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Rajyashri's POV.

Sun was flittering through the nearby curtain as I slowly and painfully forced my eyes open. I tried to examine my surroundings but my vision was way too blurry to see anything.

Where was I ? Why my head was hurting so bad?

Placing a hand on my throbbing temple I tried to remember everything, Just then the images of previous night flashed before me.

All the gut wrenching screams, Mani and other maids taking to me to another room then a guy came and...

Oh no!


"Mani" My voice was barely audible.

"Mani!" I tried to get up as warm tears started flowing from my eyes. I removed the blanket and got down.

But as soon as my feet touched the floor a wave of dizziness flushed over me and unable to balance myself I fell back on the bed.

"Oh my! You're awake. Please don't get up" I heard an unfamiliar voice but didn't bother to look

How could I be so selfish! Mani is gone, she would never come back, ever. If it weren't for me-

"Lay down dear. I'm going to inform Mayi" The girl made me lay down and went away and I didn't even glance at her.

It was so hard to accept that I had no one left... No one to share my pain with, no one to call my own.

I remembered how I killed that man.

It sounded so weird even in my head

I killed someone.

As I was mourning at my own thought I felt a rough hand on my left cheek and looked up to see an old woman smiling down at me warmly.

Her wrinkled face was screaming royalty yet her dress wasn't even close to what a Royal woman wears.

"Who are you? " I asked bluntly, I was way too drained, mentally as well as physically, to start a polite conversation.

"My introduction can wait, how are you? Your temperature is down now "

"I-I'm " I gulped down the knot and averting her dark eyes replied "good"

"Not good but better than you were, if you take rest for a day or two, you'll be fully recovered" She caressed my forehead gently then turned to a young girl standing beside her

"Take care of her. I'm going to Dhriti's chamber"

The girl bowed. After the lady disappeared she came closer to me with a huge grin

"Thank God you're awake. we were so scared when you didn't open your eyes for two days"

"Two days? "


"Yes. Even the prince was extremely tensed"


"Where am I ? H-how I came here? I-" I started panicking and tried to sit up.

"Hey calm down! You're safe here okay? I will tell you everything" The girl shook her head while readjusting my blanket

I tried to ignore the storm that was going on inside my head for a moment as I closed my eyes. My breaths were unstable so was my heart beat.

All I could think about was the man slicing Mani's throat. Mani who never gave me chance to miss my mother, who was my best friend, my mentor and my shelter.

I tried to save her, I really did.

"You okay? "

I didn't realize I had started crying, I hurriedly wiped my tears off and nodded
"Yes... It's just-"

"It's okay dear, I understand you went through a lot from the past few days" She smiled softly and handed me a glass of water.

"Here, you must be thirsty"

Sitting up I drank it in one go. Till now I didn't realise how I need this glass of water

"Thank you"

"By the way, we still don't know each other's name, mine is Sudha and yours?" She chirped.

I peeked at her big dow eyes through my long lashes then looked down at the empty glass.

"Um... It's-"

I couldn't just say my name but I loved my name, it was given by my mother, the only thing that made me feel connected with her but-

"Shri" I half lied.

"Such a beautiful name. If I'm not wrong it's another name of Goddess Lakshmi, right? "

I smiled faintly at her and nodded

"Hmm... Your face suits the name. I don't remember the last time I saw someone as beautiful as you"

I blushed at her comment and  bit my lower lip "nothing like that, you're more beautiful"

"Humbleness at it's best, I see" She laughed.

"Umm... You didn't tell me where I am?" I asked half out of curiousity and half to change the topic.

"Oh, Its Aryanka. Actually royal palace of Aryanka. If you're first time here, let me tell you it's extremely beau-"

I felt all the blood draining off of my body as I became stiff. I could hardly focus on Sudha.


I'm in Aryanka? No it can't- how?

Oh Kanha! Why are you doing this to me?


Third person

The Empress of Aryanka side glanced at her husband as he spoke in a calm yet harsh tone

"May I know who gave you the permission to bring a stranger in this royal palace, Prince Jay"

"At that time, my King, as a human and as a prince I did what I thought was right" Jay stated, his face void of any emotions.

"Bullshit! You know how father is concerned about royal palace privacy and security. And that girl can be dangerous" Dhruva snapped, hastily getting up from his sit.

"So what I was supposed to do, your Majesty? Let that girl die there just like that ?"

Ignoring Dhruv, Jay looked straight at his father's eyes who was taken a back from his youngest son's question.

"Yes! That's what you were supposed to do. Actually you were supposed to be in the royal dinner father arranged for our victory over Visala instead of wandering around and finding girls in distress to rescue"

Jay clenched his jaw. The last thing he wanted was to pick up a fight with Dhruv right now. He didn't want to anger his father anymore.

"Dhruv! Behave yourself" Queen Sudeshna then turned to Jay, her brown eyes bore into Jay's hazel ones.

"Dear I understand that as a person what you did was absolutely correct but as a prince you insulted your King by breaking his rules. Anyways, what's done is done. The only solution right now is to not let the girl out unless we are confirm she is of no harm" She stated in a firm tone.

"What?" Jay couldn't believe his ears. They couldn't just force someone to stay here.

"Sudeshna is right. I do not wish to speak about it anymore. We still couldn't find the Princess of Visala which is bothering me. I hope you won't make this situation worse for me Jay" Mahendra got up along with his wife and walked out.

Jay restrained himself from asking why he needed the princess of Visala when the war was between men and she had nothing to do with it but as usual he forced the words to die in his throat.

Dhruva slowly walked toward Jay with a malicious smile playing on his face"Or may be she can work as one of the royal entertainers. But of course not before I try her out, she has to have some quality. What do you think brother? " Dhruva started laughing throwing his head back.

"I think you should control that filthy tongue of yours, who knows when you lose it. I don't want my brother to become mute that too because of me" Jay smirkes

Dhruv's laughter came to an abrupt halt as he became rigid with anger.

"How dare you speak this way to your crowned prince ? " Dhruv hissed

"I'm much darer than that, respected crowned prince, I believe I've proven it the day I saved you from Visala princes when you were begging to them for your life"

"Jay!" Dhruv took out his sword from the scabbard and Jay took another step closer challenging his brother's temper.

But before the brothers could do anything Ishan barged in.

"Um..." Ishan cleared his throat as he began "Prince Jay, you've been called by Mayi to her room"

Ishan said in a low tone sensing the heat of that atmosphere as he eyed the princes who looked ready to kill each other any moment now.

Giving Dhruv a final glare Jay stormed out of the room followed by Ishan.


So Rajyashri is stuck in Aryanka? 😳 Or is she? 😉

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NOT EDITED 🥲 Kshama kardena 🥹🫶🏼


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