Chapter Five

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Her black robe flowed behind her, her crown of black onyx was glinting in the light. The crown it self was round, large spikes of a different size stuck up from the top.

Her white wings decorated for war, her hair pushed away from her face and brisk pace. She was decorated like a queen. Lumina hadn't dressed this way, in a long. Long time

She walked past the dwarves few tried to speak, she ignored them by looking straight ahead.

Lumina's calm was a facade.

She flicked her wrists and the giant green doors to the castle flew of the hinges. An army in gold surrounded the mountain. It was the elves.

Her silver eyes where as cold and dark as steel, they stared straight in front of her.

She walked straight into the now occupied city of Dale. She had half a mind to release her true form and destroy the city, cause grief and terror.

But she reined her self in, she only had one life to claim.

She snatched a weasly looking man with a unibrow she grabbed his collar.

" The Dragon slayer. Where?" She growled. He didn't respond so she lifted him higher.

" The tent.. with the elf.." he choked out.

She dropped him and he folded down into a heap. Lumina walked past him and walked to a giant tent.

She stepped inside. Inside she interrupted the two's conversation.

" I do hope I'm not interrupting." She let her fangs show in her cruel smile. Her malicious glare fell on the man in the coat. So this was the man.

" But I do have a bone to pick with you. Dragon Slayer." Before he could register what was going on, her clawed hand was wrapped around his neck. Her eyes slitted and wings spread wide.

" Tell me Dragon slayer." She began with a hiss. Her anger bubbled in her stomach.

" Do you feel any remorse? You murdered my husband." Tears burned her eyes.

She released his throat.

" We were safe. We lived. You ruined that hope." She cried out shaking his coat. She was bordering hysteria.

She dropped the man and backed away.

She pointed a long silver claw at his face, " Do not. Think this is over."

The tears poured down her face, her heart longed and ached.

" This is just the beginning." Her eyes glittering with cruel light. "The war has just begun. And consider your self on the losing side."

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