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Mohsin’s Pov

Good Afternoon everyone, everyone’s attention moved towards me. Today, I got to know about one of the staff members. Before starting I want to introduce myself once again, I am Mohsin Smith, a well known technician. Following many hardships, today I reached this fame. But one of your team mates just insulted me right away. I wanted to tell you that no one until now has ever tried to debate with me but your precious team mate, she just argued with me and has shown full attitude. Don’t worry, I guess my behaviour is worse enough to stay in this project. So I am declaring that either she stays in this mission or me.

Stuart: No Mohsin, you are a well renowned personality. Your skill can save the lives of many. And it will save the future of many companies. Who is the employee, tell me her name we will rustricate her immediately.

M: The one and only the clumsy girl, Shivangi.

Stuart: Sorry sir but Shivangi is recommended by the higher authority so its not in my hand. But as a punishment of harassing colleagues during working hours I can give any punishment you want.

Shivangi was watching the whole scene without any word.

M: Ok so miss, your punishment will be you have to come early in the morning in the hall and clean each and everyone’s shoes daily until I say to stop. Understand miss clumsy. And she will not stay in the guest rooms. She has to stay outside the main building in the cleaning staffs quarter.

Shivangi tried to say something but was badly insulted by Natasha and Stuart. Without any word she left the hall. She packed her belongings and left for the cleaning staff quarters. All the staffs were seeing her sadly. They know her good nature that is why they feel bad but welcomed her grately to their quarters.


Few days passed and Shivangi used to clean all the people shoes. They used to taunt her every now and then and all these is seen by Mohsin. Even once Natasha pushed her using her heels and her hand started bleeding but she continued to do her work without saying anything from her mouth.

One day, shivangi just finished her part of job and was going to the canteen to grab some food for her. But Natasha and her gang stopped her and asked to dance in front of them in order to entertain them. Not to forget Mohsin also used to stay with Natasha’s gang most of the time.

S: please let me eat my lunch I haven’t eaten anything since yesterday night.
N: Oh stop your tantrums and do what we say, what say Momo?

M: Off course Darling! Miss clumsy you are not good at anything, I don’t know why the higher authorities are interested in you. I guess you have given pleasure to them that is why they are so grateful to you. Let see if you can dance or not.

S: Mister Mohsin Smith, be in your limits. I am not saying anything that doesn’t mean I don’t know to give back. I just don’t say because I don’t want to waste my precious time in front of useless people. And moreover, I don’t give any explanation to any random people coming in my way.

M: How dare you? You know whom you are talking to. I guess your punishment needs to be doubled. Mr Stuart!
Mr. Stuart came into the spot. Yes, Mr. Smith, he said.

M: I guess you need to double the punishment of Shivangi.
Stuart: I guess so. You are at fault Miss now be ready to face consequences you dumbo.

N: Off course dad, clinging to Mohsin’s hand, she needs punishment.
Her gang members also agreed and in this way Natasha tried to pour the hot coffee on her face but unfortunately her leg slipped and the coffee fell on her own hands.

Natasha was screaming and that point of time Shivangi smirked.

N: You bloody bastard, I am in this state because of you poor ugly woman. You must be happy to see a beautiful lady in pain as you are the most ugliest girl on this earth. Dad rustricate her immediately.

She tried to get up but Shivangi put her leg on her dress strap and she again fell down

N: WTH… You bitch…., cutted by Shivangi
S: Just shut up you bloody idiot, Natahsa Stuart Mike. She said these in so angry tone that everyone got scared of her look. Even Mohsin did but did not showed. What do you think of yourself miss who is involved in this mission through her father’s power.

N: Mind your tongue you…

S: I was minding but you forced me to unfollow it. Just remember whom you are talking to miss. You also know that you cant even stand in front of me if started to speak. So just shut your trap.
Turning towards Mohsin, and you Mr egoistic fellow, I guess you didn’t learn to choose the best option you know. And off course you were telling about yourself right but I didn’t give my introduction till now. You assumed me only Shivangi Dorcus right, but google it you can find my biodata mr so called technician and computer analyst who don’t even have good gk. Go find my biodata first and then come to introduce yourself before me. You might be thinking why I hadn’t introduced myself before, because I believe that my actions and performance will introduce me better than my words.

Mr. Stuart tried to say something but Shivangi continued, I have not finished yet Mr. Stuart. Just be happy that still I am giving you respect because you are older than me. But be in your limits. I didn’t come here voluntarily, I was requested to come here. And if you are having any problem, then don’t worry I will talk to the authority today itself and will give them the valid reason for leaving these job.

And to all those so called literate people standing over here, who don’t even have basic manners, if you ever tried to mess with me, then I swear you will see the worst side of mine.

Mohsin was flabbergasted with the new information. He immediately googled about her and got to know that she is the best virologist and she is a millionaire. He was confused with the information as he was being informed by Natasha that Shivangi was the daughter of a famous mafia and she is in the position by giving pleasure to others. He thought Natasha was speaking truth as he was blinded by his ego, that is why he distanced himself from Shivangi. But with the new information he was puzzled.


For the first time in his life he was feeling low because he insulted her profession and post which she has achieved through her own will. He was standing like a statue then. While the rest of the members gulped their saliva by looking at the sherni avatar of Shivangi. They knew about Shivangi’s talent but they were not capable like her, so they always try to bully her down as they knew that they can’t beat Shivangi in other sense. They all were afraid to see her like this roaring for the first time. They decided to keep mum as they knew if Shivangi complains against them they will not get any job offers anymore.
Shivangi collected her belongings and moved towards her quarter.

On reaching the quarter she pulled out her locket which was given by her grandma, she always keeps that with her and broke down badly. I am sorry Grandma, I went overboard, I shouted on people. I know this was bad but I was feeling helpless from their continuous taunts and words.

But today, it went overboard when Mohsin uttered those lines for me. Don’t know why but I am not able to hate him grandma. He is a good person but need guidance, and I also have different expectations from him but today when he uttered those words for me, I seriously couldn’t handle it Grandma. I had worked day an night to achieve this success but today, the person whom I believed that he will understand, he himself only given the pain. When he announced the punishment, I thought that in a day or two, he will understand his mistake but he didn’t, he used to see when I get bullied. Even though he never smiled but he never protested grandma, why I am getting attracted to a person who is breaking me every second. Why I am trying to find my lost peace in him whom I never tried to find in anyone, Why always I have to suffer grandma?

She was weeping very badly. Jelly was sitting in front her watching her. When she started crying bitterly it went to her and started licking her, Jelly promise you will not break me na, promise me you will love me na. I don’t want your attention Jelly but please love me as your sister Jelly, never leave me Jelly, I will die, I have nothing left with me. Jelly sometime was staring her and sometime was licking her and through its actions it wanted to show that he promises that he will be there with her no matter what. Like this Shivangi slept in the sitting position only. Jelly from the bed grabbed the blanket with his mouth and tried to cover Shivangi’s legs and then he also slept on her lap.

Precap: Mohsin’s Pov.

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