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Today is the second day of school. Like most people, I'll do my daily routine before going to school. I take a bath, making some breakfast for myself and like always, I'll walk to the school.

But today is different, I decided to walk avoiding the dark alley because I know, police already there an investigating. I slowly smirk. They will never find out because I'll make sure that I'm not leaving any evidence to that body.

If I use the alley, police will ask me about it. So I decided to not use that alley for one week or maybe two.. or maybe a month.

Today's weather is good, just like yesterday. The morning breeze touch my body. I feel slight cold but I ignore it. As I got there, I go to the my locker and take my stuff.

During that time, all the students whispering and gossiping with each other. I shrugged my shoulder. Probably about those 3 people death. It'll be a mystery because there are no evidence at all.

I walk to my classroom and sit at my place. Alucard isn't here yet. To fill my boredom, I take out my sketch book and draw something. I actually can draw well.

I just drawing anything in my mind. It about 10 minutes and I nearly finished. I sigh, I guess I'm too early to school. Tomorrow, I'll go a bit late. I continue my drawing to finish it and I focus on my drawing.

"Woah, you draw me? It's really look like me" a person said while sit beside me. I lift my head to see that person. It's Alucard. I slightly look at my drawing and back to his face.

Urm, it's really look like him. So, it's clear that Alucard in my mind. Geez, whats wrong with me. I tear the page and write my signature there. I hand the page to him.

"Take it. I drew your face because you're my first friend and deskmate. Don't get the wrong idea" I said trying to cover everything up. Sometimes, I just do anything without thinking. It can't be help.

He smile to me and take it. His smile, make my heart pound quickly. Cut it out Ruby. He's not having interest in you.

"Thank you Ruby. You're the best artist" He said and smile at me. I nod and say welcome to him.

He take out his book from his bag. I take a glance at his bag. There are a pouch that I see before. What is that? Why I feel curious about that simple thing? It's just a pouch but I think I need to take a look at it. I can feel that there are something behind that pouch. I know I shouldn't have any suspicion towards that simple pouch. But, I can feel it.

During the reccess time, Alucard actually ask me to go to the cafeteria with him. But I rejected it because I don't feel like I want to eat right now. All my classmates go to the cafeteria or library.

I'm all alone in that class. I look at the pouch in his bag. I carefully take it and make sure there are no people who in this class. I take the pouch and opened it.

It's just a random thing. Like button badge with monkey photo on it, a comb, a perfume and a tiny notebook. What's with this weird thing?

He must keep something secret. I can feel it. He hide something. I close the pouch and put it back on his bag. He's weird. I can't stop thinking about it.

I put my head on the table and close my eyes. I guess I'll take a nap until reccess time over. When I'm nearly sleep, someone talk to me.

"You're not feeling well Ruby?"

I lift my head. It's Miya. I shook my head and said no. She nodded and said okay. Then, she walk back to her place and do some work.

After several minutes, my classmate start to filling the class. And they keep gossiping about the trio death.

"You know it's really weird. Before this male students get murdered and now? female students too? I'm scared oh my god save me" Angela said to her friends.

Male students got murdered? Is there something about this school I didn't know? There must be something.

I look at Angela. She notice that I look at her and she ask why.

"Can you tell me about the male students? You know, since I am new here" I ask her. She hesitantly nod her head. She walk to my place and start to tell me about the murdered.

She tell me everything, about the male students that got murdered, their name and class. And somehow, this thing are kinda fun.


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