Chapter 23. Annabeth

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Annabeth woke up smiling.

She'd literally just had the best dream of her life: there was no sign of Gaia or Kronos or Arachne. There was just her and Percy, on a rooftop somewhere. They were kissing under a velvet blue sky, the stars shining above them like tiny little spotlights.

Suddenly, the dream seemed oddly familiar. It was as though she'd dreamt it before or something... of course. Annabeth laughed as she realised it was exactly like Piper's fake memory of her and Jason, before she'd come to Camp Half-Blood and discovered it was all just an image created by the Mist. She laughed again at the coincidence. She couldn't wait to tell Piper about it-

Annabeth's smiled faded instantly. She couldn't tell Piper, not when she was in the Underworld. Tears began pricking her eyes as she thought about her best friend, limp, still, alive no longer. Rubbing her eyes, she attempted to cheer herself; no doubt Piper was happy and peaceful in the Isles of the Blest, where she deserved to be.

It worked. Annabeth had seen death before, and she understood that it was better to think of the good the person had done in their life, not of their death.

The alarm clock beeped, signifying seven o'clock, at least until Annabeth reached over and switched it off, silently cursing it as she dragged a hand across her face. Right, up she got.


Annabeth walked into the lounge with a slice of toast and a thick novel to find Leo lying on the couch, fast asleep with his face pressed into the cushion. She tutted as she saw the drool by his mouth, before placing both the book and the toast on the coffee table and fetching a blanket. She threw it over the sleeping boy - who looked strangely vulnerable when asleep - and headed up to deck.

"Jason?" She asked, seeing his tall frame and blonde hair and wandering why the Son of Jupiter would be awake at this time. Normally it was just her and Leo, him driving the ship and her reading downstairs. They met occasionally, but mainly stayed in their own spaces, enjoying the peace until the rest of the Seven woke up and emerged from their rooms.

He turned, one hand still clutching the wheel while the other waved pointlessly at her. "Oh, hey Annabeth. How are you?" He asked kindly. Annabeth smiled back, but didn't speak, instead studying her friend intensely like he was a complicated blueprint.

Automatically, her mind created a little list in her head. She noted the dark bags under his blue eyes, the crease between his eyebrows, the slump of his shoulders, the way his hand shook.

"Um, Annabeth? Hello?" Jason questioned, looking confused. Annabeth snapped back to reality, realising her smile had probably turned a little freaky. He noticed where she was looking and immediately slid his hand into his pocket, laughing it off.

"It's pretty cold out here, right?"

"I guess," Annabeth agreed, deciding to let it drop. Of course he was worse for wear - his girlfriend was murdered yesterday. Instead, she asked, "Why's Leo on the couch?"

Jason looked puzzled. "I told him to sleep, and I thought he was going to his room!"

"Hmm. I got quite a shock when I went to sit there earlier..." she glanced at Jason, her mouth twitching, and they burst out laughing. It was short-lived, but good to break the awkwardness.

"Look, I'll take the wheel. There's toast in the lounge - you deserve a break, Jase."

Relief showed in his eyes. He barely protested as Annabeth prised his hands from the wood and took his place. As he disappeared down the stairs, she glanced at the horizon, spotting land ahead. They were almost at Camp Half-Blood, where they would fight the final battle against Gaia. It was all or nothing.

Boo! A horrible, croaky voice murmured. Annabeth couldn't even scream as she collapsed on the wooden floor, her vision black.


What the... Annabeth's mind was foggy as she got up from the floor. She looked around, realising she was still alone on the deck. Luckily, the ship was still going in the right direction.

Hi Annabeth! Annabeth gasped: the voice was still there. Just a quick warning, I've kinda possessed you and now you're going to go and hurt all your friends!

What the hades? How... how dare you! Who are you? Go away! Annabeth realised none of this was actually being said out loud, and instead the conversation was actually happening inside her head.

No! I'm eidolon number one - or Kevin - and I do not want to go away! How rude!

Annabeth was too freaked out to say anything for a minute, but then a thought struck her. Wait, how are you here? Piper sent you away! And... how can I talk to you?

Yeah, but she's dead now. And lets just say I've gotten a little improvement from Mistress Gaia. Oh my gods, I'm so excited: I get to torture people!

Annabeth resorted back to silence, pretending to sulk but instead trying desperately to think of a plan. The trouble was, she couldn't think of anything...


Annabeth watched as Kevin made her call a meeting, sitting everyone around the table in the kitchen. She saw Percy grin, press a kiss to her cheek and slip his hand into hers, guilt overcoming her as she pictured his face when she betrayed him.

"So, guys, we need a plan for when we get to Camp Half-Blood..." Annabeth zoned out as Kevin talked to the group, showing them detailed maps and battle strategies. Gaia really had 'improved' the eidolons if they could talk in their host's voice as well.

All of a sudden, Annabeth realised Kevin had gone quiet. She realised he was staring intensely at Percy as he read a map, stifling yawns. He glanced up, his baby seal eyes pleading.

"Annie, do we really have to read-" Percy's face fell, his smile disappearing as his eyes glazed over. His face blanched and he whimpered, effectively drawing the attention of the others.

"Percy?" Hazel asked from across the table.

What are you doing to him!? Stop it! Annabeth squeaked to Kevin, worrying.

Kevin's answer came immediatly. I'm simply showing him his worst memories! Like Tartarus and such!

Annabeth's mind was scrambled as she stared at her terrified boyfriend. As she watched, he fell to his knees, mouth wide in shock and fear.

H-how can you do this?

Talent, darling. Annabeth, I thought you were clever! I'm not an eidolon, I'm Chaos. You'll never, ever defeat Gaia, not with me possessing you! Aww, bad luck, Athena spawn.

Annabeth went silent, unable to stop Chaos from turning his gaze to Leo. The Son of Hephaestus doubled over almost immediately, retching as though about to be sick. He also fell to his knees, tears dripping down his cheeks.

No! Stop this! Annabeth screeched, only to be ignored. Please, stop!

No matter how much she shouted, Chaos wouldn't answer. She stared at her boyfriend on the floor, brought down with one look at his memories, her scrawny, helpless best friend swaying weakly in front of her, and realised one horrifying thing.

No one was steering the ship.

This was boring. I am so, so sorry... :'(

At the time of writing, it is half past two in the morning, I am half crying (you know when you lie on your side and one eye starts crying? Just me? Right...), I am listening to The Cab and I've just had a brilliant idea for the next chapter! At least, I hope it's brilliant!

(Real) Book recommendation - Matched by Ally Condie. It's a real book, not on Wattpad, but it's flipping AMAZING!!!!!

A little bit of self-advertisement here (oops!) but please check out I Need You, I Miss You, I Love You! It's full of Jiper, Leico and Percabeth, and hopefully some Frazel soon!

Love you so much, drama llamas! Keep voting and commenting!!!

RandomPhandom xxx

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