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Without my realisation, we're at his bed-- resting after had some great satisfication. Really, I don't know what's gotten into me today. My actual plan is to kill this guy after he offered me the glass of water but everything change drastically.

I think a while and decided to not kill him. By the way, this method kinda work. All my shiver and tremble are disappear and its really help me alot.

That guy currently hugging in the bed and put his face at my hair. Although he a good-looking guy, but still I never develop any feelings for him. It's maybe just a lust and nothing more.

I had to admit that even I am disappointed with Alucard, my feelings for him will never fade. My tought of Alucard end after the guy suddenly kiss my forehead.

"You know, this is so sudden right" I said and position myself to look at his face. He slowly open his eyes and look at me.

"I know, but still we didn't introduce ourselves formally" He said. I let out a small giggle- as I look at his eyes. It's a charming one though, but I prefer Alucard than him.

"I'm Ruby, and you?" I ask him.

"Granger" He said.

Silent fill up the room once again. I reposition myself and put my head to his chest and close my eyes. It's tiring because that was actually my first time. I don't know how to feel exactly. I'm confuse, should I feel regret or happy for this.

Well, at least he didn't harm me. So I think it is safe? I don't know whether I want to kill him or not. Since the urge already fade away, I think I just let him alive.

My real problem is Miya. I need to wipe her out as soon as possible. My eyes look at the window, it's still bright so I assume it's evening already. So, a little nap not hurt right?

I close my eyes as I feel the warmth surround around me. It's feels good though. The situation finally send me to a deep slumber instead of a nap.


Alucard's POV

Actually, I don't remember anything yesterday. As I wake up I found myself with Miya on her bed, totally naked. Well, if we really did that I actually didn't care. As long as she didn't make any fuss.

Last night, actually I notice about something in my tea cup. I know something were off in the first place. Even the water that she served is actually off. But, I keep drink it because just to play along with her game.

I also notice her weird attitude beforehand. I know she up to something.

I actually don't know about her motive but I keep play along. About the make out thing, I didn't care at all. If she pregnant and she didn't want to abort, I'm the one who's going to make that.

Because I don't have any interest in Miya, at all.

I just play with her game and I actually feels that it's kinda connect to Ruby. I feel like it and I know my gut will never wrong. So I just follow with the flow and I know if she make any problem with Ruby, Ruby will execute her right away.

She should not make a fuss with Ruby in the first place. Ruby is a person who going to make anything to fill her satisfication and her urge. Everything, including murdering and every illegal thing to do in this world.

That's why I like her.

Talk about Ruby, I personally have some feelings towards her. The way she act when her blood-thirst attack her, they way she gracefully kill her victim and they way she lick the blood.

Her appearance really does not resembles her. She's a cute looking girl because of her small face and her petite body. But in the inside, she's indeed a beast, full with bloodlust.

The characteristic of her really didn't match with her appearance though. You can't look down at her, she'll always have something in her mind. She's also a quick witted person.

The first day I met her, I already feel and smell-- a little faint of blood in her. With her favourite colour is red, I can deduce it and I even put a hidden camera in her house and a hearing device in her bag.

Scary isn't?

Well, I better search for her, I mean spy her to know what she's doing today because I didn't get to see her today.


I should mention before that this story contains slight GrangBy 🤣

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