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Basically, the murder started last year, before I moved here. She also said that all the victim died in different place in school. But she glad that this school isn't haunted.. yet.There are 4 students who get murdered.

Claude- 4-2
Lancelot- 4-3
Clint- 4-2
Estes- 4-1

"Until now, we don't know who was the murderer. The murderer didn't leave any traces. And we also worried about those girls who died. I don't know that the murdered attacked a girl too, I tought that person only attacked male students" Angela said and I can feel that she is shivering while tell me the story.

I nodded. I really want to know who was the murderer. So I'm not alone. But I'm curious who did it?

"Go to your place Angela, don't think about it. It'll give you negative vibe all the time. Relax, I'm sure no one will bother you. Just think positive okay?" I said and smile to her. She nod.

"Thanks for the advice Ruby. You're nice friend" She said and smile. She slowly walk to her place and lean on the chair. I look at the plain whiteboard and smirk.

Friends huh? Since when we're friends?

As I'm thinking about something else, I snapped out to reality when I smell something familiar. Something that I like. I smell a faint of blood. I quickly move my head and look around to search the source.

Suprisingly, the source came right beside of me. Yeah, it's Alucard. I look at him with weird look. Since when he's here? Honestly, he make me shock for a while. He look at me and smile.

"Since when are you here?" I ask him and look directly into his blue eyes. I quickly change my direction. I can't stare at his too long. I might fall for him more.

"Not a long time ago. You lost in tought before. What are you thinking? Boyfriend?" He ask me and put both of his hand back of his head. He look at me with teasing look. I notice something weird with his question.

While everybody being busy with the murdered and he tease me about boyfriend? Well, maybe he want to joke with me. I giggle slowly and reply.

"I don't have any love one right now. I'm not interested in anybody. Well, I'm just thinking about something. It's doesn't matter, it's not important at all"

He nodded slowly and smile again. Why.. Why is he so charming?

I shook my head slowly and then teacher come and start teaching.


When the class end, I walk to the locker room and put my belongings there. I walk and want to walk home. But it's raining heavily. I sigh and search for my umbrella which I often keep it in my bag.

Great, I left it. I sigh, why it is today I left my umbrella. I want to have a rest during this cold yet comfy weather. I decided to go to cafeteria to drink and do some homework. I walk there alone and spot a police and forensic team behind one of a school block.

I'm curious what happened there. If I go there, it's no use. Students are not allowed there since police and forensic team there. Plus with the rain, just no, I am too lazy to get myself wet. Judging by the situation, I think someone just murdered there.

Well, it's not even my problem. I decided to ignore it and walk to the cafeteria. I sit at the empty spot and ordered some milk tea. I start to open my book and do my howework. And I'm kind of person who's hard to make ny homework at home.

After several minutes someone stand infront of me and smile. It's Miya.

"Can I join you?" She ask me. I simply nod. She sit infront of me and open her book. She also doing homework. While she open her book, something fall and I decided to take it.

It's a piece of photo. A photo of a guy with charming white hair. I give it to her.

"Oh my god! Thank you Ruby. If you not notice it, I might be lost it. This is the only photo I have, Thank you so much" She said and wipe some tears in her eyes.

That person must be important for her. She stare at the photo for a long time and put it in her wallet.

I decided to ask her about that guy and I want to break the silence.

"Who's he? He's important in your life right? If you don't want to share it's alright. I don't want to push you" I said and look at her eyes. It's clearly said that she miss someone. Probably that guy in the photo.

By any chance, was he the one who get murdered too?


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