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I have to admit, the school was beautiful. Creepy but beautiful. Thankfully when she showed us around everyone was in class, otherwise seeing people might give me an anxiety attack.

Sure we were wearing the uniforms, but you could tell we didn’t fit in. We aren't meant to be at a place like this. She took us to the main office and gave the three of us our schedules. 

“Lunch has just started so you will go down the main hallway and take a left. Afterwards you are all expected to be in your classes, we don't do well with tardies or absences.” Lillian said as the three of us took her directions.

I wanted to look at my schedule, but the second we walked out of the office the busy hallway got quiet as everyone stared at us.

It wasn't a good stare either, it was a piercing one. Some gave us looks of pity, and others made us look like we were their next meal. I shit you not, there wasn’t a word spoken as we walked through that hallway.

The three of us kept our heads down and quickly entered the cafeteria. There was an empty table in the corner so we quickly went there. 

As we sat down, we heard many gasps as people continued to stare at us. The gasps quickly turned into whispering and soon I felt comfortable enough to speak to my friends again.

“This place is…” I trailed. “Creepy?” “Horrible?” Jungwon and Sunoo finished my sentence for me. We all tried to hide our giggles, this doesn't exactly seem like the place where you laugh. 

“It looks like we all share our last period, but thats it.” Jungwon said as Sunoo made a sad face.

“Hey, it’s better than nothing.” 

“Don’t either of you think it's weird that a lot of people here aren't eating anything? Like I’m too creeped out to eat but shouldn’t they be used to it here?” Jungwon said.

The three of us started looking around, he was right, a large handful of people weren't eating. That’s strange for a school.

“What are you doing here?” A voice boomed close to us. The three of us turned our heads to see a group of four boys standing at the edge of our table. The one that spoke was a tall attractive guy with black hair and a cute mole under his eye. The room once again went silent.

I looked at Sunoo and Jungwon, but we were all too stunned to speak.

“Aren't you guys going to answer him? What are you doing here?” Another boy said, he was extremely tall with blonde hair and a middle part.

“Uh, sitting?” Sunoo said. “Ow” He said as Jungwon kicked him under the table. “Not the time to be sassy, Sunoo!” Jungwon whispered.

The blonde boy raised his eyebrow at Sunoo. “You’ve got a lot of nerve.” He said as he walked closer to Sunoo.

Sunoo ignored him and a scared look made its way on Jungwons face. He looked at me and I gave a slightly scared face back. “Looks like someones scared.” One of the other boys said as he walked towards Jungwon, followed by another boy. “You should be scared.”

“What's your problem?” I asked the one still staring at me.

“Well pup” He said as he crept even closer, his face a few inches away from my ear. “This is our table, and you're in my spot.”

Is he freaking serious? “There are like 5 other tables.” Sunoo said. 

“Sunoo I swear to god if you don’t handle your sas-” I said as the 4 boys laughed. 

“And on that note, I think it's our cue to leave.” Jungwon said as he lightly pushed away to two boys creeping closer to him. He grabbed Sunoos hand and then mine as he pulled us out of the cafeteria. All I could hear was the four boys chuckling at us.

Its really pissing me off.

It’s literally our first day at this weird school and now people are being rude to us. “I’m going to throw my shoe at one of them.” Sunoo said. “Good luck.” I responded as we walked into the empty hallway.


The rest of the lunch period we walked around and tried to find each of our next classes. It was a big school and by the time the bell rang to head to class, I forgot where my next class was.

I tried following my steps until I found the math hallway. “Where the freak is Statistics” I sighed as I walked more and finally found the class with mere seconds to spare.

I walked in just as the bell rang and walked up to the teacher. Every student was sat in a desk and they were all creeply silent. Do these people not talk? How lame.

“Can I help you?” The teacher asked. He was a younger man and pale as snow, these people seriously need to get out. I handed him my schedule and he nodded his head.

“Ah, hello Jake. I am Mr.Vernon.” He said as he gave me a light handshake. “Class this is our new student Jake, make sure we make his time here at Sanguis Memorable.” He said as he pointed to a seat in the middle row for me to sit in.

I kept my head down and walked there, not daring to meet anyone's eyes. I quickly sat down as he started class.

“Ah Yeji, I trust you will help the new student catch up?” Mr.Vernon asked.

“Yes, sir.” The girl next to me said. I took the chance to look at her. She had blonde hair with a red stripe that was pulled into braids. She was wearing the normal school uniform, but had a strange red scarf wrapped around her neck. 

She handed me a notebook with notes to copy down and I started working on in. I hate statistics. Its the bane of my existance.

As I was writing away and trying to pay attention to Mr.Vernon, when I felt something hit my back. I tried not to make a big deal of it and shrugged it off, but a few seconds later I felt another.

Someone was throwing rolled up paper at me.

I was losing my patients the more I felt, and once one hit my head I snapped.

“Can you stop?!” I said a bit too loudly as I turned around. It was the guy from lunch, the one with a mole under his eye and he had a big ass smirk on his face.

“Is there a problem, Jake?” Mr.Vernon said. Oh shit, I done fucked up. I turned around and bowed a bit.

“I’m sorry sir, it won’t happen again.” I said as I hung my head down.

“It better be. I don’t take people interrupting my teaching well, the next time this happens its an automatic detention.” He said. I nodded as he got back to teaching, I turned around and gave that boy a death glare.

What the hell is his problem?

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