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Class finally finished as I started packing up to leave.

“Jake.” Yeji said, I stood up and looked at her. She looked at me with her pretty fox eyes as she shifted nervously. “There are some people here you should stay away from. You can’t trust everyone here, it's for your own good.” She said as she turned and left the classroom.

“Yeji wait-” I said but it was too late. She walked out of the classroom and I began leaving as well.

“Looks like you’ve got yourself a little girlfriend pup.” The boy from earlier said with a large smirk. “However, she doesn’t exactly seem like your type.” He crossed his arms and stood in front of me, blocking my only exit.

“What are you- what are you even talking about. No, nevermind, I don’t want to talk to you.” I said as I tried cutting around him, as he stepped in front of my path again.

“What do you want?” I asked him.

“I want-” “There you are Sunghoon.” A guy said as he ran up next to him. It was one of the guys from earlier that was harassing Jungwon.

“What, Jay.” The boy, Sunghoon, said. “We have...matters to discuss. It’s about Ni-ki.” Jay said.

I took this as my chance to walk around him and leave the classroom. I felt Sunghoons eyes on me as I left, but something about that guy just gave me the creeps.

Thankfully it was the last period of the day, the class I shared with Jungwon and Sunoo. I walked down the large and crowded hallway until I found the language hallway.

“There he is.” Jungwon said as he grabbed and pulled me to Sunoo. “Oh thank god, I’ve missed you guys.” I said.

“Yeah, our classroom is right over there.” Jungwon said as he pointed to our literature class. “Okay nice lets…..lets.” Sunoo started as he stared at something with a slight angry face. We followed his gaze and saw them. Those four pricks walking into our classroom.

“You’ve got to be kidding me, not that kid again.” I said.

“I second that, I had to sit next to the tall blond guy Niki last hour and after a few seconds of being next to me he ran out of the classroom. Like why was he being so dramatic?” Sunoo said.

“Lets just get this over with. They might be creepy but I have the two of you, that means I can do anything.” Jungwon said as he took our hands and walked us into the classroom. 

I was beyond happy to have this class with Jungwon and Sunoo. They are a year below me, but are in a higher level english class so we get to share the class together. We stood at the front of the class once again as we waited to talk to the teacher.

When she turned around she pointed to different seats for us to sit in. Thankfully we got to sit near each other, but there was quite a big problem. Every seat between me and my friends were filled with one of those pricks, even worse I had to sit next to the paper throwing guy Sunghoon.

Here is the set up for all my people that need pictures.

I slowly made my way over and sat between Sunghoon and a guy I learned to be Heeseung.

“Ah great, we can finish that conversation from before. Isn’t that right pup.” Sunghoon said as he quirked an eyebrow.

“I've only just met you, but you are already intolerable.” I told him.

“Get used to it.” He said with a wink. THAT BITCH- I scoffed at him and turned down to my work. I don’t have the mental capacity to deal with these shitheads.

“Alright class.” The teacher started. “We will all be working in pairs to analzye the first scene in the play Macbeth. You may all choose your partners, make it quick.” She clapped.

I tried running out of my seat to go to either Jungwon or Sunoo, but I felt a hand on my arm.

“Wow, you must really hate me to be running away that quickly.” Sunghoon said. I rolled my eyes as I shook off his arm.

I was about to ask Jungwon if he wanted to be partners, but I found Heeseung and Jay arguing about who would get to work with him.

“I asked him first, Heeseung.” “No Jay, we literally asked him at the same time.”

“You two are annoying.” Jungwon said as he laid his head on the table as the two bickering boys decided to arm wrestle to see who got to be partners with Jungwon.

I don’t have time to fight with someone. I need to find a partner that isn't Sunghoon.

“Sunoo, partners?” I asked as I approached him. He gave me a big smile and said “I’d love to-”

“Shouldn’t you be partners with someone you don’t know yet Sunoo. It would be smart to try making some new friends.” Niki said behind him. Sunoo liked back at Niki. “Yeah but…”

“You are totally right Niki, and that’s why Jake will be with me.” A voice behind me said as he put an arm on my shoulder. That damn Sunghoon. “Come on, pup.” He whispered in my ear.

I was THIS close to punching him, when our teacher told the class to begin working.

I sighed and sat down at my desk after watching a sad Jay have to find a new partner since he lost the arm wrestle. He cursed up and down but honestly, I’m too angry to care.

“Who do you even think you are?” I asked Sunghoon.

“I’m Park Sunghoon, duh.” 


I spent the rest of the class saying as few words to him as possible. The second the bell rang signaling the end of the day, Jungwon, Sunoo, and I got our asses out of there.

“Dorm room?” Sunoo asked. “Please.” Jungwon and I responded as we quickly went out to the school building and ran through the forest until we got to the dorms.

I stopped dead in my tracks. “What is it?” Jungwon asked as he stopped next to me along with Sunoo.

“Look, some of the people here were in our last hour. They got here faster than us, but we left before them. We even ran!” I panted, out of breath.

“Yeah, how did they do that?”

“Before we start theorizing, Niki 12 o’clock. He's looking right at us and his friends are with him. I do not feel like getting harassed again.” Sunoo said as we sped walked up to our dorm and swung open the door.

“I miss our old school. This place is too weird for us.” I said.

“Yeah.” Jungwon said as we heard Sunoo scream.

“Sunoo what is it?!” He stood there shocked looking at his phone.

“Our old classmate Beomhan was sent to an art school on the beach filled with sun! How is this fair?! We have to go to an old gothic school with creepy ass people and he gets to stay on the beach and paint for hours! I HATE IT HERE!” Sunoo shouted. 

Normally I would have called Sunoo dramatic, but there was absolutely nothing dramatic about this. This is not fair! 

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