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We got changed into normal clothes and decided the best thing to do right now was to stay in the dorm. The three of us stayed in our room for a while, thats until I heard Sunoo scream “I’M HUNGRY!”

I couldn’t blame him, I’m hungry too. I walked down the stairs to meet the two roommates. “Yah, about that, how do we even get food here? The only store close by is the schools small grocery store.” I said.

“Sadly that might be our only option since we don’t have a car to drive out of these woods.” Jungwon agreed.

Hesitantly, the three of us grabbed our money and made our way to the store. “It’s getting dark already.” Sunoo said as he grabbed my arm in fear.

“Yeah it is, lets be quick and grab food to stock our dorm and try to avoid any of our classmates.” I giggled as we finally made our way into the store.

Sunghoon POV

Heeseung, Jay, Niki, and I decided to stay in our dorm room until dark. When you're a vampire, the sun doesn’t hurt you, it’s just annoying as hell. I don’t get why humans like it anyways, why would you want to see the sun streaming in your eyes? I’ll never understand humans.

“It’s sunset.” Jay said as we left our dark dorm room. “Perfect, I’ve been itching to run all day.” I said as my group took off into the woods, closely followed by the rest of the vampires in our school.

Only about ⅔ of our school are actually vampires, the rest are humans that are descendants from people turned into vampires. They’ve grown up in vampire clans and know the consequences if they tell people about us. They are the only humans I’ve ever been around, well that is until them. 

The second they stepped on campus, we all knew they were outsiders. Sure they look like it, but really its the smell. They smell fresh, alive, sweet, and impossibly normal. Even the humans we go to school with have started to smell like vampires, I guess thats what happens when you live with vampires and get fed on for their entire life.

I do sometimes pity them, but I can’t change what the other vampires do. I will drink animal blood, but I can’t force it down others throats. Its kinda like being Vegan if you think about it. Well- no not like VEGAN but like I eat certain things so I don't harm other things. 


As I ran I heard someone behind me steer off. I saw Niki running the other direction.

Where is he going?

I started sprinting in his direction as I saw him stop behind a tree near the schools store. The familiar trio walked out of the store and Niki began walking to them, I had a bad idea of what he was going to do.

I ran up behind him and put my hand on his shoulder, stopping him before the three boys could notice us.

“Niki, think about what you are doing.” I said coldly. He tried taking another step to them as I took him and pushed him against the tree.

“Sunghoon please! He just smells so good. So sweet.” Niki pleaded as he fought against me. “I’ve never smelt someone as good as him.”

“I know Jake smells good, but you need to calm down. Your fangs are showing.” 

I have to admit, I haven't been able to get his smell off my mind either.

“Jake? No, no it’s that Sunoo kids. From the second he got here I could only smell him, I can’t even think about drinking from the other humans here.” He responded as his eyes followed the boys.

“You know we aren't supposed to feed off of them, the school warned us all of what would happen if we did. They aren't like the other humans here, they would fight back and tell people, so unless you want that sweet blood supply to die you better control yourself!” I snarled.

“I know but Sunghoon, it’s just so hard.” He said. More and more of my classmates have tried being on an all animal blood diet, Niki being one of them, but it isn't easy. The smell, the taste, the feeling of human blood is something so amazing. It can be hard to switch to animals, and I don’t blame him. When I did it, it was hard as well.

“Yes but Jay, Heeseung, and I are here to help you! That’s why you roomed with us after all, so we could keep an eye on you so you don’t hurt anybody. Now come one, I think we’ve been too close to those boys for too long.”

We walked back to our dorm as I helped Niki calm down. The night time was always the hardest, being out of the sun made us more like blood suckers which made us even more hungry. Thankfully we have a blood supply in our dorm to feed the hungry Niki

The next morning
Jake POV

I woke up to the alarm going off, and had the awful reminder that I’m still at this school. I quikly took a shower and got ready as I proceeded to flop on our shared couch and pretend to cry.

“Same Jake, same.” Sunoo said.

“I get it, let's just get this day over with. This will be the first time we have our morning classes too.” Jungwon said as we all headed out the door with a complaining Sunoo.

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