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"I-I need to go" I mused my eyes roved over the room for my Dupatta as I pushed myself off of the bed.

"What? why are you getting up?You haven't  recovered yet dear!" Sudha panicked as she walked in front of me.

"Sudha, thank you for everything. I really am but I....I can't stay here. Please try to understand" I pleaded while adjusting the orange veil on my head.

"But-" Before she could say anything, I stood on my legs and dragged my body toward the door as fast as I could.

There was no way I could stay here, in Aryanka. Especially in this royal palace, I was already sicken by the fact that I was saved by one of Aryanka princes.

As I was immersed in cursing my own fate, my body collided with a hard wall as a gasp left my mouth. Shutting my eyes tight I waited for my body to hit the ground while I lost my balance

But I didn't.

Instead I felt two pair of strong arms around my waist holding me up. With my heart thumping hard against my chest I slowly opened my yes only to witness the most gorgeous face I had ever laid my eyes on as those brownish green pair of eyes which were looking down at me enormously.

"You alright, My lady" His deep low voice husked making me jolt in surprise as I stood up on my feet and adjusted my dupatta in front of my chest properly.

I couldn't help but peered at the tall man through my long lashes.

His dark long curly hair was falling over his forehead and I felt a weird desire to push them back. His sharp nose complimented his slightly high cheekbones and a jaw which seemed sharper than a blade.

His masculine tall fame, his spicy scent everything screamed royalty, power, authority and I wanted to melt under that intense gaze of him.

"You alright My lady? " He repeated himself a bit louder than before.

Shame consumed me completely and I immediately looked down. I wanted to disappear, a man just caught me gawking at him like some wanton lady. What must he be thinking?

"I-uh" Still dazed by his beauty and embarrassment I found myself at lose of words "I'm fine, thank you" I managed to reply in an unusually shy tone.

Before I embarrass myself further I decided to get out of there when a high pitched now-familiar voice called out my name.


With a heavy sigh I whirled around as Sudha rebuked "Shri, please listen to me, you can't go. It's not up to me to-" She stopped midway as her eyes fell on the man beside me.

Her eyes went wide and cheeks turned pink. she looked down immediately as if she had just seen her would be husband "Pranipat Rajkumaar Jay" Her voice lower and softer than before


This man was a prince of Aryanka? A wave of anger, disgust flushed over me along with disappointment?

Once again I dared to look up, The adoration in my eyes was replaced by raw hatred and disgust for the person standing in from of me.

"What's going on here Sudha?" Mayi walked in looking at me and Sudha with disappointment as she continued turning at Sudha "Didn't I tell you to take care of her? This girl.. " She shook her head

"Mayi I swear on Mahadev, I tried my best to stop her"

I watched as Sudha's face turn pale and a faint sense of guilt settled in my heart, before Mayi could scold him anymore I replied

"She is right. I feel fine now and wish to go back to my... " gathering all my courage I added in a small tone "to my home"

A home I don't have anymore

But ignoring me completely Mayi went closer to Sudha "Sudha, you're needed at Queen's chamber "

She continued giving instructions to Sudha. I could still feel his gaze all over myself. I moved uncomfortably suddenly becoming self conscious, probably from the fear of being caught?

Or may be it's the fact that he was so breathtakingly handsome.

I felt like slapping myself right there, I couldn't be attracted to the man who destroyed my life yet I couldn't deny his presence was intimidating.

"You okay?" Mayi's concerned voice dragged me out of my unpleasant thoughts and I realized I just groaned loudly getting exasperated by my thoughts.

"Uh... Yes" I replied with a faint smile.

"I wish to discuss something with you love, since it was Jay who saved and brought you here, I asked him to come along and greet you"

"Pranipat Rajkumaar " I mumbled while playing with the edge of my veil. .

"Pranipat" Came his gravelly calm and rich voice.

"Why don't you sit down? " He asked as I watched him walking closer.

"No, I'm fine! I would like to hear what you wish to discuss with me"

"Well, it's more like informing you than discussing" He said eyeing Mayi.

My brows joined together as I frowned but stayed quite, wanting for him to continue

"Dear I know, your family must be worried sick and you want to go back to them but... " Mayi paused making the knot in my stomach come back with intensity

"B-but? " My voice shaky and dull. I hated these 'buts'.

"But you cannot leave the palace" After a small pause the prince added "well, not yet" He declared looking at me distantly

"What does this mean I can't leave the palace! " I panicked without caring whom I was speaking to as cold sweats started bidding on my forehead.

I was seeing my nightmare coming true in front of my eyes. What kind of trick fate was playing with mine I didn't know. All I knew this wasn't going to end very nicely.

"I-I can't stay here! Its not possible, no way" My knees went weak as I found it hard to keep my balance.

"Careful" The Prince warned as he held my wrist to prevent me from falling. I snatched it away instantly as my moist eyes filled with rage met with his worried hazel ones for a few moments untill Mayi decided to break it as she pulled me by elbow softly.

"I told you, you aren't recovered yet" She made me sit on the bed and caressed my curls while whispering softly

"Breath in, breath out, yes like that" She kept saying and when my breathing became normal she added

"I can understand what you're feeling. No you won't have to work as maid or anything like that, love. It's just a matter of few days"

"No you don't understand! No one does!" I cried out "Please let me go. I can't stay here"

" I don't understand why can't you stay here even after Mayi said it's a matter of few days? " The Prince questioned in a harsh tone and I looked up to see him scrutinizing me with a frown on his face


"I'm sorry but it's our King's order and there is no way I can let anyone break it. You can't go anywhere as long as my father says otherwise"

And then he left. Just like that he walked out leaving a devastated me who sat there like a lost soul still trying to figure out what on earth was happening with her.

Silently, imprudently I placed my head on Mayi's chest who wrapped her arms around me tightly. I closed my eyes by far too exhausted to even cry or yell or even feel.

The only thing I knew , I was trapped and there was no way out.


First actual meet of Jay and Shri ;) what's your thoughts on this chapter? Comment below

sorry if I missed anyone 🙏🏼✨

Byee! I'm with my 23 days old little nephew who is asking for his coolest aunt 😙
Edit- He is almost three now 🥹😭🫶🏼 And I miss him so much


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