Chapter Fifteen

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Later in that week, Thranduil had arrived in the infirmary. He walked in and held an object in his hands. Lumina blinked the sleep from her eyes.
"Good morning Lord Thranduil," she greeted as he stood by her bedside.
"Good morning." He gave her a small smile. He lifted, what appeared to be her crown into her sight.
The black metal shined in the morning light.
"I had found this on the battlefield, I assumed you would want it back."
Lumina outstretched a hand, Thranduil handed it to her.
The cool metal weighed heavy in her hands, her fingers moved up and down the smooth sides.

"How many casualties?" She asked.


"Tell me, what dwarves died in the battle?"

Thranduil pursed his lips together. "Fili and Kili, they had nearly fatal injuries however with your distraction we were able to save them. Your friends had survived."

"What of the hobbit?"

"He was alive, I believe he has plans to return home when you are healed."

Lumina nodded silently.
"Oh, humans and dwarves alike are flocking to Erebor and Dale for refuge and a home. That I suppose is your jurisdiction, that is your kingdom after all."

Lumina sighed. "I have been quite the awful queen..."

Thranduil arched an eyebrow.
"You were ready to put your life on the line to save multiple groups of civilians and soldiers just so your kingdom would be safe. That doesn't constitute a bad queen, Lumina. It sounds like a rather astounding one." He turned on his heel.
"Recover well."

Two days later a healer came in a changed the bandages on her bruising.
"Oh," The healer gasped. "Your bruises are almost always gone, lady Lumina. The gashes are completely healed and the scarring is minimum."

Lumina sure as hell didn't feel like it had healed. Her body was still stove up and sore. Her wings were still battered and busted up.
"You should be out of here in no time."

Lumina gave the healer a tight lipped smile. "That's good to here."

"Alright, let's get you walking, shall we?"

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