Twenty Four

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It's been a week, Alucard and I becoming more close and close each day. We start to know each other better, but still he never tell me why he kill those students.

Miya also didn't take any move yet. So I take this chances to make my friendship between Alucard and I becoming close.

Since, tomorrow is weekend we decided to hang out after school, just me and Alucard. We walk around the town together. We had so much fun together until something familiar happened towards me.

We go to the ice cream stall and buy some ice cream since it's a hot day, which is the most suitable time to eat an ice cream. Right after we buy the ice cream, that thing attack me right away. Why at this hour? Why must right now?

I know Alucard notice my behaviour and look around. It's open place so there's quite a lot of people there. My body start to shiver and blood-thirst. How can I attack people in this open place?!

I'm afraid if I'll attack people carelessly.

"Shit" I said and hold Alucard arm. My whole body trembling even more. My hand start becoming cold. Ah, I hate this. My throat is itching. I need some blood.

"Geez, when the last time you did that? Don't worry I'll help you. Come, I'll carry you on my back. You can't hold it anymore right?" He said and give a small smirk towards me. I nodded in defeat and hop on his back.

"Almost 2 days" I said, answering his question as he bring me to nowhere.

"Really? it's just 2 days and you can't hold yourself? Geez, Ruby you becoming more and more violent there. You blood-thirst is no joke" He said as he start to run.

"You're just the same Alu. We're not even different at all. Maybe a little bit different, but we're just the same. Hurry up! I don't think I can hold it. My whole is itchy to search for a blood" I whipered to his ears.

He carry me and run to the dark alley, when I used to killed a person before. It's quite far but he run so fast so he make it in a short period of time. Somehow it's feel like I'm his girlfriend who sprained her ankle and her boyfriend offering help to carry on his back.

It's so cliche.

As we got there I lean on the wall. Since the day I murdered people here, almost no one using this alley again. Alucard told me to wait for him and I simply nod. I know he search for the victim. It can't be help, I need to kill a person right now.

Sorry people, especially my victim. Well, not sorry.

"Hey sir! Could you help me with some problem? I really need your help it's emergency"

I heard Alucard said not to far away. He really serach for an innocent people there. I look down as I can feel my body keep shivering even more. I quickly pull out my knife which I always keep it in my pocket.

"Yeah, I can help you. What's your problem man?" The guy said.

"Here, follow me!" He said and I can hear their footstep becoming clear and more clear. As they stop right infront of me, I still look at my feet.

Alucard slowly position himself at the back of the guy.

"What's with this girl man? Wanna play a game or what huh?" He said. I can feel that guy smile towards me. What a pervert man right here. He need to be killed.

Alucard quickly put his hand on the guy mouth to shut him down. Alucard's speed is no joke.

"Now Ruby!" He said as he put his other hand on the guy chest. I quickly grab my knife tight and stab the guy's stomach endlessly until I feel a little bit tired. But I keep going.

That guy scream but Alucard is quick and strong enough to shut him up. After some minutes, the guy fall unconcious. Alucard step back to avoid himself from the blood. While me, make a cut at all of his body-- just to see the blood gushing out and make me bath in blood.

I keep doing that until Alucard told me to stop.

"You better be fast, people might be here anytime" He said. Since I'm satisfied with myself, I nod in agreement.

I lick some of the blood in my hand and smile satisfied with it.

"How sweet"

I said without thinking. Alucard just stood there and shook his head while barely smirking towards me.

I just smile and giggle while look at him as I stand up-- when I am ready to get home and I feel satisfied with it.


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