Chapter Sixteen

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With the help of the healer Lumina could stand a walk on her own. It was magnificent to not be restricted to that damnable bed.
The female healer stood in front of her and motioned for her to balance her weight on the corner of the bed.
"My lady I request permission to touch and stretch your wings, is that alright?"

Lumina's silver eyes darted to the warm green ones, the female healer had no malicious intentions so it should be fine. Lumina still didn't trust anyone with them, they were her world.
"Yes. Be very gentle,"

"Of course." The healer delicately began unwrapping the bandages that taped her wings in place. Lumina could feel the ache of both injury and lack of use.

The healer stretched out her right wing to its full span of ten feet. The supporting muscles burned causing pain to shoot across her back and chest.
The healer began inspecting the rips and tears in the leather like membrane.

"They are healing quite well, there appears to be no complications."
The healer then asked her to fold her wing back on her own. Lumina was able to do that slowly, but surely the right wing folded back into place.
The healer inspected the left one again seeing no major complications.

"They will be too weak to fly for sometime however. That boulder nearly caused permanent damage, my lady."

Lumina nodded now having both of her wings folded back into place. Her eyes must have seemed quite distraught because the healer interrupted her thoughts.

"Would you like to go for a walk, lady Lumina?" The elf asked placing a gentle hand on her forearm.

A smile stretched across her lips.
"That sounds truly wonderful."

The green eyed healer helped her stand and walk to the exit of the infirmary. It opened up to a beautiful garden, the fresh air was amazing and the sun was almost intoxicating.
"I take most of my bed ridden patients here, if only for a few moments before carrying them back inside."
Lumina was still gripping the woman's arm for support as she looked at her.
"That is very kind of you."

The elf smiled. "Kindness is my specialty."
Lumina hummed a response.

"Pardon me," both Lumina and the healer turned to face the voice.
It was Lord Thranduil.
"Healer Narwana, could I steal Lady Lumina from you?"

A light smile perched on Narwana's face. "As long as you return her Lord Thranduil."

Lumina watched their friendly exchange with curious eyes.
"May I, Lumina?" Thranduil asked referring to helping her walk.
"Yes," she nodded and grabbed onto his arm.

"I will resume my duties my Lord." Narwana gave a mild bow before leaving Thranduil and Lumina in the garden.

Her simple white gown fluttered in breeze. It must now be verging on spring, for this is one of first days without a major chill. Thranduil's hair fluttered around his face, it was so, blonde.
Hers was a more silver white than blonde. And she didn't wear a circlet full of gems.
"If I may, why did you visit me today?" She asked, as they continued on the stone path.

"No reason in particular. I wanted to check on your health and you."

"My health and myself a fairing quite nicely, Narwana suspects me to be able to walk on my own in around a week." Lumina tightened her grip on the kings arm when she felt her self falter slightly.

He smiled at her. "That is good to hear."
Her loose hair bobbed with her as she nodded her head. "Yes it is. As comfortable as the bed is, it's nice to be able to stand and walk, even if it is with others assistance."

"I would imagine being cooped up is not your idea of fun?"

Lumina shook her head no and gave a breathy laugh. "Of course not. It was Smaug's however. The damn lizard never left the mountain. I always did my own thing, I left for months at a time to go on a trip, fly, and just be out of that mountain."

Thranduil looked down. "You sound rather bitter, did I bring up a tender topic? If I have, I apologise, it was not my intention to upset you."

"Yes and no Thranduil. I am mildly bitter because, my now dead husband wasted many years of his life whilst being obsessed with gold. He wasn't always like that. He was a happy creature, whom loved me, and life." She said taking a pause. "But as everything, things change, people grow resentful, and time advances forward. We moved into Erebor and he grew silent. He rarely spoke to me, if and when he did it was it was about a gem he had found and asked if I wanted it. I love beautiful things just as much as the next woman, however it was growing difficult to be happy. I suppose my bitterness comes from everything about my life before Smaug's death. In all honesty, I should have died when he did. But I didn't and I now do not know what I am to do with myself." She trailed off before staring into the gardens.

"I am sorry to hear that Lumina. I hope you find happiness in your life. I sense that in your heart you are a good person. Don't let your bitterness destroy you, as it has done me."

"Thranduil, thank you. I want to tell you I don't sense you to be destroyed by bitterness. You just appear to be a little damaged, that's all. You have potential to get better."

Art is not mine but it's gorgeous and it needed a spot in the book.

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