Orin's chin which caused him to giggle "Would you like to purchase an inconvenient torch."

"Torches? Who the fuck sells that?" Vaggie said

"Um, no Wally, but I appreciate the offer." Blitzø said

"Alright, it was nice seeing ya." Wally said as he was about to leave

"Wait, before you go, how is he?" Blitzø asked

"Oh, him? He's fine, he's working somewhere else at the Lust Ring." Wally said as he left

"He seems like a nice fella." Millie said

"Blitzy, who is this he you were referring to?" Stolas asked

"Oh, it's nobody." Blitzø lied

"Oh great, so I'm nobody now?" Fizzarolli said sarcastically

After doing a few rides that were suitable for babies

"Hello, hello, step right up and win a thing." A Carnie Imp Vendor called out

"Not this guy again." Moxxie groaned

"Oh, look Orin, a thing." Millie beamed as she was holding Orin.

"Ooo." Orin beamed with interest

"You like that thing?" Moxxie asked

"Bah!" Orin said excitedly

"Can you win one for us, Moxx?" Millie said

"Hm, Finally, something I can handle." Moxxie said smugly as he took out some money & gave it to the carnie Imp "One game please."

The Carnie Imp gave Moxxie the cork gun, Moxxie shot the cork & hit the target

"Oh, strike one, little man." The Carnie Imp said

"But I hit it." Moxxie said confusingly

"Hmmm, I don't know what to tell ya, buddy. The target, see, It didn't go down." The Carnie Imp said

"Why don't you try Blitzy?" Stolas said

"Sure." Blitzø said

After paying, Blitzø took the cork gun, shot the cork & hit the target

"Oh man, a real shame, I—." The Carnie Imp said as he noticed Stolas glaring at him & becoming surrounded by dark aura. Out of fear, the Carnie Imp pressed a foot pedal in the booth, which caused a target to fall down. "I mean that's a real shame for me, because you choose any prize for each of your friends."

"Hm, that's what I've would've done, you fuck with my godson & we're gonna have a problem." Stolas said

"Great, which thing do you want, Orin?" Blitzø asked

"Bah." Orin said pointing at a clown jester thing

" want that one?" Blitzø hesitantly said "Okay, give me that one."

"Seems like the kid has good tastes, huh Blitzo?" Fizzarolli smirked

The Carnie Imp gave Orin the clown jester thing & Orin hugged it. Millie was given a purple penguin thing, Loona was given black sheep thing, Stella was given a kitten thing, Octavia was given a red & blue rabbit thing, & Stolas was also given a clown jester thing.

"Thanks B." Millie said as she hugged her thing & Moxxie groaned

"See how nice Blitzy is?" Stolas said to his wife & daughter

"Charming..." Stella said

"Thanks, I guess..." Octavia said

"Oh look!" Stolas said excitedly as he pointed at a circus tent "You used to cry such tears of joy at this show."

"Oh no..." Octavia said panicking

"Stolas, are you sure they were tears of joy & not tears of FEAR?" Stella corrected

"At least this version of mum, gets it." Octavia said as Stolas looked in guilt.

Blitzø was staring at the circus tent & began to feel guilt.

They went into circus & sat down as the show started

"Hey-hey-hey-hey-hey, Implings! It's me, the Robotic Fizzarolli, shipped from Big Ozzie's factory to bring you a wonderful show celebrating Loo Loo Land, spelled with 'O's, to avoid lawsuits. Hit it!" Robo Fizz said as he snapped his fingers

(Loo Loo Land by Alex Brightman)(I don't own this song)

Loo Loo Land

Loo Loo Land

Everybody sing along

With the Loo Loo Band

Every boy

Every girl

Every woman

Every man

Loves Loo Loo Land

Loo Loo Land

Loo Loo Land

Everything is beautiful

In Loo Loo Land

Ugly children holding hands

In Loo Loo Land

Everybody's friendly

And nobody is mean

No copyright infringements ever seen

I have a dream

I'm here to tell

About a magical fantastic place

Called Loo Loo Land

Everybody sing along

With the Loo Loo band

Just then, Orin noticed Octavia leaving

"Where is she going?" Husk said

Every boy

Every girl

Every woman

Every man

Loves Loo Loo Land

"What a splendid performance, wasn't it?" Stolas said as he applauded

"Was that great, Orin? " Blitzø said as he noticed Orin's sitting spot was empty "Huh!? Orin? Where's Orin?"

"Via's gone too?" Stella said worriedly

"We should go look for them at once." Stolas said as they were about to leave

"Is that Blitzo, my sensors spot up there? I bet the kiddies are still running away from you, huh?" Robo Fizz laughed

"The 'O' is silent now." Blitzø said calmly

"Heh, just like your audience always was when you told your lazy jokes here." Robo Fizz smirked

"I'm not in the mood for you right now, I have a kid to find." Blitzø said maturely

"Ooh, is someone salty, y'know the kids love me. Does anybody love you, BLITZO?" Robo Fizz taunted

Blitzø said nothing as he looked down.

"I do." A voice said

Blitzø turned to Loona with a surprised look

Blitzø, Millie, Moxxie, & Loona were also surprised by what her counterpart said

"Huh? What did you say?" Robo Fizz said confusingly

"I said 'I do'." Loona said

"So do I." Stolas said

"Me too." Millie said

"& me." Moxxie said

"Look dickhead, my dad doesn't have time for your shit talk." Loona said defensively as Blitzø became surprised that she called him Dad "Right now, my little brother has gone missing & we have to find him, so do us a favor & fuck off."

"That's the first time I saw Loona stand up for Blitzø." Millie said

"Loona almost never calls him Dad." Moxxie said

After that, the group left, leaving Robo Fizz shocked.

Meanwhile Octavia was crying alone in a funhouse

Stolas looked in guilt as he remembered when he saw her cry

"Buh?" A voice said

Octavia looked & saw Orin next to her

"Go away." Octavia sobbed

When Orin touched her arm, Octavia looked at him again as he gave her a sad look. Looking at him nearly broke her heart.

"Oh Orin, I know this is your day, but my life's a bit complicated." Octavia said "I loved it here when my parents didn't hate each other, I bet your real parents loved each other unlike mine."

Just then Orin hugged Octavia. When he did that, she smiled & hugged him back

"Awwwwwww." The girls along with some of the guys said

"You're right, we should let something like this spoil our day." Octavia said as Orin smiled

Suddenly Octavia felt a shadow over her, she turned around & gasped.

"Oh no, something's got them!" Emily said in alert

Meanwhile the group were outside.

"Alright, let's split up. Loona, Moxxie, & Millie check the rides, Stolas & Stella check the booths." Blitzø said as the others split up. "Okay, it's been a long time since I used this power & I think now is the time. Let's go, WereBlitzø!"

Blitzø shined in a red light & transformed into werewolf-like creature with red & white fur, his Imp horns & his suit

"Whoa, Blitzø can turn into a wolf?" Loona said shockingly along with the others

"Hang in there, Orin, Daddy's coming." WereBlitzø said

WereBlitzø followed the scent of Octavia & Orin's tracks which led him to the funhouse they were in, then he noticed the tracks stopped & were replaced with somebody else's. WereBlitzø followed the tracks which led him to a big tent. When he entered the tent, he saw Orin & Octavia in a cage surrounded by a group of thugs.

"Hey!" WereBlitzø shouted as they looked at him

"Da!" Orin cried

"Blitzø?" Octavia said confusingly

"What do you think you're doing to those kids, especially when one of them is mine." WereBlitzø said

"Oh, so you're the parent to this little succubus." The Thug Leader said "Well, you can have him back, we just wanted the girl."

"I ain't leaving without both of them, so let them go before things get ugly in here." WereBlitzø said

"You want them, come & get them, fleabag." Thug 2 said as Octavia covered Orin's eyes & ears

"Don't say I didn't warn you." WereBlitzø said slashed off the first thug's head with his sharp claws at fast speed

"Yee-fucking haw! Let's get started!" Joe said excitedly along with several others

"Shit! Shoot him!" The Thug Leader shouted. Three of the thugs started shooting at WereBlitzø

"AWOOOOOOOOO!" WereBlitzø howled as his muzzle split in four ways & released a red sonic howl which redirected the bullets towards the thugs & hit them

"Hell yeah! That's what I'm talking about!" Vortex said

"Awooh, awooh!" Beelzebub cheered

Another thug lunged at him from behind before being slashed in half. After that he turned to the leader

"You're next." WereBlitzø growled

"Stay back or I'll shoot both of them." The Thug Leader said anxiously as he pulled out his gun & pointed at Orin & Octavia.

Suddenly, the lights went off & everything became dark

"Who dares threaten my daughter & godson." A voice said

The lights went back on & revealed a huge terrifying shadowy black bird demon with red eyes. The demon's eyes glowed causing the thug leader to become stone, then the demon transformed back into Stolas. Stolas snapped his fingers which caused the cage to open.

"I still feel uneasy seeing that." Agent 1 said

"Orin." WereBlitzø said as he took Orin & hugged him

"Via!" Stella said as she approached Octavia

"Sir, is that you?" Moxxie asked as he, Millie, & Loona arrived

"Yes, it's me." WereBlitzø replied as he transformed back into Blitzø

"Dude, we didn't know you could transform into a wolf." Loona said surprisingly

"Well, that's not the only thing I can transform into." Blitzø said

"You mean there's more?" Moxxie asked surprisingly as Blitzø nodded

"How long have you had this power?" Millie asked

"Since the day I was born." Blitzø said

"Via, what on earth were you thinking?" Stella scolded "Your father & I were worried sick. You know you're not supposed to run off like that without letting us know where you're going."

"& what's worse, you put yourself & Orin in danger." Stolas scolded

"I'm sorry, Orin followed me to the funhouse, I didn't mean for that to happen." Octavia apologized as her parents sighed

"Just why would you run off like that?" Stolas asked

"I was upset about the fighting & how you guys hated each other. I wanted to go home but home doesn't even feel like home anymore, I just wish things were the way it used to be." Octavia said with tear-filled eyes

Stolas & Stella were speechless when she said that & began to feel guilty.

Stolas looked at Stella who was looking down in thought

"Via, we're so sorry, we didn't realize how you were feeling, it's all my fault." Stolas apologized

"It's both our faults." Stella said with tear-filled eyes "You know that your father & I love you very much with all our hearts. We would never try to do anything to hurt you."

"When we get home, we promise we'll try to make things right & be a better family." Stolas said as he & Stella hugged Octavia.

Everyone was touched except a few was touched by the scene

Octavia smiled as she shedded tear, but then she noticed one of the thugs that escaped was sneaking behind Blitzø

"Blitzø, watch out!" Octavia shouted

"Huh?" Blitzø said as he turned & saw the thug lunge at him with a knife.

Blitzø closed his eyes & shielded Orin, but he didn't feel anything. He turned around & saw a hand & a robotic arm grabbing a hold of the thug's throat. Blitzø looked at the arm & hand's owner & saw the real Fizzarolli.

"What is Fizz doing there, we didn't see him at Loo Loo Land." Blitzø said confusingly

"I don't appreciate anyone causing trouble in my park." Fizzarolli glared as he shocked the thug

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" The thug screamed as he got electrocuted to death

"Awesome! I got electric powers!" Fizzarolli said in excitement

"That's probably due to your robotic limbs." Carmilla said

"Fuck, I should've requested Oz for those things." Mammon said

"Fizz? Is that you?" Blitzø asked

"Yeah, who else would it be, my robot double?" Fizzarolli said bitterly as he dropped the dead thug.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were at the Lust Ring." Blitzø said

"I just thought I'd check how things were going in Loo Loo Land, but that was until I heard gunshots coming from here." Fizzarolli said as he turned his back

"Wait, Fizz, I want to talk to you." Blitzø said

"About what?" Fizzarolli asked

"Y'know, as & you." Blitzø said

"Us? Since when did you get back to caring about that again?" Fizzarolli said as he looked at him with cold eyes

"..." Blitzø stood in silence

"Yeah...that's what I thought." Fizzarolli said as he left

"Sir, what was that all about?" Moxxie asked

"Did you two know each other?" Millie asked

"Yes, Fizzarolli & I...we were childhood friends." Blitzø said

"You & Fizzarolli? Childhood Friends?" Stolas said shockingly

"Were you two close?" Loona asked

"Yeah, we were best friends." Blitzø nodded

"What happened between you & him?" Moxxie asked

"It was my fault, 15 years ago on his birthday, I accidentally caused a fire which caused him his horns & limbs. I could've helped him back then, but I didn't, I mean I was trying but still. I tried to go see him, but I was told that he didn't want to see me" Blitzø said sadly

"Accidentally? What do you mean 'accidentally'?" Fizzarolli said

"Oh, Blitzø, we're so sorry to hear that." Millie said sympathetically

"You have to make things right, Blitzø." Stolas said "Go to him."

"...Okay, I'll try." Blitzø said as he gave Orin to Octavia

Blitzø managed to find Fizzarolli at a ride called The Tunnel of Friendship

"You have a partner, sir." The ride operator said

"Actually, I—." Fizzarolli said

"He does?" Blitzø interrupted

"What?" Fizzarolli said confusingly

"I'm with him." Blitzø said

"Okay you two, go right in." The ride operator said

After the ride started, Blitzø & Fizzarolli hadn't spoken a word for the past minute until Blitzø broke the silence

"Y'know, we used to ride here all the time when we were little kids." Blitzø said

"Yeah..." Fizzarolli said

"...Fizz, I'm sorry about what I did to you that day, I know I hurt you—." Blitzø said

"You did more than that, you tore me apart." Fizzarolli said

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean for things to end between us." Blitzø apologized

"But why? You were more than just my best friend, you were my brother." Fizzarolli said sadly "You ruined it."

"I know I'm the last person you want to trust, I've done stupid shit, fuck a lot of stupid shit." Blitzø said with guilt "But I didn't mean for that to happen, it was an accident."

"An accident? You always had it out for me, because people liked me better. You wanted me gone because you were jealous, just wanting the spotlight. I looked up to you, I thought you were my best friend, but you just left me & didn't even care." Fizzarolli said

"I did care, It WAS an accident, but you're right, it was my fault, I was trying to get help, but I should've done more." Blitzø said as he sighed

Fizzarolli was taken aback by this & was surprised that Blitzø admitting guilt. Everyone else was speechless by their sides of the story.

"Look, I'm sorry, Fizz. I am so sorry you got hurt....I am sorry for what you lost & I know I can never make it right...but you have no idea what I lost in that fire... I mean it's all my fault...I'd hate me too if I were you."

Blitzø looked down in guilt & Barbie looked away tearfully

"Mom." They both thought

There was silence for a moment until Blitzø broke the silence again

(Nobody Else but You by Bill Farmer & Aaron Lohr)(I don't own this song)


There are times you drive me, shall we say, bananas

And your mind is missing, no offense, a screw


None taken


Still, whatever mess I land in

Who is always understanding?

Nobody else but you


Oh, your moodiness is now & then bewildering

& your values may be, so to speak, askew





Who deserves a hero's trophy

As we face each "catastro-phee"?

Nobody else but you


Nobody else but you,

It's just our luck, we're stuck together

Nobody else but you,

Is crazy enough

To believe we'll come through


So your jokes are all, let's face it, prehistoric


And your music sounds like monkeys in a zoo


But when life becomes distressing,

Who will I be S.O.S'n?


If you're having trouble guessing, here's a clue

Though he seems intoxicated,

He's just highly animated

& he's nobody else.


Nobody else but you

We've turned into a true blue duo

Hard times, we've had a few


Like we're thrown in the drink


Like we're tossed outta town


But when I start to sink,

Hey, I'd rather go down

With nobody else, but Y-O-U

Several had tears as they were touched by the song

"That was beautiful." Charlie sniffed

"That's real friendship right there." Zeezi said

After they were done, they began talking about what happened in their lives.

"So, you're the father of a Hellhound & an incubus?" Fizzarolli asked

"Yep, & they're both my pride & joy." Blitzø said

"Well, I guess that makes me an uncle, huh?" Fizzarolli said

"It sure does." Blitzø said

"Blitzø, why didn't you try to tell me any of this or come see me? Even once would've been fine.

"I tried to, Fizz, but I was told you didn't wanna see me." Blitzø sighed

"I never told them that." Fizzarolli said

"Wait, you didn't?" Blitzø said surprisingly

"No, & no one ever told me you came?" Fizzarolli said

"Oh..." Blitzø said as he was stunned

"Wait, you really did come to see me?" Fizzarolli said surprisingly

"Yes, I tried to, & like my counterpart said; they told me that you didn't wanna see me." Blitzø said

"Fizz, did you tell them that back in our world?" Asmodeus asked

"No, I didn't, & like my counterpart said; no one told me he came." Fizzarolli said

"So you're saying that whole thing was a misunderstanding?" Husk said

"Pardon me for asking this, Blitzø, yet didst the fire very was as thou say 'an accident'" Zestial asked

"Yes Zestial, it was an accident, I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings & it was my fault." Blitzø said

"Is it true that you were jealous of Fizz?" Arackniss asked

"Yeah...I was." Blitzø said

"Well, it seems that there's no lie in what Blitzø & Fizz are saying." Sera said

"Blitzø, what did you lose in that fire?" Charlie said in concern

"It's nothing Princess, just let it go." Barbie said

"Listen, Blitzø, If I'm being honest, you didn't exactly ruin my life. I'll admit getting blown up hurt like hell & it was challenging. But it's not like I'm broken, because I have someone who understands me & my life has actually been pretty great." Fizzarolli said

"Is that true, Fizz?" Blitzø asked unsurely

"...Yeah..." Fizzarolli said lowly

"That's good to hear, Fizz, I'm happy for you." Blitzø said

"You know, no matter how much a shithead you were, you're still my best friend & brother." Fizzarolli smiled

"Thanks Fizz." Blitzø smiled back as they hugged

Everyone except some others were touched & smiled at the scene. Blitzø & Fizzarolli just stared before they looked at each other & looked back at the screen

"Well, ain't that something, I say, I say." A voice said

"Huh?" Blitzø & Fizzarolli said as they looked & saw Wally standing there

"Oh, did the ride just end?" Blitzø said

"Yep." Wally smiled, happy that his friends made up

"Blitzø." Octavia said as she & the others arrived

"Hey guys." Blitzø said

"So how'd it go?" Moxxie asked

"It went great." Blitzø said "Fizz, this is my daughter Loona, my son Orin, & my employees Moxxie & Millie."

"Sup." Loona said

"It's nice to meet you in person, Mr. Fizz." Millie smiled as she shook Fizzarolli's hand

"Likewise." Moxxie said simply

"Bah!" Orin smiled excitedly as he reached out to Fizzarolli

"So, this must be the half birthday boy." Fizzarolli said as he took Orin from Octavia "Well, you have come to the right place. Since the day is still young, we have plenty of time to celebrate."

While they were celebrating.

"Blitzø, may I talk to you for a moment?" Stella asked

"Okay." Blitzø said

When Blitzø & Stella were outside

"So, what is it you wanna talk about?" Blitzø asked

"I want to thank you for helping my daughter." Stella said gratefully

"You're welcome, it was the least I could do." Blitzø said

"I also want to apologize to you about how I acted towards you." Stella said

"It's fine, I don't blame you for hating me because I slept with your husband." Blitzø said "I didn't mean to cause trouble with your marriage, I just wanted the book for my company."

"It's alright, Blitzø. When I found out that Stolas' became Orin's godson & babysitter, I was upset because I was afraid that it would cause embarrassment to our family name. Stolas & I talked while you made amends with Fizzarolli, & he said he didn't care about what others said about him babysitting a succubus who is his godson & that you are his friend, he would do anything to help you." Stella said

"Y'know, if you want, you can be Orin's godmother & help Stolas take care of him while I'm at work." Blitzø said

"I'm not in any position to be an incubus' godmother." Stella said

"I would like that." Stella smiled "But you know, I hadn't been the best wife to Stolas, I always berated him every chance I got."

"Yeah, I know, Stolas filled me in on that." Blitzø said "I know it's a bitch being in an arranged marriage, but the only good thing about this is that if you hadn't been in this arranged marriage, you two wouldn't have had Via."

"Wait a minute, Stolas, you're in an arranged marriage with Stella?" Blitzø said surprisingly

"Sadly yes." Stolas said

"Is that what you were trying to tell me when we were at Loo Loo Land?" Octavia said

"I'm sorry, Via, I wanted to tell you but like I said before, I didn't have the words." Stolas said

"Your father & I never loved each other & we hated every moment of this arranged marriage." Stella said "Besides, he's terrible in bed."

"At least Blitzø is a better fuck than you." Stolas said

"Watch it." Stella growled

"I suppose you're right, Via is the best thing that has ever happened in our lives & we love her very much." Stella smiled

"If you & Stolas really wanna work things out, I would suggest you two would like maybe go out & do something together, it would give you the chance to get to know each other better." Blitzø said

"You think it would work?" Stella asked

"Yeah, we can only hope so." Blitzø smiled

"You know we could've done that the whole time we were married." Stolas said

"Hm." Stella harrumphed

After they were done celebrating.

"Okay buddy, time to say Bye Bye." Blitzø said

"Buh." Orin said as he waved

"Goodbye, little one." Octavia as she kissed his forehead "& thanks for saving my life, Blitzø."

"You're welcome, sweetie." Blitzø said

"Feel free to drop by anytime." Stella said as she hugged both Blitzø & Orin

"I'll see you later, Blitzø." Stolas said

When the Goetias left

"Hey Dad, can we go to Stylish Occult, they sell taxidermy & I want to buy Orin something for his first birthday." Octavia asked

"Hmm, okay, just don't buy anything that might frighten him." Stolas said reluctantly

"Don't worry, that's the last thing I want to do to my godbrother." Octavia chuckled

(With Blitzø)

"Say bye bye to your Uncle Fizz." Blitzø said

"Buh." Orin smiled

"Bye little buddy." Fizzarolli said as he ruffled Orin's hair

After Loona, Moxxie, & Millie went to the car with Orin

"Thanks for helping me celebrate Orin's half birthday." Blitzø said

"No problem." Fizzarolli said before whispering "Don't tell Mammon I said this, but I would recommend taking Orin to Lu Lu World for his next birthday."

"Oi!" Mammon glared

"Thank you." Lucifer said

"Yeah, maybe someday we will." Blitzø chuckled

"Y'know, that kid's gonna need a mother since his last one got erased." Fizzarolli said

"I know, but you know my love life is a pile of shit." Blitzø said

"Don't worry, you'll find someone, trust me." Fizzarolli said

"Hey Fizz, do you think she will forgive me?" Blitzø said

"I don't know, what you did to me was bad, but what you did to her was worse." Fizzarolli said "If you're planning on getting back together with her, that's gonna be a long road ahead of you."

"Yeah..." Blitzø said

"Wait, are they talking about me?" Verosika said

"Seems like it." Susan said

"I liked that part, I'm glad this Blitzø & Fizz made up with each other." Millie said

"Me too." Emily said

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