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“Welcome you three to Vicious Sanguis, the new private school you will be attending. Stay here as I get your bags.” Our driver said as we got our of the car.

The three of us looked at the dark creepy school and took in its overgrown bushes and the forest all around it.

“Do you guys know what Sanguis means?” Sunoo asked.

“I’m already on it.” Jungwon said as he got out his phone. After a few seconds he responded. “Looks like Sanguis means blood in Latin.” He said as he slid his phone back into his pocket.

“So this place is called Vicious Blood. Cool.” I said uncertainty. This place was certainly different from our old school Lux, about the same amount of people but the vibe was totally different. The school was a dark stone building with some strange fencing around it. Lux was a big cream colored building with flowers planted everywhere, but here there wasn’t a flower in sight.

Not to mention the name. Lux literally means light in Latin, but now we are about to attend a school called Sanguis, blood.

“I miss Lux already.” Sunoo said.

“I agree. This place doesn't look like it will fit us.” Jungwon spoke sadly.

“Yeah, this place is literally in the middle of creepy woods. This doesn't exactly seem like a place we would be.” I chimed in.

“Now you three don’t judge. I know this looks different from your old school, but I’m sure you will fit right in!” Our driver said as he handed us all our roller bags filled with luggage. “Just keep your head up, you’ll be back at Lux in no time.”

“But they have to rebuild it from scratch.” Jungwon said.

The driver gave us a smile. “I know, just stick through it. This will be over before you know it. Now I have to head back but it looks like some people are coming to greet you.” He pointed to the stairs in front of the school as a man in a suit and a woman in a professional dark red dress walked down to us.

“He’s right guys. Lets not judge, we’ve got this.” I said to my two friends as we talked a bit forward to meet the man and woman. I tried to put on a confident face, but in reality I’m freaked out. I’m wearing a bright blue sweater and have a matching pajama set, I don’t belong at a place like this.

“You three must be Jake, Sunoo, and Jungwon.” The man said with a blank expression as he looked down at the papers in his hand. “I am headmaster Casper and you will address me as such.” He looked up and glared at us.

I had the urge to make a joke about Casper the friendly ghost, but something tells me this guy wouldn’t find it funny. He is the opposite of Casper the ghost, this man is flat out scary. He had dark and dead eyed which creeped me out even more.

“My assistant Lillian here will show you your dorm and give you a brief tour. Afterwards you will attend class and catch up on the studies you missed. I recommend you not fall behind.” He said to all of us as he handed the woman his little pile of paper and walked back in the school.

Sunoo, Jungwon, and I stood there stunned. I didn’t expect him to be nice to us but that was just harsh.

“Now that that’s over with” Lillian started. “I am Mrs.Lillian and I will give you a tour of our grounds and help you three get comfortable here. I hope you don't let the dark exterior scare you, Sanguis is really a wonderful school.” She said with a bright smile.

The three of us beamed our smiles at her, the last thing we needed was another rude person telling us what to do.

“The dorm buildings are this way.” She said as we followed her on a path behind the school. The building looked a lot like the school, dark and creepy. We walked up some stairs and finally got to our room. 

The door to our room was the only room on the highest floor, and for some reason it was strangely placed in the corner of the complex.

“Why are there no other dorms on the floor?” I asked as we approached the room.

“Ah, it’s just for security reasons. We like giving new kids…...their own space.” She hesitated and her smile faltered, but nonetheless she handed us all a key and opened the door to our room. “I will come back in half an hour to retrieve you three. The school uniforms for you are on each one of the beds so make sure you change.” She said as she shut the door behind here.

“You know, the more we are here, the more I hate it.” Jungwon said as I giggled at him. The kitchen and living room were strangely dark with all brown furniture and dim lights. 

“It’s giving me very much dark acidemia vibes.” Sunoo said. “Agreed.” Jungwon and I said in unison. There was a set of stairs that led up to three different bed rooms, each with their own bathroom. We all randomly picked a door and entered, claiming it as our own.

Lux school was expensive, but this place must cost a fortune. A king sized bed with a couch and desk along with its own full bathroom. Hell, I don’t like this place but I could get used to living in luxury. 

I found the school uniform laying on my nicely laid bed, so I changed and began packing.


“Come on Jake hyung.” Jungwon said as I ran down our dorm stairs so we could meet Lillian again. The three of us wore the school uniforms, and I must say we looked great.


"Alright lads, lets get our first day over with."

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