Chapter 24. Frank

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To say the meeting was going well would be an absolute lie.

It was boring at first, true, but when his friends started dropping to the floor like flies, the entire point of the meeting changed dramatically. He didn't have a clue what was going on, so he didn't know how to help his friends, and he'd never felt more useless.

Frank's eyes scanned over Percy and Leo before snapping to Jason, who suddenly let out a tortured moan. Jason fell to the floor, his hands pulling at his hair like he wanted to rip it out and his eyes wide, unblinking, full of terror. He kept mouthing words: Piper, Mom, please.

"Frank... what's going on?" Hazel whispered at his side, clutching his arm tightly. He looked down into her scared, golden eyes and felt his heart leap. He had to help Hazel, no matter what.

Well, he had to find someone who did know what was going on to help Hazel.

"Annabeth! Do you know what's happening?" He called across the table. She didn't take her eyes off Jason, instead molding her face into one of the ugliest, most evil smiles Frank had ever seen. Slowly, she looked up and met Frank's gaze...

"Oh my gods..." he whispered as his head flooded with images of his mom, the officer who came to their house to deliver the news of her death. Images of Frank running from his grandmother's house as it was eaten by flames. Dread coated his mind like a cold veil, freezing his insides and forcing him to grit his teeth.

"Frank!" Hazel's confused, desperate voice broke through his muddled thoughts, clearing his head just a little. "Frank, stop! What's wrong!? Ple-aaargh!"

Frank's heart skipped a beat. His girlfriend was in danger - screw haunting images of his past. He let out a screech and his vision cleared to see Annabeth leaning over Hazel with a cruel snarl twisting her features. Hazel cowered under the Daughter of Athena's piercing gaze, trying to look away but unable to do so.

"Hey! Leave my girlfriend alone!" Frank yelled, feeling his body get heavier and his hair grow. His muscles, taut and lean, stretched as he bounded across the deck to Annabeth, growling in his throat.

With brilliant speed, razor sharp teeth and claws, and a super cool look, Frank felt amazing in tiger form.

He stopped next to Annabeth, who looked at him with cold, blank eyes which he easily resisted, and opened his mouth, letting out an ear-splitting roar which echoed around the ship. Annabeth didn't bat an eyelid.

Hazel trembled on the floor, her arms still across her face, and even more rage flooded his body. He leapt forward, claws beared-

"Frank, it's still Annabeth inside! Please don't hurt her..."

Frank cast a quick glance over his shoulder, seeing Percy struggling up from the floor with his pale face a mask of worry. Frank felt the anger die a little. Instead of slashing his friend's face apart, he decided to pounce on top of her, trapping her on the floor.

Steely grey eyes met stunning amber, and another roar sounded as Frank opened his mouth, canines glittering. A heavy paw came down on the Daughter of Athena's leg, scratching a painful gash there.

Still, no reaction. Frank sliced a bloody cut in her forearm and finally her forehead before Annabeth's face contorted in agony, beads of sweat appearing at her hairline. Her eyes rolled back and she fell back, limp, as a black cloud floated from her body.

"Well done, Fai Zhang. You've beaten me this time," a gruff voice commented, though Frank detected a hint of laughter in the voice. He quickly changed back to human form.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?"

"I am Chaos," there was a pause. "And good luck with your landing."

As if on cue, the entire ship shuddered, the chilling sound of metal grinding filling the air in a deafening screech. Chaos disappeared immediately.

"Hazel, are you ok?" Frank asked, running to her and helping her up. She quivered but managed a tiny squeak of yes, clinging to his arm as they walked to the others. "Guys? You good?"

Percy, holding a hand out to Jason, nodded. "I think so." Jason pulled himself up and shook out his shoulders, wincing as the bandage on his injured arm was knocked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I don't know about Leo, though..."

Dude, you forgot Leo! Frank's mind basically screamed, and he immediately felt guilt as he saw the scrawny Latino elf unconscious on the floor. He looked closer and saw goosebumps on his friend's tan skin, shakes wracking his body.

"Dam..." Percy muttered. "What in Hades happened to him?"

Jason shrugged. "I don't know. I feel bad... for him, you know?" He raked a hand through his dirty blonde hair and picked up the Son of Hephaestus who dangled loosely in his arms. "I'll take him to the-"

Another piercing screech of metal made Frank jump. The ship jolted and a feeling of sickness settled in his stomach as he realised the Argo II was going down. Hazel looked terrified and Jason paled, though Percy jumped into action immediately.

"Right. Frank, when we crash into the water, take Hazel and turn into a dragon. I know it takes effort, but fly to the pile of rocks you'll see on your right. Same for you, Jase, take Leo and Annabeth. I'll take care of the ship."

Frank closed his eyes, feeling ill as he took a deep breath. He vaguely heard Percy counting down beside him: "Five, four, three-" when suddenly he was emerged in freezing cold water.

He thrashed and swallowed litres of salty water as panic set in but Frank kept his deal, grabbing both of Hazel's arms and feeling his nails grow into talons, his spine stretch, and his sides ache as two beautiful, burgandy-scaled wings emerged from them.

He flew above the water, spotting Jason ahead of him. With his hair wet across his face, Leo over his shoulder and Annabeth under his arm, the Son of Jupiter looked exactly like a blonde superman.

Frank sidled forward and hovered along beside him and, for a second, their eyes met. Shocked, terrified, freezing cold and soaking wet, yet still united. Still strong.

They both changed course, heading towards the huge rock pile they did indeed see on their right. As Frank got closer, he saw crowds of people in orange t-shirts gathering beside it, printing, screaming and shouting.

There was a cheer as both his and Jason's feet met the ground, but all of the campers rushed forward to help the new arrivals. Leo and Annabeth were carried away on stretchers, while Hazel was handed a steaming flask and a blanket.

Frank scanned the crowd and saw Jason limping away, leaning heavily on a girl with short black hair and a silver tiara on her head. Blood seeped through the bandage on his shoulder: his wound had obviously reopened.

Still in dragon form, Frank looked out over the ocean just in time to see the Argo II dock neatly at the edge of the Island. He watched a Percy's tiny figure emerged onto the land, clearly exhausted even from such a large distance.

Frank turned around, careful not to squash anyone, and curled up, wrapping his tail round his legs and tucking his head in neatly. He felt himself shrink until he lay in a ball on the floor, returned to human form. Campers rushed towards him.

"Booyah," Frank slurred, a weak grin on his face, before his body made him sleep, too exhausted to go on.

Yippeeee! An update!

I'm sorry it took so long, it's because I was disappointed with the last chapter and wanted to make this one perfect! I think it turned out ok in the end!

On brighter news, I've been watching Teen Titans for around three hours every night and AAAAAARGH! IT'S SO AMAZING I DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO DESCRIBE IT! Beast boy is just brilliant :)

Sooo, please vote and comment and keep on being awesome! Adios drama llamas!

RandomPhandom xxx

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