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"Where are you taking me?" I asked as they streeled me callously through the still dark hallways.

"Where you belong" The woman replied and although her face was invisible in dark I could practically see the smirk she had.

"And where do I exactly belong? Pray, tell me" I demanded willing my feet to stop as I jerked my hand off of her.

"What do you think you're doing girl" The woman in green lehenga snapped halting in their track "You've been stupid enough to try escaping the royal palace already"

"I wish to know where I am being dragged to" Ignoring their jab I quired.

"And if we don't answer you?" The maroon one asked, her voice dipped in amusement.

"Then I will not come along" I stated. I had promised to accept my fate but not without fight. A voice inside me screamed how dense I was being but I refused to listen to it.

Both the ladies looked at each other before bursting into a deep howling. I clenched my lehenga tightly while my jaw tensed

"I'm sorry" The maroon managed to utter as she gasped for air before continuing "But you really think you are in any position to 'want' anything?" She again started laughing this time covering her mouth with her dupatta

The woman in green lehenga came closer to me, her lips curled up in a vicious smile "Don't laugh at this little girl Rekha" She trailed her forefinger down my face "She doesn't know what she had gotten herself into"

I turned my face away feeling sick at her touch. I could feel the terror at the pit of my stomach but the kshatriysni inside me didn't allow me to show it.

"Ranga will make sure she does, soon" Rekha yanked me to her through my elbow, the grip was much tighter and harsher than the previous one. Her eyes were smiling down at me mysteriously before she tugged me along her.

By the time we entered in an entirely new mansion which had been located far away from the main palace, the sun had already came out painting the sky in its colour of reds and oranges.

The distant sound of ghungru and veena grew stronger as we neared the main door.

"Tell Ranga we've brought the new girl" Lekha said the eunuch who looked at me from head to toe.

Her eyes expressing her dissatisfaction as she teared her gaze off of me before replying "She had already informed us, you may go inside"

As soon as she opened the door Rekha propelled me inside making me almost lose my balance as I stumbled forward silencing the whole room.

I stood on my feet properly before raising my eyes as it roved over the huge hall room. Women of many ages were scattered all over, some were sitting in front Veeenas, some in front of the mirror or some were simply standing.

My eyes halt in its track as soon as they landed on the woman in the silver throne. She was probably in her mid fifties, her curly silver hair was hanging lose and the black bindi she was wearing covered most of her forehead, there was something in her gaze that sent chills down my spine making my chest tightened.

She gradually stood up before stepping closer to me. Her eyes scrutinizing every pore of me, making me shift in discomfort and kept my gaze glued to the marble floor.

"Too pale, too thin" Her comment came in dismayed sigh.

"What's your name?" Her deep voice quired while I stayed silent before feeling her stepping even closer.

The smell of smoke and liquor made it arduous for me to stay still and spontaneously I tilted my head a little before her rough hand harshly cupped my face, turning it to face her.

Her ebony orbs sent chills down my spine so did her hissing voice as she spat "When I ask you something, you answer. Alright?"

My eyes bore into her as I clenched my jaw keeping my face bereft of any emotion even though her nails were digging into my cheeks.

"Do. You. Understand?" Her grip tightened and I knew blood started coming from out from the cuts her nails made on my cheeks.

When I stayed still, she looked more irritated than furious as she turned to Lekha, freeing me from her hold "Is she deaf? What on earth am I going to do with a damn deaf piece of shit? She isn't even pretty!"

"She is not deaf and definitely not mute" Rekha replied, eyeing me as if remembering something.

Ranga turned to me "You really think such dumb tantrum will ever lead you anywhere?" She chuckled dryly before throwing herself on the couch as she resumed.

"Nidhi, take her to her room give her some food and take care of those ugly scars. If she continues acting like a dumb bitch, let me know immediately"


"So you're not going to eat?" Nidhi sighed in despair while I just remained silent and she continued "Look, my patience is running out and the last thing I want is to call Ranga"

"Go ahead" I bite back.

"Oh dear, you don't have any idea what she can do to you, do you?" She scoffed.

"But now she will"

I looked up and found Ranga standing by the door looking down at me maliciously. I refused acknowledge the rising panic in my heart and watched as she stepped closer.

"You may leave now" She ordered, her eyes fixed on me


"I said, leave" Her voice boomed in the small silent room making the girl jolt and she went off in a hurry.

"Do you know why you are brought here?" Ranga took a sit beside me before continuing "You were brought here to train to be a good slave. Do you know what slaves do?"

Suddenly she grabbed my hair forcefully and pain shot up in my head as I let out a loud yowl "They listen and do what they are asked"

"I'm not a slave" I managed to whisper as silent tears trailed down my cheeks.

"You can keep chanting it but truth remains truth" She tightened her hold and I bit my lower lip to stop myself from begging her to leave. I felt like passing out from the pain, and I wished I could pass out but I was very much conscious and the pain was just becoming intolerable.

It hurts!

"Since you are being a little bitch, it's time to teach you a lesson" She finally released my hair and I gasped for breath. A wave of dizziness swept over me and I placed my hand on my temple for support.

Ranga stood on her feet before clapping her hands and within few seconds Rekha rushed in

"Get her ready, she will join the girls tonight"

Rekha's eyes narrowed in confusion but she didn't say anything but nodded. Throwing a death glare at me Ranga left.

"Get up, you need to get ready and please for heaven's sake don't start with tantrums!" She heaved a desperate sigh.

"Ready for what?"

"For the selection" She replied in a duh tone before adding observing my blank stare "You don't know what a selection is, do you?"

"It's where your master will chose you" She began "The Royal men will be the first ones to get to select their mistress and then their friends and the rest women will either be sold or send to another Kingdom as gifts. It's a custom"

This author loves spice, be it food or books ;)

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