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“Even if belonging to one hand,
All the fingers are different in their own way”

Mohsin’s POV
When Shivangi told me about my parents don’t know what got into my veins and I decided to take revenge from. Revenge for what! I don’t know but I wanted. I decided many ways to take revenge from her but she had shown no emotions on the face. I was flagbasttered when she retorted back at me in the canteen and his thoughts continued.
Everyone were called at the conference hall its kind of urgent meeting. Residing in a place full of dead bodies is not at all safe. After that I started to avenge my mission. Be prepared Shivangi….. When I started almost I was feeling immense pleasure at the initial time but later on don’t know when I started about the punishment some unknown feelings tried to engulf me. I was amazed that Shivangi was recommended by the government authority, but I guess she occupied that position from doing those nasty stuffs which others do. Well she even tried to show off in front of me. She deserved the punishment. Few days passed, the punishment was going on but don’t know why I was feeling wrong. For the first time I was not getting pleasure from my decision. Yes, I didn’t smile like the others, when she received the punishments. Well I used to stay with that Natasha, I thought that she might be better than that Shivangi as she presents herself what she is in front of the world but not like Shivangi when she shows different faces at different times. Well one day when she ws trying to grab her food from the canteen, but Natasha popped an idea of making Shivangi dance. Well I remain unaffected with her tantrums and agreed with Natasha. I tried to make the situation difficult for her giving double punishment. Natasha tried to pur hot coffee on her but she dig her own grave as the coffee fell on her. I tried to laugh but I removed the idea. When she blamed her situation because of Shivangi, lord that girl just roared like a wild tigress. Everyone including me got scared of her voice but I chose to hide my looks. The way she was retorting back was impressive. She was actual herself that time. Her words even made me shut. She asked me to google her and thenn I came to know about her ownself. She was really a gem build of own. I regretted of my behaviour towards her profession. I was misguided by that Natasha. Gradually she left with my chance of remorse with her. Not wanting to stay much with these venomous people , I drifted towards my room. Well she belongs to the same society where I have lived in seeing girls throwing themselves in stranger’s arms in order to pursue their goals but she is different. I forgot that even if belonging to one hand, all the fingers are different in their own way.

Next day, we had to go for a field visit. From the morning, that Natasha was trying to cling to me. I was simply trying to ignore her. My eyes were searching for her. She was no-where to be seen. Some higher authorities came for our supervision. At last she came, she was indeed beautiful. Simple yet best. Gradually we completed our field work and I got to know Shivangi was a queen of knowledge. Google was indeed right describing her the best virologist as the terms she was using while being in the laboratory, the others were having different books in their hand in order to know their meanings. At the end of the day the supervisors, praised her a lot. And out of all of us the happiest member was Jelly. He literally was jumping on her as cue showing his happiness and telling how proud he was for her. Well Jelly mixed up with the supervisors easily, that is why they agreed to make him stay in the laboratory.  Well out of all Natasha’s face was worth watching which was full of jealousy. I was laughing from inside.

Natasha’s Pov
Ohh Lord that bi*** again stole the spot light. Even look at that Mohsin, he was literally gawking at her all the time. From morning I was trying to take his attention but no, his attention was on her. I really need to do something. Whatever I am, I will show that bit** what can I do. I slowly called one of my friend and asked him to prepare a solution which will mixed in the air and the zombies will get more hyper and intelligent. For that reason I need a perfect goat… Ughhhh.. gottcha, Sander, he will be the perfect. Once he has asked Shivangi to sleep with him but she refused. I guess that hit his ego hard but he couldn’t do anything. I guess it’s the perfect time to use this. So, I went to him. On hearing my request, he smirked:
San: Well, how could I refuse it but you know I am full with my schedule so, I guess I will not have the time to accomplish your work
Nat: Ahh, you can have any amount of dollars you want beside 4 nights in my private yatch you can have my friends with you to entertain you… I guess you are not foolish to deny such offer.
San: Tch, tch, tch you thought only this about me. Actually yes you are right, I am declining this offer. Now friends like yours are the common faces which I face every night. You know you might be exceptional….
Nat: in mind, You son of a Bi***, here I am offering you so many things and you want me….Ughhhh Shivnagi, for you what all I have to do…. I promise I will surely get a bad revenge on you.
Well well, I don’t  mind of having some fun out of this busy schedule but you know I have a boyfriend.
San: Then be my girl for one night and then you can continue your business.. he winks..
Nat: Umm, not a bad idea indeed. He is handsome also. I can have fun with him tonight. I guess I should accept his offer. Well don’t blame me but its my stupid hormones…

Not wasting more time, she grabbed him and engaged in a deep kiss. Desires were overflowing from their actions. Pouring wine in their glasses, they made their way to his room and soon some sounds were heard.

Precap- Go with the flow.
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