Chapter 2

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They disabled the lasers connecting my wrists for two minutes to change out of my pyjamas.

What? It was six in the morning, did they expect me to be in my work clothes?!

Anyway, I frantically wrenched the door of my wardrobe aside and took in the contents. The weather today was slightly rainy, with a temperature of 24 degrees Celsius (or 75.2 degrees Fahrenheit, depending on where you live). As such, I just changed out into a T-Shirt and pants and topped it off with a dark blue overcoat. However, I did not have enough time to button up my overcoat when the monitor on my right handcuff started beeping. I barely had time to react when my wrists froze in place and the lasers sealed the two ends together. Staring at my unbuttoned overcoat, I shook my head and strode out of the room.

The officers escorted me out of my apartment and we squeezed into the lift. They lead me out to the shuttlepads (landing areas for shuttle aircraft instead of cars) and into a sleek police shuttle cabin. With one of the officers piloting, the Sergeant and I sat in the back with another officer on my right. The seatbelt was comfortable but also restrained me from leaning forward, like some child's protection seatbelt.

Upon turning on the police shuttle cabin, it hovered upwards and took such a sharp turn right that, had I not been secured in so tightly, would have jerked me right out of my seat. Panting, I shut my eyes tightly. This ride was making me all nauseous. When it slowed down, I opened my eyes an inch and saw the skyline of the city. I widened my eyes and took a moment to appreciate the view in front of me.

All of a sudden, the shuttle sped up, causing everyone to jerk backwards. The shuttle then took a large turn towards a building with a dome ceiling. Aiming down, the shuttle reached ground level once again and stopped in front of an entrance. Powering down, the hatch popped off and the officers brought me into the building.

Upon entering the building, the woman at the front desk looked up. 'Welcome to the Police Station. How may I help you?'

Sergeant Warren handed the woman her Investigators identification card and replied, 'Sergeant Stella Warren. I have a criminal with a booking.'

The woman, who appeared to be entering the information into a laser screen, took the identification card and placed it into the hands of an automaton. Its laser eyes scanned the details in no time and the woman retrieved the card.

'Any time now, Sergeant,' the woman nodded. What did she mean? But I had no time to find out when I felt a slight pain in my left wrist. Looking down, I squinted at my handcuffs in suspicion, but then my eyelids grew heavy and I realised what was happening, but in no position to prevent it...

My first realisation was that I was lying face-down on a table. Pushing myself up, I brought my wrists closer to my head and sat up as straight as I could manage. Sergeant Warren was on the other side of the table, arms crossed. Upon noticing I was awake, she tapped her watch twice, triggering the small screen to enlarge, and then held two corners of the screen and placed it on the table's surface. 

'Sorry about earlier. We had to drug you in case you struggled. Here are the details of the case,' Sergeant Warren scrolled towards a picture of a man with curly ash grey hair and a pair of blue-rimmed spectacles that was so far out on his nose's edge it looked like it was about to fall right off. I spun the image around and around, trying to identify where I had seen this man.

'Dr Andreas Bailey was found dead at his office on Tuesday, 24 July at 4.48 a.m. We need you to investigate the matter,' Sergeant Warren explained, switching the slide to a map with a blinking dot. A map of the city. 

'So, do I go now?' I asked tentatively. 

'Not just yet. There is just one catch,' she replied, flicking the slides back into her watch. 

'What is that?' 

'You are to solve the case in a week, or we will arrest you.' 

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