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Third Person

Jay tried to ignore the heaviness in his heart. He again closed his eyes anticipating a sleep that never came.

Feeling an urgent need of fresh air he got off of his bed made his way to his private garden.

The cold breeze and the impenetrable silence reminded, he wasn't supposed to be here at such ungodly hour of night.

Was he wrong to inform his father about that incident after all? Did that girl really deserve to be a slave just because she wished to go back to her family?

Jay released a breath he had been holding all along as he tried to tame his wild emotions which were unusually not in his control.

As he was drawn in his own queer thoughts , he heard someone sniveling from afar and the very moment it reached his ear he knew who it was as his heart dropped in his stomach.

It didn't take him much time to reach there as he followed the sniffles.

And there she was crying her eyes out, sitting on the grassy ground, placing her head on the big stone beside her and closing her eyes and facing the bright half moon

His brain formulated no thoughts other than to register that he was the reason behind this tears. he had never witnessed someone crying this way, it was making him extremely uncomfortable, somehow fueling the guilt he was feeling

As if almost sensing his gaze on her she turned back, her eyes bright red and filled with confusion and shock as they fell upon him.

Rajyashri quickly stood up and turned her face away

"You? " Her voice was raspy as she cleared her voice before"What are you doing here? "

"Shouldn't I be the one asking this? " Before Jay could stop himself the words left his mouth.

"Of course My prince, a slave has no right to ask anyone anything, especially if the person is you. I'm extremely new to this 'slave-lifestyle' , if possible pardon me or you could take me to His highness" Rajyashri spat out every word in such way the softness in Jay's eyes were replaced by his usual coldness

"What you did was wrong, if not a crime, it indeed was a mistake, although I agree may be you didn't des-"

"I don't need your sympathy! " Shri stated coldly while wiping her face with the back of her palm.

"Can you please consider talking nicely for once at least, you don't know how one should talk to a prince, do you?" Jay rebuked, frustrated by her bratty behaviour.

"Then don't! why do a prince need to talk to a servant anyways, oh I mean slave" Rajyashri exaggerated the last in a way that made Jay clenched his jaw as he looked down at the woman in front of him taking a step close to her as she remained still.

"Oh believe me I don't wish to speak to you more than you want to speak to me but unlike some ungrateful brat I cannot forget I was the one who saved you and you're my responsibility. " He bite back

"I'm your slave, not responsibility" She whispered as silent tears flowed down her cheeks

They stood there still. Her teary eyes blazed in fury and his hazels with guilt. After what felt like ages Rajyashri took her eyes off of him.

"Go back to your -" Rajyashri left his sight even before he could complete his sentence.

Jay pulled his curly hair out of frustration. Why on earth he was feeling guilty for absolutely no reason? That girl got what she deserved. And even if she didn't, that's none of his concern he had much more serious matters to ponder over.


"Shri, it's almost dawn" Sudha placed a hand on my shoulder "Please get some rest, you've been standing here the whole night"

"I'm fine" I replied in a monotonous voice  staring at the cloudy moonless sky, dark and cold

Like my life.

Sudha had been trying to get me to sleep with all she had, in various ways. She was being too sweet, too kind and too compassionate for my liking.

"It's going to be alright" She repeated the same damn line with the same damn timorous tone "It'll be fine just gi—"

"Nothing is ever going to be alright Sudha" My strident voice cut her off as I swiveled around, facing her completely while she looked at me with her mouth partly open, clearly stunned by my outburst

"It will never be same for me and you know it. So please, for heaven's sake stop saying things even you don't believe" My lips trembled, saying these words out loud just made everything worse.


"No Sudha!"  I was breathing heavily as tears burned my eyes "I'm a slave and that's the truth. I do not need any pity or sympathy to deal with truth, I'm stronger than that"

"I'm sorry" She whispered, her voice thick with emotions  "Yes you're strong and I'm sorry to make you feel otherwise"

I closed my eyes letting the hot tears trailed down my face. I didn't mean to hurt Sudha but I did anyways. She would probably never even talk to me for being such an ungrateful witch and it better remained that way.

I didn't want to form any sort of relationship with anyone anyways. My life was way too complicated for that and I was way too damaged.

A creaking sound hauled me out of my thoughts forcing my eyes open. I watched as two women stood near the door, the way they were dressed it was clear they weren't maids.

"Is the new girl stays here?" One of them in dark green lehenga asked, her eyes travelling from Sudha to me.

"New girl?" Sudha asked clearly confused as she looked at me for answer.

Horror gripped the insides of me as I struggled to breath. I knew exactly who the 'new girl' was. I wanted run from there and hide somewhere no one could find me.

"New slave" Other one in marron lehenga concluded rolling her eyes.

I could feel Sudha going stiff beside me, her hand slowly grasped mine "No....I mean sh—"

"That would be me" I silenced a panicked Sudha. There was no point in denying the obvious, it would just make things even more hilarious than it already was.

"Shri!!" Sudha chided

"Sudha" I freed my hand from her grip and placed in on her shoulder "I never meant to hurt you" That's all I had to say to her rather managed to say to her as I watched her pursing her lips in a thin line while she nodded with tears glistening in her beautiful brown orbs.

"We don't have the whole day to watch this little drama of yours" The woman in maroon lehenga scowled while advancing toward us.

She grabbed me by my elbow and started dragging me. I didn't bother struggling I knew I was, mentally and physically, far too weak to win. I looked back at Sudha and gave her a soft smile and assured with my eyes, before she disappeared from my view.


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