Twenty Five

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I look at myself, full of blood. How can I walk in this kind of shirt. People might suspect me. I look at Alucard as I see that he is wearing his blue coat.

I smile sweeetly toward him. He look at me and raise one of his eyebrows. Really? He just play dumb right now. He know exactly what I need right now.

"No, no this is my favourite coat. I don't want to stain it with blood" He said and show his playful face towards me. Geez, I wish I could smack his face on the wall.

"Aww, come on. Just for me please! I'll do everything. Besides, you're my life saviour today" I said and act cute toward him. I know he can't resist my cuteness.

Well, I just feel like it. Haha, don't mind me.

I keep looking at his eyes. Yeah, I hope I don't faint when staring at his charming blue eyes. Let's pray for it. He take a deep breath and sigh in defeated.

See? I told you.

He opened his coat and I use it to cover the blood at my shirt. But still, Some part of my body and faces got some blood. What should I do huh?

Should I just run all the way or what? I sigh and keep thinking. I look at Alucard again, I need his idea. So I just smile at him-- hoping that he can do something for me.

He shook his head and sigh. He carry me in bridal style to cover some blood. But still, its help a lot.

"Hold me tight okay"

He said as he ready to run again. I hold his neck tight and one of my hand on his chest-- it's quite hard though. My face getting to get warm and kind of red. What if...

Stop day dreaming Ruby!

He start to run again all the way to my house. Since you know, the dark alley is the shortest route to go to school, that's mean my house is not too far away from this alley.

As we enter my house, both of us sit on the sofa, even I know the blood will stain it. Alucard catching some breath to stable himself. After some minutes I stand up because I want to go to the bathroom, to clean myself.

"Make yourself at home, even your house is just across the road. You can use the bathroom in this floor, I'll use the bathroom at the upstairs" I said to him. He just nodded slowly.

Before I go upstairs, I look at his face. He look at me with weird expression and he raise one of his eyebrow towards me. Clearly, he can't read my expression at all.

"What?" He ask me-- to get out from the curiosity. I smile sweetly towards him.

"Thank you Alucard for everything. You're really my saviour today. I don't know what to do if you're not around, maybe I'll attack people blindly and carelessly. Thank you so much!" I said and bow to him.

He look at me and laugh. Okay what?

"It's okay Ruby. That's what I need to do for you. You can do the same if that situation happens to me. Maybe you're my cute life saviour" He said and lean on the sofa comfortably.

Is he calling me cute?

I just smirk to hide my true feelings toward him. He still there, not even move an inch in the sofa. Tired huh?

Before I go to the upstairs, I look at his face and make the gap becoming close. He look at me with his weird expression. I quickly give him a quick peck on his cheek and quickly go upstairs.

Before I even have the time to go upstairs, he quickly pull my hand and our lips fell on each other. My eyes wide open and I quickly step back and break the kiss.

My face are flushed with his action and it's already heating up. I look at him and he just give me a charming smirk. At this rate, he can make my nose bleeding.

I just freeze there until he said

"What? want more?" He sais again and laugh slowly.

My face blushed even more and quickly go upstairs. I can't stand with his charm. He's too good looking for me. I just hope that I don't die from his handsome face and his attitude towards me.

I might die one day. Just blame him if I died, even it's not caused by him.


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