Chapter Six

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She took off flying until she touched the clouds.

Her human form fell away, she turned into a white dragon. Pale pebbled skin cover the tons of muscle and bone. Her wings carried her high into the sky, the leather beat the wind.

She let a roar of agony release from her jaws, Lumina longed feel something rather than this persistent hollow ache.

She soared into the air, the pressure tingling her reptilian skin.

She landed into the mountain of Erebor. Her claws grabbed the stone.

Smoke poured from her nostrils, a low rumble built its way into her throat.

The dwarves barreled out of the chambers only to stop in their tracks.

Her tail coiled around a pillar as her head snaked around looking, observing.

Lumina's tongue flicked out in a snake like manner. Each step she took caused the floor to groan and the pillars to quiver.

"Oh king under the mountain." She called out. Her voice mocking.

"Come out, come out wherever you are." The ground crunched slightly under foot. She snaked forwards.

Her tail preformed a dangerous dance as she maneuvered the columns.

She barred her teeth.

Thorin stood.

With a tilt of her head and a blink of her eye, she snatched up the dwarf.

" You want to be a king?" She mocked. " You want to rule the lonely mountain?"

He squirmed in her clutches.

" Do you even know what that means?" She inquired.

"I know more than you, lizard."

She rumbled a laugh, it began in her throat spilling past her lips.

" You have no idea."

A cruel snarl made its way on her lips.

"War, ruin, and death. That is what it means to be king, under the mountain."

Each breath she took blew his hair all around, she reveled in the feeling of having power over each of them.

"You little man. You have no idea..." She lowered him to the ground.

"Out of my sight! All of you!"

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