Chapter 1

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The Capri blue officers' stares from the other side of my desk felt so ominous.

One of the officers introduced herself; she was Sergeant Stella Warren, assigned as the head of the team. Her medium blonde bangs bounced excitedly on her shoulders.

'Detective Simmons, Sergeant Warren formally crossed her arms, 'please place your fingerprint onto the watch,' Sergeant Warren stretched out her left arm on the desk, revealing a wristwatch. With a brief twist from the Sergeant, a large fingerprint-shaped oval appeared. I carefully placed my index finger onto the fingerprint-shaped oval. Electronic waves rippled across the surface and the oval turned a rather lime green.

Sergeant Warren and I both drew our arms back, although another officer stepped out from behind me. The officer lifted his arm and pulled back the sleeve, revealing a watch identical to the one the Sergeant had. A sea blue laser shone out. He aimed the laser at my wrist. Realisation suddenly dawned on me and I struggled to pull my wrists apart but to no avail. Something was restraining me. The sea blue beams of light revolved around my wrists, locking in place and... solidifying?

I wasn't quite sure; I didn't study science.

The sea blue rays of light had now darkened by several shades and were now a dull shade of navy blue. The officer then withdrew his hand, while still watching my wrists intently. The lasers had scanned and projected a pair of handcuffs. Both ends were fastened by even stronger lasers. Defeated, I placed my hands on the surface but clenched my fists to hold in the pain. Something was jabbing into my flesh near my wrist.

'What was that?' I winced.

'A syringe. Should you not cooperate with us, well, you'll get shocked. Literally.' The officer emphasised in a somewhat threatening manner, passing the watch to the Sergeant.

She placed the watch aside and twisted the dial of her own watch. Four laser projectors emitted lasers that each projected a corner and, together, projected a screen by sealing up the middle.

The aquamarine laser projectors rotated the screen, such that both of us could see it. At the moment, the screen read 'Case File: Locked. Please scan your face, fingerprint, and insert your passcode.' in the same aquamarine colour as the screen's borders.

Sergeant Warren simply tilted her watch towards her face and covered the screen with one hand, blocking the hologram from projecting, and thus, blocking my view from the passcode. 'Basic tricks to cover tracks,' I muttered as two officers gave me a stare. When she removed her hand, the hologram shone again. This time, it read 'Case File: Open.'

Sergeant Warren casually swiped across the holographic screen, and soon landed on a slide with a large image of a man whose golden medium hair was cut in a taper haircut and whose familiar eyes pierced mine.

I continued reading. 'Name: Ace Simmons.' I halted. That was me. So I have a file about me.

'We are here to inform you of your punishment for breaking the law. Protocol No. 574 prevents private detectives from interfering with what the police should handle.' She swiped past the portrait of me and stopped on a page full of utterly nothing but words and some large numbers. 'You have been breaking this protocol since Friday, 13 February 2235, totalling the number of days as 162 days.'

I lowered my eyes. There was no denying it. The greatest power is not the strength to continue living but the courage to accept fate.

I heard Sergeant Warren sigh under her breath. 'She has met so many like me, how will she understand my situation?' I thought, staring blankly at the handcuffs. However, it seems that perhaps she does.

The Sergeant tapped her screen, and it shrank down to a small extension just above her watch. 'However, we have a change of plans. You have been given a lifeline.'

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